Chapter 391 The Druid who targets the Sacred Tree of Kepa

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  Chapter 391: The Druid eyeing the Sacred Kepa Tree.
  Herad, who was about to fight in the Mantis Plateau, looked at the Sacred Kepa Tree in Corrivis and decided to go up and study it first.

  The area of ​​this plateau is not large, and the location of the obsidian mine underground can be easily detected.

  So whether it is in the central area or not is actually unimportant.

  The Kaipa Sacred Tree is a pine tree with strong phototropism.

  Therefore, its branches will stretch to the east, and its appearance is similar to the welcoming pine in Huangshan Mountain.

  So the Kaipa Sacred Tree looks like this.

  These peculiar pine trees, which look somewhat like welcome pines, belong to the category of extraordinary plants.

  They can grow to hundreds or even kilometers in length.

  Almost comparable to the World Tree.

  There is a very developed root system underground.

  Although the mantids are ferocious, they have reached a symbiotic relationship with the sacred tree of Kaipa.

  With the ferocious mantid taking care of the Kaipa tree on a daily basis, the Kaipa tree can grow wild.

  The Kaipa Amber produced by the Kaipa Sacred Tree has been developed by the Mantid for many functions.

  For example, using alchemy to refine a strengthening potion and taking it can greatly enhance the strength of the mantid.

  The medicine residue produced by alchemy can also be made into bombs to attack enemies.

  Looking at the thousand-meter-high Kaipa Sacred Tree and the remnants of the Mantid that poked their heads, Harad issued a clearing order to Xal'atath.

  To these mantids who blindly worshiped Y'Shaarj, Xal'atath faced them with a knife.

  The purple-black figure flashed rapidly in the sky, knocking down the mantid flying insects it encountered to the ground.

  In front of the full-moon scimitar, the mantid's body was like tofu, cut open with a slight stroke.

  The main attack part of the Full Moon Scimitar is their thin wings.

  Disrupting the ability of these mantid flies to fly.

  In fact, no matter if you cut off their wings, or cut off their neck or waist.

  The end result is the same.

  Although these mantids specialize in flight, their bodies are not very light, flying insect templates.

  Fall damage will kill them.

  Seeing how powerful the enemy was, all the mantids shrank back.

  They hide in huts made of stone branches and amber.

  The amber secreted by the Kaipa sacred tree has many functions and has a large yield.

  Its bonding effect is far superior to that of cement and can be used to build houses.

  The Pandaren used artillery to bombard this place before, but they only made some scratches on the surface of the house.

  The damage caused by the cannonball will be greater where it hits directly.

  After all, those old-fashioned cannonballs are pretty good if they can explode!

  It is absolutely impossible to expect them to blow up a solid amber building!
  It would be almost the same if replaced by the fortress cannon on Panlongji Tower.

  The coward who hid in the amber building could not escape Xal'atath's pursuit.

  The extremely sharp scimitar of the full moon slashed through the door, then kicked it open and rushed in to kill the mantid before moving on to the next house to continue hunting.

  The wooden door painted with amber is strong.

  But it still couldn't stop the sharp edge of the Full Moon Scimitar.

  However, it is too inefficient for Xalatas to score goals one by one.

  Horad cast Firestorm to scorch the amber structure, bringing warmth to the mantid inside.

  Amber has some fire resistance and did not melt or catch fire in a short period of time.

  The mantid inside was unbearably hot and ran out as soon as the flames died down.

  They jumped on the hot ashes on the ground.

  But compared to the oven-like interior, the outside is obviously much better.

  Before they could be happy for two seconds, Xal'atas, who had been hunting all the way, wiped their necks with the full moon scimitar.

  The structure of the Full Moon Scimitar is very suitable for cutting and has a terrifying cutting effect.

  It seemed like it was just a gentle wipe on the neck, but the mantid's head fell off.

  The headless body twitched and fell into the embers.

  The Zerg's powerful vitality prevents them from dying quickly.

  However, it is impossible to put the head back on again!

  The purple-black figure quickly passed through the amber building complex, and then rushed into the huge tree hole under the Kaipa Sacred Tree. Looking at the large humanoid mantis that had lost its head in front of him, Herard squatted down and pulled it, taking off the amber armor pieces on them.

  Amber armor pieces are very simple pieces.

  There are holes in the plate for threading ropes.

  The level of craftsmanship has reached the level of the Stone Age of mankind.

  This is not because they are too stupid, but because their innate conditions are insufficient.

  The mantid's hands are sickle-shaped, worse than the claws of a lobster or crab.

  Therefore, their manual skills are not strong and they cannot make decent items.

  Being able to make simple molds is already their limit.

  Although the craftsmanship is not good, these simple armor pieces still play a great role.

  The marks of slashes, axes, and spears on it proved that it had blocked many attacks from the mantid.

  Amber is very tough and a very good armor material!

  Unfortunately, the mantid didn't have the dexterity to fashion it into fine armor.

  Herard looked up at the towering Kepa Sacred Tree and felt that the Druids would like it very much.

  The Kaipa Sacred Tree possesses powerful spirituality and is suitable for being transformed into a powerful tree man.

  The secreted amber can be used in alchemy and can also be crafted into armor.

  Amber can also wrap the druid's body, sealing them inside while keeping the body active.

  This way, you won't be afraid of being killed by some unexpected factors while sleeping.

  There are many examples of druids having accidents while sleeping and their souls remaining in the Emerald Dream forever.

  Thinking of these benefits, Herad immediately contacted the botanists in the clan and the night elves' druids.

  Knowing that there was such a good thing, those plant lovers asked where the sacred tree was.

  Not long after, the botanist and the druid arrived under the sacred tree through the portal.

  Malfurion frowned slightly as he looked at the corpses of mantis mantises with their heads and heads scattered all over the ground.

  The chief archdruid is kind-hearted and cannot bear to see this kind of human tragedy.

  Soon his attention was attracted by the tall Kepa Sacred Tree.

  As for those ferocious-looking mantis people, they don't look like good people.

  It is more interesting to study this sacred tree.

  The scene of druids and botanists tumbling up and down around the sacred tree of Kaipa made Herad shake his head.

  It is estimated that the holy tree will be transformed into a huge tree man by them.

  But none of this matters.

  Harad took out the Hammer of Khazgoroth, put on the Crown of the Abyss and began geological exploration operations.

  The powerful power of the earth and spiritual power shocked the druids and botanists nearby.

  This power has far exceeded the demigod level.

  The power of the artifact is so terrifying!
  They have been practicing for thousands of years, and two divine weapons have surpassed them far.

  Fortunately, the night elves and high elves have a peaceful mentality.

  Don't fall into a state of despair because of this.

  When Herad's spiritual power controlled the power of the earth and traveled underground on the Mantis Plateau, the Master Xuan Niu of Niuzao Temple clearly sensed it.

  This demigod of the wilderness who sits in the west has a powerful affinity with the earth.

  Sensing such a powerful power of the earth, Venerable Black Bull panicked and tried to contact it.

  "Who are you?"

  Venerable Black Bull's earth magic is very crude, and he cannot see the situation on the ground through the power of the earth.

  However, Herard could clearly see the scene where Lord Black Bull was.

  Venerable Black Bull is a huge yak in earthy color.

  At this time, His bull's eyes were wider than a volleyball.

  Apparently he had been frightened by the powerful power of the earth.

  "Sir, there is no need to panic, we are allies."

  Herard comforted the panicked Lord Black Bull, and at the same time told him that the Pandaren army was already on the way and they could launch a counterattack immediately.

  After learning this situation, Venerable Xuan Niu finally felt relieved.

  (End of chapter)

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