Chapter 145: Surrounding the area for reinforcements

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  Chapter 145 Encirclement and Reinforcement
  After completing the enchanting of all the adamantine arrows, Herad used mithril gloves to control them to fly.

  Twenty fine gold arrows flew around him, forming a sharp barrier.

  He controlled the adamantine arrow to fly towards the steel plate target, poking the steel plate target into a hornet's nest.

  If this were used to deal with ordinary enemies, it would be almost the same as playing.

  However, this attack method is not of much use to him.

  Guide the arrow to fly at a low speed. The word "low speed" is the key point.

  Even if you use adamantine arrows with enhanced armor-piercing effects, their lethality is only average.

  Using such low-speed flying adamantine arrows, it is better to directly take away the enemy with a wave of arcane barrages.

  Of course, it’s still good to use as a ranger!

  Even ordinary Thorium arrows can kill close enemies.

  This is the low-end version of Sword Control.

  Herard took some supplies and went to inspect the armor making of the demigod-level arcane puppet.

  The initial plan of the Silvermoon City Council is to create ten demigod-level arcane puppets.

  A town that reaches a certain size will have at least one demigod-level arcane puppet guarding it.

  Two pairs of huge armors shining with colorful lights have been completed so far.

  However, the body materials of the demigod-level arcane puppet have not yet been saved to half of the quantity, and it is in a state of dystocia.

  Making the body of a demigod-level arcane puppet requires a lot of obsidian.

  Obsidian is a rare stone. Only Mount Hyjal, controlled by the night elves, has considerable reserves.
  Obsidian can perfectly absorb and store magic energy. It is a very valuable magic material.

  If a demigod arcane golem wants to avoid becoming a joke, it needs this powerful magical material to create its body.

  Therefore, the Silvermoon City Council sent envoys to the continent of Kalimdor to negotiate with the night elves about importing obsidian mines.

  The night elves have a relatively closed society and do not like to communicate and trade with outside races.

  They don't even have much contact with the surrounding races, and they live huddled around Mount Hyjal.

  The most I can do is go fishing and improve my diet.

  Whether we can impress those with autism is a big question!

  Herod was not too anxious about this and asked the envoys of the parliament to talk to the night elves first.

  Since certain artifacts can provide magical energy, he no longer bothers to pluck the wool of demigod-level arcane golems.

  After inspecting the armor-making progress of the demigod-level arcane puppet, Herad teleported back to the extinct volcano in the Burning Plains.

  Less than half a day after he left, the ranger troops had already blocked the orcs' supply line.

  They confiscated all the supplies of the transport convoy coming from the Redridge Pass.

  The corpses of the orc infantry were dumped on the roadside and given to wandering beasts for free.

  The beasts that can survive in the Burning Plains are not easy to mess with.

  Those wild wolves with black and gray fur are about the same size as medium-sized dogs.

  Their temperaments are very ferocious and their strength is much stronger than ordinary wild wolves.

  Usually they dare to attack smaller orc transport teams.

  Seeing those wild wolves biting orc corpses frantically, not caring about the approaching wolf cavalry in the distance, Herad shook his head speechlessly.

  The way a wild wolf survives is to combine ferocity with cunning, and know how to advance and retreat under appropriate circumstances.

  The Wolf Cavalry moves very quickly.

  When the orcs riding giant wolves approached, the wild wolves finally realized that something was wrong.

  These attacking enemies seemed to be very unusual.

  Under the command of the Wolf King, they gathered and rushed towards the wolf cavalry.

  A group of wild wolves countercharged the Wolf Cavalry.

  This scene made Herard even more speechless.

  Groups of wolf cavalry are definitely formidable enemies!

  Although compared to the human knights, they are weak chickens who can be crushed at will.

  But that's because the enemy is too strong, not because the Wolf Cavalry is not strong enough.

  When the wild wolves approached the wolf cavalry, they first dispersed to the left and right, and then prepared to close up again and copy the second half of the wolf cavalry.

  However, the Wolf Cavalry has been dealing with wolves for many years and is familiar with the tricks of these beasts.

  Before the wolves started to close up, special hunting nets were thrown out by the wolf cavalry, trapping most of the wild wolves.

  Throwing nets is a common method used by orcs when hunting.

  The wolf cavalry unit used to be particularly good at hunting.

  Their traps are very tough.

  The wild wolves bit it frantically, but were unable to break it. This battle has just begun and is almost over.

  However, the rangers lurking on the nearby hills also began to close their nets at this time.

  The head of a wolf cavalry exploded into blood mist without any warning.

  Then the dull sound of gunshots came.

  The wolf cavalry looked towards the hilltop where the gunshots came from, and then one after another their heads were blown off, or big holes were blown out of their chests.

  In just a few seconds, more than two hundred wolf cavalry were dead.

  The only people left alive on this battlefield are the giant wolves and the wild wolves that are breaking free from the trapping net.

  The top of the mountain where the rangers are located is a nearly vertical mountain.

  The giant wolves that had lost their masters were angrily clawing around the mountain.

  However, they will definitely not be able to climb such a very steep mountain!

  Even leopards and monkeys who are good at climbing cannot climb such a steep mountain.

  Therefore, it makes no sense for the giant wolves to pull at the mountain.

  If they turned around and ran away at this time, they might still have a certain chance of escaping.

  The rangers stood on the edge of the mountain and shot them easily with bows and arrows.

  After killing all the giant wolves below, the rangers left the edge of the mountain and continued to wait for the orc reinforcements to come and die.

  The wild wolf previously trapped by the wolf cavalry is the tool wolf that continues to attract the hatred of the orcs.

  Because the first thing they do when breaking free from the hunting net is to gnaw at the fresh green meat around them.

  Orc reinforcements who hear the gunshots and come to see what's going on will focus all their attention on them.

  Regardless of whether the wild wolf is the murderer or not, this behavior of frantically biting orc corpses is no different from the murderer.

  But as long as the orc reinforcements approach a certain distance, large-caliber bullets will kill them.

  There are more and more corpses on the battlefield, attracting more and more beasts, and the orc reinforcements continue to fall into this quagmire.

  By the time the orc warlord discovered that the situation was not good, it had already lost at least tens of thousands of troops.

  The troops at Redridge Pass are sufficient, but they cannot withstand such attrition.

  Tens of thousands of lives were filled in, but the specific situation was not even clear.

  Moreover, their corpses have become a meal for wild beasts.

  The orc warlord closed the pass gate and strictly ordered his men not to attack.

  Finding that the orcs had learned their lesson and refused to fight at the pass, the rangers had no choice but to give up their efforts to encircle the point and call for reinforcements.

  Seeing that the rangers were not in high spirits, Herad gave each of them twenty thorium arrows.

  Twenty Thorium arrows are not a small amount for most rangers.

  This is worth their salary for a year!
  Taking so much money as a private person to reward the Ranger troops.

  If he were a member of another family, he would be impeached by the Silvermoon City Council, criticized, and even imprisoned.

  However, Herad's identity is very special, and there is nothing the Silvermoon City Council can do against him.

  After all, he has carried the surname Windrunner even longer than Chen Feng!
  As a former member of House Windrunner, do I have a problem with rewarding ranger troops?
  Such is the politics and military of the high elves.

  There are cliques everywhere and various hills are erected.

  Of course, no kingdom is any better.

  Even the Alliance troops that were coming were actually in a mess inside.

  Dwarves and gnomes with upright personalities and mechanized or physical advantages have rushed to the extinct volcano.

  They are currently resting and ready to go into battle at any time.

  The army of the Kingdom of Stormwind is also very diligent. They have already marched across the desolate land and will be here in less than two days.

  As for the armies of other kingdoms, their marching speeds vary from fast to slow.

  Those who marched the fastest only reached the central area of ​​the deserted land.

  This was after a long period of hard work and following Sir Lothar's instructions.

  Otherwise, the army may disappear halfway.

  Although it was troublesome to fight with large armies, Herad could only wait for more troops to arrive.

  He could defeat Redridge Pass alone.

  But what to do next?

  Hunting down the orc deserters who fled into the mountains?

  It is estimated that they will not be able to kill them all until the end of the year of the monkey!

  (End of chapter)

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