Chapter 406: What can ten million tons of obsidian do?

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  Chapter 406: What can ten million tons of obsidian do?
  After Y'Shaarj's heart has been specially treated, it can absorb the evil energy contained in the earth to complete rebirth.

  However, after being burned by the blazing holy light, it was basically useless.

  Although it still retains part of the void essence.

  But if you want to absorb evil spirits and complete resurrection, you definitely don’t have to think about it!
  After being violently burned by the holy light, Y'Shaarj's heart, which was originally full, vibrant and still beating, has become shriveled and shriveled.

  It looks like a rag bag.

  Regardless of the poor appearance of this piece of junk, what can be preserved in the burning of the holy light is high-purity void essence.

  Harad gave this good thing to Xal'atath to handle.

  Xal'atath is a shadow-attributed artifact.

  Shadow and void are energy of the same attribute.

  It’s just that the void will be purer.

  Equivalent to the Holy Light of the Paladin and the Holy Light of the Priest.

  The holy light of the Paladin will be more intense and vigorous.

  The priest's holy light is softer and less lethal.

  But that's just a difference in the form of the Holy Light.

  The essence of the two holy lights is the same.

  The same goes for Void and Shadow.

  Therefore, Xal'atath can completely absorb these high-purity void essences.

  Absorbing the enemy's energy essence made Xal'atath feel very happy.

  Being able to improve strength is only one aspect.

  The most important thing is that this void essence comes from the enemy.

  But Void Essence is really a great supplement.

  The full-moon scimitar inserted in the tattered leather bag has been dyed almost black by the void essence.

  This is the void essence optimizing the blade to make it more powerful.

  Feeling that he was getting stronger, Xal'atath wanted to absorb more of Y'Shaarj's remains.

  However, the remains of Y'Shaarj were cleaned up by the Titans.

  Only this heart is left to study the power of the void.

  Xal'atath, who had absorbed the essence of the void, was shrouded in black mist filled with starlight.

  It looks as beautiful as the starry sky at night.

  Unfortunately these are just illusions.

  The void is a terrifyingly corrosive force.

  It represents ultimate destruction in the universe.

  There are many wandering races in the universe whose homes have been destroyed by the void.

  Even though they have been eroded by the power of the void, they still do not forget to accuse the void of how evil it is!

  For example, those famous virtual spirits.

  After their homeland was destroyed by the void forces, the ethereal spirits have been wandering around the universe, acting as wandering merchants.

  They compare the Void forces to the Burning Legion.

  Because both are evil forces that only know how to burn, kill, loot and destroy the planet wantonly.

  Even Titan was sprayed miserably by the Void Spirits.

  Although the Titans claim to be creators, they are unable to save the planet eroded by the void.

  However, when Harad studied the rune box that sealed Y'Shaarj's heart, he discovered that Titan had the ability to suppress the erosion of the void.

  Therefore, the Void Spirits could not bring enough benefits and asked the Titans to save their home planet.

  Creators like the Titans are a very selfish race.

  They always only consider their own interests.

  Of course, this is an unavoidable characteristic of most races.

  Even though they are a kind-natured race like the Naaru, they are still a little cautious.

  Herard sighed in his heart that the Titans were really nothing.

  The movements of his hands did not stop at all.

  Locate the location of the obsidian mine, build a mine on the periphery, and summon earth elemental creatures to mine.

  There are many obsidian mines in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, and there are also several large veins.

  It is just a rough estimate that the obsidian resources on hand can be increased to 10 million tons.

  When he first came to this conclusion, Herard himself was shocked.

  Then he was so happy that he almost laughed out loud.

  After confirming the obsidian reserves in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, he began to conceive a design plan for a 10-million-ton obsidian battleship. Although the intended target is a 30-million-ton Obsidian battleship.

  But where did so much obsidian come from?

  Even if you hollow out Dragonblight and Storm Peaks, you won't be able to dig out that much obsidian.

  Therefore, the real target can only be set at 10 million tons.

  A ten-million-ton Obsidian battleship can already be made very large.

  Starships in the wizarding world are all energy attacks.

  Physical attacks can only be used when fighting against others.

  So the armor thickness does not need to be taken into consideration.

  However, the large size means that more energy is consumed during transmission.

  When the Burning Legion invaded a planet that was not very powerful, why did they only send two or three Legion battleships to wipe out the indigenous people?

  In fact, it is because teleporting legion warships consumes too much energy.

  If you can beat the opponent, save as much as you can.

  Losing the scepter of Sargeras, which cost a lot of manpower and material resources to build, is perhaps the biggest regret in Sargeras' heart!

  In the field of teleportation, the Scepter of Sargeras dares to claim the first place.

  But this does not mean that Herad can use it casually.

  It is shameful to teleport something that is too large and consume space power indiscriminately.

  Herad did not build a strange obsidian battleship because he considered the limitations of teleportation.

  The hull should be long and slender, without large protrusions on the surface, and no church should be built.

  This way when passing through the portal, the process will be smooth!

  After careful consideration, Herard decided not to increase the length of the battleship.

  The cross-section of the hull becomes a circular shape to increase some internal space.

  Of course, the main thing is to better match the portal.

  Opening a circular portal is much easier than opening a square portal.

  In addition to using the template of a submarine in its shape, the energy cannon no longer adopts the model of a naval gun.

  Interstellar warfare is a three-dimensional battlefield.

  Enemies can attack you from up, down, left, right, front, and in all directions.

  Therefore, when the battle finally broke out, Herard discovered that the energy cannon basically did not rotate.

  They are like those old-fashioned cannons that lined the gun decks from the days of sailing battleships.

  Just simply adjust the angle and then fire at the target.

  The one on the port side shoots to the left, and the one on the starboard side shoots to the right.

  The old-fashioned artillery of the sailing battleship had a horribly low hit rate.

  The obsidian battleship's energy cannon has such a high hit rate that there is no need to care.

  Because the shot hits immediately.

  As for the energy cannon in this mode, it cannot rotate flexibly.

  Isn’t it enough to just increase the quantity?

  The development trend of sail warships is that the hulls are getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more guns.

  In the end, it developed into a sailing battleship with one hundred and dozens of artillery pieces.

  Azeroth built larger sail battleships than Earth due to better wood quality.

  Admiral Dailin's flagship, the Royal Power of the Sea, has more than two hundred artillery pieces, large and small!
  Energy cannons are different from artillery that can be fired with shells.

  It needs to consider several aspects such as energy distribution and filling speed.

  Even a ten-million-ton obsidian battleship with one hundred and twenty energy cannons is enough.

  Of course, this is ideally a normal usage pattern.

  If the Obsidian battleship absorbs a large amount of energy and urgently needs to release the energy, the more energy cannons the better.

  If the energy cannot be released in time, the energy absorbed by the ship will reach the upper limit.

  Then you can only watch a huge firework blooming in the universe.

  So it’s important to vent your energy!
  Herard decided to increase this number to three hundred and sixty.

  Normally one-third of the energy cannons fire, and they can fire in turns to maintain a better cooling state.

  In an emergency, you can choose to launch several rounds of salvos to relieve the crisis faced by the Obsidian battleship.

  The scene where the Obsidian battleship launches a salvo should be brilliant.

  Thinking of this, Herard uploaded this shipbuilding plan to the database of the super magic computer to deduce a more reasonable shipbuilding plan.

  (End of chapter)

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