Chapter 352 Restarting the Energy Ship Project

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  Chapter 352 Restarting the Energy Ship Project

  With C’Thun’s retreat, the Twin Emperors finally came to an end.

  Seeing that the Twin Emperors were torn into pieces by the giant dragon, but there was still no movement from C'Thun, Herad reluctantly gave up his plan.

  The ancient gods are all old foxes, it is too difficult to plot against them!

  Although he was a little disappointed that the plan didn't work out, Herard's disappointment quickly dissipated.

  There is actually no point in breaking off one of C'Thun's tentacles.

  C'Thun's title is the Thousand-Eyed Demon.

  He has hundreds of tentacles with eyes.

  In addition to being disgusting, those eyes can also shoot out shadow rays that are comparable to lasers.

  What is the concept of a concentrated fire of hundreds or thousands of shadow rays?
  This high-intensity shadow ray can even break through the dragon's super magic resistance.

  If C'Thun appeared in Azeroth in his complete form, no strong man would be his opponent!

  It is estimated that if Deathwing is matched up, he will be killed instantly by a concentrated fire.

  Even a single tentacle is very dangerous to mortals!
  In the game, C'Thun sweeps the entire field, and the players can only annihilate the group.

  Harad never wanted to confront C'Thun.

  He was just planning to plot against C'Thun and see if he could destroy his tentacles by squeezing the earth.

  It’s okay if this doesn’t work out.

  Anyway, there is no loss.

  This area inside the Beetle Wall has been temporarily abandoned by C'Thun.

  But when He will make a comeback, there is no telling.

  Judging from the previously detected data, C'Thun's tentacles penetrate the ground very quickly.

  As long as He wants to come out and cause trouble, a distance of several thousand meters won't take much.

  With the threat of the Ancient God here, no one would consider occupying this place.

  And this barren land has no value at all!
  The Qiraji are parasites that only prey but do not produce.

  They have long since squeezed all the value out of this place.

  Anaclos was very moved when he saw the plant army evacuating in an orderly manner.

  When they helped the night elves back then, the fight was really hard!

  Since they couldn't fight back, they had to build a wall of beetles to trap the Qiraji inside.

  The other dragons felt this too.

  Being able to end the war so smoothly was something they had never considered.

  They all believed that most of the credit for this war should be attributed to the plant army.

  Although the gaps in the Beetle Wall could not be completely repaired, the dragons still built a city gate with a certain defensive effect.

  As long as the city gate is closed, it will be difficult for the Zerg to come out.

  Harad also stationed the remaining fernmen near the city gate.

  With these plant life forms providing 24-hour vigilance services, there is no need to consider safety issues.

  The fern tree people who have experienced high-intensity war still number over 600,000.

  And they continue to devour and become stronger during the battle.

  The combat effectiveness has improved a lot compared to before the war.

  Even if C'Thun can conjure an army of Zerg, he will not be able to shake them in a short time.

  However, just because the fern tree people are stationed outside the Beetle Wall, it does not mean that the Silithus Desert is completely safe.

  As long as the insects are not extinct, new insect species will continue to appear.

  Of course, they won't grow as powerful as the Qiraji empire quickly.

  Next, we will maintain a certain intensity of regular clean-ups, and at the same time carry out tree planting and greening of the desert.

  This is the next plan of the night elves.

  The night elves have actually been trying to green the two deserts of Silithus and Tanaris.

  Without the interference of the Zerg, this project can proceed safely! The destruction of the Qiraji empire would be beneficial to all forces involved in the war.

  The dragons avenged their blood revenge.

  In addition to taking revenge, the night elves can also green the desert without worrying about bugs emerging to cause damage.

  Herad obtained a large amount of recyclable strategic materials.

  Especially those priceless Anubisas, which were swallowed up by him calmly.

  But when he was fighting Anubisas, he and the dragons were the ones doing the whole thing.

  The night elves, who had suffered enough losses in the last Quicksand War, did not dare to deal with such a powerful war machine as Anubisas!

  The dragons had no need for Anubisas and gave it to Herad without any care.

  On the contrary, the gold ornaments on the Obsidian Destroyer are more attractive to the dragons.

  Even the night elves have a demand for the dazzling gold.

  Herard was not very interested in precious metals like gold.

  He divided his own gold and exchanged it for obsidian that had strategic uses.

  In the foundry workshop of the island arsenal, obsidian and gold are being remelted here.

  Although the evil power of the ancient gods directly affects the creatures themselves.

  But it is still necessary to implement the precautions that should be taken!
  A large amount of gold was thrown into the crucible and sent to the furnace, where it was turned into gold water at high temperatures and recast. It was then carefully corrected and polished into a style that the dragons and night elves liked.

  There is no evil force in this world that will remain in the high-temperature treatment of molten iron.

  Obsidian has the ability to absorb fire.

  However, it cannot be absorbed indefinitely.

  After reaching the critical point of absorption, obsidian can only be melted into hot magma by high temperatures.

  The magma was poured into huge molds and cast into huge bricks.

  The strange-shaped obsidian raw material is fed into the furnace, and then fired into magma and poured into the mold, waiting to be cooled and formed.

  This process continues in a cycle, and eventually the entire casting workshop is filled with molds.

  To speed up the cooling of the obsidian bricks, an auxiliary cooling facility on top of the foundry was put into operation.

  Uniform water mist is sprayed on the obsidian bricks, evaporating a large amount of water vapor and filling the foundry.

  The water vapor overflowing from the foundry workshop turned half of the park into a fairyland.

  The cooled and formed obsidian bricks were moved onto the trailer by the Arcane Puppet and sent to the workshop next door.

  The workshop next door is the largest of all the workshops in the arsenal.

  It was originally a land dock intended to be used to build energy ships.

  However, the ambitious energy ship project only completed one arcane furnace and was temporarily shelved by Herad.

  After seeing the Legion battleships of the Burning Legion that were of poor specifications but had an astonishing number, Herard suddenly felt that energy ships were no longer good.

  Energy ships rarely exceed three thousand tons in Azeroth, and they are indeed unrivaled Overlord-class battleships.

  But the energy ship was built from the remains of Draenei starships.

  Its final size will not be much larger than a legion battleship.

  Star battleships powered by arcane energy can be used normally with confidence.

  However, as soon as Herard thought that it was not much better than a legion battleship, his interest in building it plummeted.

  One ship versus thousands or tens of thousands, and possibly even more.

  Just being a human being makes you feel unhappy.

  Seeing the advantages of obsidian, Herard's mind became active.

  Obsidian can absorb energy attacks.

  The attack method of the legion battleship is very single, only energy attack.

  If you use obsidian to build an interstellar battleship, wouldn't it eat up the legion battleship to death?
  Having obtained a large amount of obsidian, Herard had the confidence to consider such unrealistic things.

  So he slapped his head and immediately restarted the energy ship project.

  (End of chapter)

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