Chapter 481 Entering Stormheim

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  Chapter 481 Entering Stormfjord
  When the mighty archaeological army descended from the mountain, a long and continuous sound of horns sounded from the top of the mountain.

  Hearing the horn sounding the release, the defenders who were facing off at the pass halfway up the mountain suddenly felt relieved.

  Although they are no smaller than each other.

  But if a fight breaks out, they will be defeated quickly.

  There are only a dozen bazookas on the level, but almost everyone on the other side has one.

  If this is a round of bazooka coverage bombing, the level will be blown up for you!
  Seeing the spectacular scene of a large number of tree men marching down the mountain, the defenders felt that the vrykul might cease to exist.

  Because there's something wrong with those Vrykul's heads.

  They are lunatics who fight to the death with honor!

  that's the truth.

  Titan Guardian Odingen is optimistic about the vrykul.

  He built the Hall of Valor in Stormheim to receive the souls of vrykul who died gloriously in battle.

  The souls of these Vrykul people will become powerful heroic warriors after a series of strengthening and training.

  Vrykul's nature of worshiping the strong makes them fanatically pursue death in battle.

  After all, you can really go to heaven after you die.

  And a paradise where they can become strong.

  When those savage Vrykul who were not afraid of death rushed over with their wheel axes and two-handed swords held high.

  The Tauren, known as the first heavy infantry under the stars, was scared.

  In fact, even Drogbal, who is more powerful than the tauren, is afraid of the warlike and crazy Vrykul.

  It's just that they are half-rock creatures, and the expressions on their faces cannot be seen at all.

  The vrykul are about the same size as a tauren, slightly smaller than Drogbal.

  But the advantage in size cannot determine the outcome of the war.

  Otherwise, the tauren and drogbal levels wouldn’t be built halfway up the mountain!
  At the foot of the mountain is the dividing line between Highmountain and Stormheim.

  Of course, the initial checkpoints of the two tribes were indeed built at the foot of the mountain.

  They were pushed halfway up the mountain by the violent and bellicose Vrykul.

  Tauren have the gift of earth affinity.

  Drogbal's earth affinity talent far exceeds that of the tauren.

  They can always add rock skin to themselves and transform into a semi-rocky biological form.

  Therefore, outsiders gave them the title of Stone Trolls.

  However, Drogbal was blessed with the powerful power of the earth, and still could not stop the heavy and sharp blades of the Vrykul.

  If it weren't for the advantages of geography and level, the Vrykul would have fought on the High Mountain.

  After witnessing the power of the Vrykul, the checkpoint defenders no longer thought of taking the initiative to attack.

  Even if they get a powerful bazooka, they just use it for defense.

  The violent explosion caused by the rocket can bring down the fire on those crazy Vrykul people and give up the idea of ​​attacking the level.

  Watching the tree men holding shovels marching down the mountain, forcing down the vrykul wandering along the way.

  The defenders on the level were vaguely moved.

  Treants are not as powerful as Vrykul.

  But there are just too many of them!

  If one-on-one is at a disadvantage, two-on-one will become a pressing fight.

  However, three or four of those tree men came together!

  He picked up the shovel in his hand and chopped down on his head and face.

  The shovel used by the treant has an edge on the side.

  In fact, there is no difference between it and a tomahawk!
  Vrykul do not like to wear steel armor.

  They all wore simple leather armor or even a piece of beast skin.

  It is said that this can show Odin his prowess.

  This allowed them to be quickly hacked to death with random shovels when they were besieged by the tree men.

  In fact, if the vrykul wrapped themselves in thick steel armor, they would be wiped out faster by the tree people. Because these tree people are much smaller than the orthodox tree people, they are fern tree people who are very good at fighting.

  They were born to be powerful war machines that charge into battle.

  And can skillfully operate various thermal weapons.

  If only there were fully armed armored Vrykul.

  He must have taken out his rocket launcher and fired a shot into their souls.

  With the powerful blessing of thermal weapons, the fern tree man becomes the strongest combat unit of the plant system!
  Although not as powerful and domineering as those tree people who are more than ten meters tall.

  Super high quantity, better movement speed, and more flexible actions.

  These powerful characteristics allow the fern tree people to dominate the ground battlefield.

  When competing with the Burning Legion for control of the planet, the increasingly mechanized demon legions were defeated by them.

  No matter how powerful the Vrykul are, can they compete with the fern tree army carrying a large number of thermal weapons?

  It's almost as good as the Iron Vrykul!
  The fern tree army pushed all the way and soon descended from the High Mountain.

  All that remained along the way were the shriveled corpses of the vrykul.

  That's because the fern tree people quickly sucked up the available nutrients.

  These guys are genetically mixed.

  But there must be carnivorous plant genes in it.

  In fact, all combat-type plant life forms have this gene.

  Otherwise, how can they fight for the druids if they are not aggressive?
  However, other tree men bury their enemies under several roots and then quietly absorb the nutrients.

  The fern tree people are unabashed in this regard.

  The behavior of sucking enemies into mummies and throwing them on the roadside is really outrageous!

  They followed the tauren and Drogbal down the mountain, but they showed no disgust.

  These silly big guys deliberately stepped on the mummified Vrykul corpses with their feet, and then laughed proudly.

  Seeing their bad behavior, Herard shook his head speechlessly.

  Barbarians, all barbarians!

  In fact, even a race that is already very civilized would not be civilized when it comes to treating the corpses of its enemies.

  Being able to set it on fire is already the best result.

  Many times, corpses are piled into a mountain of corpses to declare one's victory.

  As for treating the prisoners well, it is even impossible!
  Almost all the orc prisoners captured by humans died in the dark mines.

  The term "repaying kindness with kindness" absolutely does not exist in Azeroth!
  When high elves capture a forest troll, they usually don't survive the next day.

  Because the high elves won't let the forest troll live.

  Only a dead forest troll is a good forest troll.

  In the face of racial hatred that counts for centuries and millennia.

  It is difficult for morality to restrain people's revenge behavior.

  Even honest people like Tauren and Drogbal.

  Wouldn't it be better to step on the corpse of a Vrykul and dance on the grave?
  There is no way, the hatred between the two sides is too deep!
  At this time, if the president of the United Nations appears and makes irresponsible remarks.

  The fiery tauren and drogbal can smash the head of the president of the United Nations.

  The Fern Tree Legion that entered Stormheim finally attracted heavy troops from the Vrykul clan to encircle and suppress them.

  Different from the previous stragglers.

  The organized Vrykul Legion puts a lot of pressure on people!
  A group of tall Vrykul soldiers lined up in neat formation and quickly approached.

  This murderous aura alone can overwhelm anyone who is not determined.

  It's a pity that the fern tree people are not human and will not be intimidated by the momentum of the vrykul soldiers.

  They took out their rocket launchers and pointed them at the enemy's position, then pressed the launch button.

  The sky full of firelight and smoke obscured the figures of the Vrykul soldiers.

  But judging from the scattered limbs and broken arms, the fate of the Vrykul soldiers must have been tragic!
  (End of chapter)

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