Chapter 288 Kil'jaeden's Troubles

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  Chapter 288 Kil'jaeden's Troubles

  Tyrande believed that magical power would affect her devotion to the Moon God.

  This stubborn idea didn't loosen up until she saw Herard, a junior mage.

  But lifting restrictions on magic power is absolutely impossible!
  This is no longer a matter of her personal beliefs.

  Many druids were powerful mages with good qualifications in ancient times.

  There was a ban on the use of magical power, and they were unwilling to leave mainstream night elf society like the high elves.

  They had no choice but to practice natural magic and became powerful druids.

  The Druid faction grew rapidly as a result.

  The demigod Cenarius and his apprentice Malfurion are the ones with vested interests in this ban.

  Once the ban on using magical power is lifted, those veteran druids are likely to use magical power again.

  The scene where the Druid master rubs fireballs and ice arrows is really eye-catching!

  Compared with Tyrande, who is worried, Harad is a typical appropriator.

  Whatever works, he uses.

  Technology, magic, light, shadow, and even evil!

  On the main continent of the broken planet Marton, super-large arcane puppets are transforming the Fel Star Destroyer Cannon to give it mobility.

  The Fel Star Destroyer Cannon can shoot down Legion ships in outer space.

  It is undoubtedly a very large thing.

  Getting this behemoth to move is not as difficult as imagined.

  As long as resources are provided in place, behemoths like the True Land Cruiser and technological power can be achieved.

  It’s even easier when you drive the True Land Cruiser with magical power!

  After all, magical power can easily surpass nuclear power in terms of energy density!

  The huge Fel Star Destroyer Cannon is just a relatively large thing in front of the super large Arcane Puppet.

  It's like a mechanic tinkering with a car.

  The difference is that this car repairman is a bit violent and always hits hard with a hammer.

  But as a solid and reliable war machine.

  If it is not hammered during assembly, it is obviously inappropriate!

  If it is not handled properly, the chain will fall off midway.

  Then it’s over!

  Under the hammering of the heavy hammer, the evil star destroyer cannon was quickly transformed.

  It has transformed from a huge fixed fort into a big guy with four giant mechanical legs that can walk around.

  It might be more appropriate to call it a fel quadruped mecha.

  Looking at the somewhat weird-looking evil quadruped mecha, Herard considered whether to install a pair of mechanical arms.

  In this way, it can become a quadrupedal mecha that is versatile both far and near.

  In the end, Herard gave up the idea.

  After all, the purpose of its existence is to destroy legion battleships.

  He walks around on four mechanical legs, and when he finds legion ships, he shoots them to pieces.

  As for melee combat, it can be left to plant life forms or arcane puppets.

  Of course, you can also lay the muzzle flat and fire one shot into the soul.

  After all, anti-aircraft weapons are twice as happy against the ground!
  The transformed evil four-legged mecha is not wandering around at the moment.

  Broken Planet Marton is safe and does not require it to enter working mode.

  It walked into the evil energy magma pool nearby and soaked most of the body in it.

  The Fel Quadruped Mecha likes Fel Magma, an evil substance that symbolizes ultimate corruption.

  Because its internal body integrates the main functions of the evil energy furnace, which can purify the evil energy contained in the evil energy magma.

  This is how legion battleships soak in the evil energy magma pool to replenish their evil energy reserves when they are not on mission.

  Legion battleships in this state are also the best time to attack them by surprise.

  Legion warships replenish their fel energy reserves in the same process as ordinary warships docking at ports for replenishment.

  Most of the crew members went off to live their lives, leaving only the necessary unlucky ones.

  It will naturally be much easier than usual to destroy or rob it.

  Herad had previously raided several surrounding evil planets and captured many complete legion battleships.

  However, he had no use for the legion battleships, so he dismantled them all and disposed of them.

  The dismantled raw materials were transferred to Marton and used to make useful weapons.

  For example, this evil four-legged mecha. If the plant army encounters an attack from the sky, the evil four-legged mecha can start working.

  The brainchild of the Burning Legion turned into a big toy for Harad.

  It was a large toy that was over thirty meters long, wide, and high.

  The only pity is that this big toy does not have the opportunity to experience the fun of fighting legion battleships.

  After all, the area where Marton is located is a wild area in the universe.

  Otherwise, it would not have been chosen by the righteous Sargeras as a prison to hold demons.

  The news of what happened here must have reached the boss of the Burning Legion.

  But it is difficult to get here.

  All legion portals have been destroyed.

  Without demon casters creating space beacons, legion warships would not be able to make ultra-long distance space jumps.

  They can only rush to the nearest evil planet, and then use short-distance space jumps and faster-than-light flight to get there.

  It is equivalent to the mage being unable to defeat the enemy and escaping in a flash.

  Flash and run with short legs, and continue to flash after cooling down.

  This is incomparable to a mage opening a portal and running away.

  But it is definitely better than simply running with short legs.

  As for when you can run to a safe area, it depends on the distance.

  The same is true for legion warships that cannot make ultra-long-distance space jumps.

  Currently, the evil energy planet closest to Marton is hundreds of light years away.

  Relying on short-distance space jumps and faster-than-light flight, it may take several years to arrive.

  In a few years, it is estimated that the entire planet will be covered with grass!

  Plants slowly produce natural energy.

  These natural energies are absorbed by plant life forms, making them stronger and stronger.

  The longer the plant life takes to develop, the harder it will be for the Burning Legion to counterattack.

  After all, the vast distance between this wild area of ​​the universe and other areas is a natural protective umbrella.

  The plant life forms are extremely large in quantity and of good quality.

  A fel quadruped mecha that can walk on the ground and has powerful anti-air attacks.

  This mismatched combination of attributes will bring a very effective blow to the Burning Legion that finally arrived!
  If the Burning Legion wants to successfully solve this problem, it must launch a grand expedition.

  Something more ambitious than mobilizing a fleet to defend Argus.

  On the throne of Argus's ruling corps, the throne in the center of the magnificent academy city, sits an Eredar demon mage who is over ten meters tall.

  Different from ordinary eredar demon mage, this eredar demon mage is not only larger in size, but also has a pair of folded demon wings on his back.

  A particularly large figure, with devil wings, sitting on a throne.

  The combination of this information points to the most special existence among the Eredar Demon Mage.

  That was Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, one of the former Three Greats of the eredar.

  Kil'jaeden frowned and analyzed the information recently obtained by his men, subconsciously stroking the strange tentacles on his chin with his paws.

  The broken planet Marton and several nearby planets lost contact one after another in just a few days.

  Not long after, very dangerous plant life suddenly appeared in Argus.

  Although the mage group was quickly mobilized to destroy them.

  But they soon came back.

  And also killed hundreds of rare beholders.

  Finally, he mobilized a large number of legion warships to carry out indiscriminate strikes, and then suppressed the green natural disaster that had taken shape.

  That's right, the legion warships used their fel cannons to wash the ground, burning them piece by piece, burning the planet's surface into glass, but they still didn't completely destroy them.

  For plant life forms with tenacious vitality, just burning the surface of the planet into glass is not a big problem.

  They can hide deep underground and lie dormant.

  Wait until the situation outside improves before running out to cause trouble.

  To leave them with nowhere to hide, the Burning Legion must have a Star Destroyer weapon that instantly burns down the entire planet, turning it into glass from the inside out.

  It's a pity that except for the fallen Titan Sargeras who stabbed the planet with his big sword, the Burning Legion does not have other means of destroying stars.

  As for destroying the base camp of Argus, this is something Kil'jaeden absolutely cannot accept!
  Therefore, Kil'jaeden couldn't even deal with the troubles in his own base camp.

  Even though he knew that there were huge problems on the broken planet Marton, he couldn't launch a grand expedition.

  (End of chapter)

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