Chapter 458: Contact with the Star Boundary Consortium

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  Chapter 458 Contact with the Astral Consortium
  The time N'zoth was tortured far exceeded that of Yogg-Saron's big mouth.

  Xal'atath will stop the torture when his soul is about to collapse.

  Only a short intermission was needed for his injuries to recover and his soul to stabilize.

  Then the horrific torture begins again!

  Of course, the reason why we put so much emphasis on taking care of N'Zoth is not because he is the last ancient god, so we should have fun with it.

  It was this evil-minded guy who united with other ancient gods to eat Xal'atath.

  Since he is the culprit, of course he must be given special hospitality.

  Let him pay a high enough price!

  Since the Burning Legion has been temporarily disabled, it is impossible to recover in a short time.

  Herad did not need these two ace combatants to carry out the beheading mission.

  Then there is no problem in letting them stay here for a long time and take good care of N'Zoth.

  As for whether N'zoth would be too miserable, Herard definitely didn't care.

  This evil man-eating monster cannot be dealt with too easily.

  In fact, N'zoth, the most stubborn of the ancient gods, has no chance to eat humans at this stage.

  Back when Azeroth had not yet given birth to flesh and blood creatures, he had already been beaten up by the Titans and imprisoned in a cage.

  Later, when the Curse of Flesh took effect and flesh-and-blood creatures began to appear, the ancient gods had no chance to eat humans.

  N'Zoth has always been in the deep sea and has no chance to eat people.

  Of course, if the fishman can be considered a human being, he has eaten humans before.

  The royal chef of Stormwind City who invented the murloc stew said he was innocent.

  Are fishmen considered humans?
  It definitely doesn’t count!

  They are just fish with arms and legs!
  Even if they can use weapons, they can only be considered smart fish.

  But Harad didn't care if the fish-men were human or not.

  He doesn't care if N'zoth eats people.

  Anyway, he just thinks N'zoth is a cannibal.

  If you eat people, you will die.

  And he must be tortured before dying.

  Isn't this a very reasonable trial?

  The death penalty of being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts was executed perfectly on N'Zos.

  The standard for execution in Lingchi on Earth is to chop the most heinous criminal into 3,357 knives.

  Of course, this number of knives can be spared.

  The highest record is that someone was stabbed with 3,600 knives.

  It all depends on how well the executioner performs.

  A monster with extremely powerful vitality like the Ancient God has an absurdly high error tolerance rate!

  Others paid 3,357 knives, but they were left with a few hundred knives.

  He was spared by countless knives!

  However, these ancient gods take pleasure in destroying living planets.

  No matter how many thousands of knives are used, it is still very reasonable!
  The last ancient god has entered the countdown to death.

  It represents that the crisis in Azeroth has been completely resolved.

  What follows is a relatively stable and comfortable life.

  Azeroth is at ease, but the universe is quite lively at this time.

  The spies following Sargeras ventured into the core area of ​​​​the Burning Legion's power.

  Then they were surprised to find that the legendary Dragon Pond and Tiger Cave was being violently invaded by plant life forms.

  Plant life forms are the most important members of the life faction.

  But the life faction is not strong.

  They don't even have the capability of interstellar navigation.

  The spies were shocked by these plant life forms that violently invaded the Burning Legion's base camp.

  Look at the plant army using cold weapons, hot weapons, and energy weapons.

  The spies feel that these guys are a group of technological stitch monsters.

  Which race would have such a complex weapon system?

  Although they were so shocked that they doubted their own eyes, the spies knew very well that this was true. Didn't you notice that the demon of the Burning Legion was beaten into a dog by the plant army?

  The scene of the remaining demons struggling to survive deeply stimulated the nerves of the spies.

  Plant life forms are so powerful.

  Aren’t we adding another opponent?
  However, not all forces share the same concerns.

  Those forces that exist in the form of energy are not worried that plant life forms will threaten them.

  Because there is absolutely no conflict between the two parties!
  The Voidlings, a race of interstellar merchants, even try to communicate with plant life forms in order to promote their ecological dome technology.

  After some laborious communication, the two parties completed the preliminary exchange.

  The environment on the evil planet is very harsh.

  It's much worse than the desert, which has the harshest environment.

  Ordinary creatures simply cannot survive here!

  Plant life has been improved many times and has super survival ability.

  But this only allows them to survive in the Fel Wastes.

  Barely surviving in a half-dead way.

  An eco-dome is something like a glass greenhouse.

  The difference between the two is that the eco-dome is realized in a magical way.

  It is a huge purple crystal cover.

  The purple crystal cover absorbs sunlight and releases it in a way most suitable for plant growth.

  This is actually not that magical.

  Geotechnology can also be achieved through solar panels and artificial light sources.

  It's just the way it's implemented that looks a little bit inelegant.

  In addition to regulating light, biodomes can also speed up the purification process of land and water.

  Draenor in the game has a large purple crystal cover built by Ethereal.

  Outside is a cracked dark green fel wasteland.

  The interior is a perfect pastoral scene full of greenery.

  The draenei's simulated ecological environment technology is like a younger brother in front of the virtual ecological dome!
  Herard was currently in the Ocean Park of Obsidian Battleship, enjoying the wonderful experience of blue sky, white clouds and sunny beaches.

  But all this comes at a hefty price.

  It requires a lot of energy to maintain the operation of the entire system.

  Of course, in a life-and-death situation, some energy consumption does not need to be taken into account.

  After all, one cannot live on magic bread for a long time.

  The technology of simulating the ecological environment allows the Draenei to steadily obtain various food resources during their long interstellar escape.

  The ecological plantation for virtual blue sky and white clouds is also a good place to relax and relieve stress.

  This marine park in Herad is really a waste!

  Especially as the area gradually spreads, energy consumption is also increasing day by day.

  If retrofitted with eco-domes, energy consumption can definitely be reduced significantly.

  When the ethereals were forced to wander and trade in the universe, the draenei were probably still playing in the mud on Argus.

  The technical gap between the two is naturally not that small.

  Judging from the news fed back by the plant army, it was the Star Boundary Consortium that was in contact with them.

  The Astral Consortium is a loose business alliance led by Node Prince Halamad.

  This force is pretty good among Void Spirits.

  They are a group of ethical businessmen.

  Only when they encounter things without owners will they turn into thieves and tomb robbers.

  Originally, at this point in time, the Astral Consortium was supposed to go to Draenor to pan for gold.

  But Herard changed the plot too much.

  The Astral Consortium is currently busy creating obstacles for the Burning Legion, which has been greatly reduced in strength.

  No running to Delano to pick up rags.

  But it's the same if you can contact them in other places and achieve your goals.

  (End of chapter)

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