Chapter 337 Deathwing is out

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  Chapter 337: Deathwing came out and

  the elements restored balance to Draenor, and everything began to develop in a healthy way.

  Areas previously contaminated by the Burning Legion's fel energy can quickly regenerate once the climate returns to a normal stage.

  The other things in Draenor are not that good, but the plants are much better than those in Azeroth!

  After all, it is a powerful existence that can fight to the death with Titan creations!
  Although it is no longer as heaven-defying as it was in ancient times, and it is rooted in the land contaminated by evil energy, there are no problems.

  Those who wreak havoc on the evil planet occupied by the Burning Legion are plant life forms based on plants like Draenor.

  The only thing Draenor's plants are missing is dwindling rainfall!

  Horad mobilized the power of the water element in the surrounding area, and gathered a large amount of water vapor to form a cloud over Kil'jaeden's throne where evil energy pollution was the most serious.

  In just a moment, dark cumulonimbus clouds enveloped Kil'jaeden's throne.

  This mountainous area, which was first contaminated by the evil energy of the Burning Legion, finally received its first decent rainfall in years.

  As a large amount of rain poured onto the dark green evil energy wasteland, dots of light green buds sprouted out of the soil.

  This is certainly not an effect that pure rain can produce.

  The natural power from the everlasting forest in the north is mixed with the rainwater, which makes the rain have such a magical effect.

  Thriving seedlings of Draenor's native plants soon covered the ground as far as the eye could see.

  Although the force of nature accounts for the majority, there is no doubt about the vitality of the plants themselves.

  Seeing the wild growth of the saplings, Herard finally understood why the orcs loved felling trees so much.

  Because the trees in Draenor are different, they can't be chopped down at all!

  Don't cut down things like this without restraint. It's meaningless in Draenor!
  Often a few days after a heavy rain, patches of saplings will grow in areas that were originally cleared.

  Maybe just a few months? Over time, those saplings grew into full-sized trees.

  If you don't squander it vigorously, the orcs will feel sorry for the gifts of nature.

  Deathwing and Mannoroth, the two kings of destruction, successively destroyed Evergreen.

  Large swaths of trees were burned down or

  the current evergreen forestland has no problem at all.

  Just when Harad lamented that Deathwing burned the Everbloom Woodland so much but failed to cause permanent damage to it, the earth suddenly shook violently.

  A long time after the shaking of the earth stopped, the loud roar of the dragon was faintly heard from the north.

  Judging from the direction where the sound came from, it should be Yongmao Woodland.

  The only dragon that will appear in Draenor seems to be Deathwing, who was injured and escaped.

  Moreover, this guy also has a grudge against the plant life forms in Evermore Woodland.

  It is normal for Him to run away to take revenge after being injured.

  Thinking of this, Herard opened the space window above Yongmao Forest and observed the specific situation there.

  Looking down from the space window opened at high altitude, fire and billowing smoke have appeared in the central area of ​​Yongmao Woodland.

  Locking the position and lowering the height of the space window, you can see that the flames have destroyed a large area of ​​​​the forest.

  In the burning forest, a primitive thorn beast was being pressed to the ground and rubbed by a black dragon.

  The original thorn beast is a giant on land.

  But compared to the much larger Deathwing, he was just a short-legged corgi beaten by a strong human man.

  However, the original thorn beast was not killed quickly by Deathwing.

  How could a plant life form that could kill Mannoroth three to one be killed by Deathwing so easily?

  In the distant forest that was not affected by the flames, several waves were approaching the battle area.

  Plant life forms walk in the forest and have very powerful privileges!

  Weak plant life forms can allow vegetation to actively avoid their footsteps.

  Powerful plant life forms move quickly using a method similar to wood escape.

  Ordinary people cannot see the traces of the plant life form Wood escape.

  Herard saw it very clearly. There are special communication networks between plant life forms.

  Therefore, those plant life forms approaching through the wood escape are completing a quite perfect enclosing circle.

  Looking at Deathwing who was beating the original thorn beast hard, Herad could already guess his fate.

  It's true that Deathwing is very powerful.

  But the original ancestor Jing Beast is also a very powerful demigod.

  Being surrounded by a group of powerful demigods, Deathwing might also be killed.

  Soon five primitive thorn beasts suddenly appeared and surrounded the murderous Deathwing.

  The vines on their bodies tightly wrapped around the wings of death, and then they stabbed them hard with their emerald green wooden spears.

  The wooden spear infused with the power of nature has a very powerful armor-piercing effect.

  Mannoroth was stabbed to death by them before.

  But Deathwing is a hob-level fallen black dragon king.

  His defense is truly incredible!
  During this period of time while lurking underground to recuperate, Deathwing got himself a set of very hard armor.

  The wooden spear of the original ancestor Jing Beast could only poke out a shallow dent.

  Deathwing is very good at forging.

  So it was normal for Him to get himself a suit of armor.

  Judging from the strength of the armor, it is not much worse than the source metal of Azeroth.

  Apparently this guy has healed his scar and forgotten the pain.

  Relying on the protection of a high-grade armor, he can go out and wander again!
  After Harad detected Deathwing's armor, he decisively gave up the idea of ​​using magic to dismantle the armor.

  The armor made by this guy is very professional, with a tight structure and hot riveting at key locations.

  The fixing effect of hot riveting is very good, not much worse than welding.

  It is absolutely impossible to use magic to unlock the hot-riveted parts of armor!

  Although he was a little regretful about this, Herad still thought of a way to add trouble to Deathwing.

  He began to gather water vapor in the surrounding area, bringing a heavy downpour to Yongmao Woodland.

  Dark clouds suddenly formed in the sky, but Deathwing had no doubts.

  It was not unusual for Him to see great changes in the weather.

  It is possible that the sun was shining brightly one moment, and soon there were dark clouds and lightning and thunder.

  The plant life forms in Evermore Woodland became excited.

  They know that Draenor has been elementally imbalanced for many years.

  Even if it rains, just a few drops of rain will be enough.

  With this downpour, someone was obviously helping secretly.

  In addition to extinguishing forest fires, heavy rains also make the plants in the forest grow more lush.

  The plants that have experienced long periods of drought are growing wildly, producing more natural power.

  In this case, the original ancestor Jing Beast's combat effectiveness also improved a bit.

  This is obviously not a good thing for Deathwing.

  Feeling that the situation was a little bad, Deathwing struggled desperately.

  The vines wrapped around him began to break one after another.

  But plant life is very good at stalking.

  New vines grew quickly and wrapped around Deathwing's body again.

  No matter how much Deathwing struggled and tore, more and more vines wrapped around him.

  (End of chapter)

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