Chapter 486: Target Abyss of Hell

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  Chapter 486 Target: Hell Abyss
  Hoswald is one of the largest cities in the Vrykul social system.

  However, the Vrykul people have their own national conditions here, so the scale cannot be large.

  In the Vrykul society, a city that can reach tens of thousands of people is already a big city!

  Otherwise they wouldn't have had so many kings at the same time.

  In this regard, we can refer to the Warring States Period of Little Devil.

  At that time, there were nearly a hundred countries, large and small, on the small island of Japan.

  The Vrykul who don't obey anyone are also like this.

  A powerful Vrykul man can recruit a group of younger brothers to form a clan, and then start preparing to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor.

  Of course, occasionally a vrykul king defeats other kings and becomes the true king.

  But this kind of unification often doesn't last long.

  After all, everyone wants to be a king.

  Large golems of holy light walked on the descending stairs of the city, turning the undead creatures turned into ashes by the vrykul along the way.

  The title Ashbringer is more appropriate for it!
  When dealing with undead creatures, it is invincible!

  When Naaru sees this powerful Holy Light war machine, he will also lament that his strength is not as good as it.

  This is not the first time that these innate holy light energy creatures have been defeated.

  When they saw the Titan creations who did not believe in the Holy Light use the Holy Light, they were already deeply frustrated!

  Titans are powerful creatures of arcane energy.

  However, they like to use arcane magic to simulate other powers.

  This also includes Holy Light.

  Therefore, the Naaru were not surprised at all when the mage created a Holy Light Puppet that used powerful Holy Light power.

  However, this huge Holy Light Puppet is not what the Naaru thought.

  Its large belly is filled with Naaru fragments obtained from the Shadow Realm.

  Naaru fragments can be used to create holy light artifacts.

  The fragments produced by a naaru can be used to create several pieces.

  The priest's Tulay staff is made from some fragments of Naru Tulay.

  So Herad used all the Naaru fragments to create a moving Holy Light artifact.

  It is hundreds of times more powerful than ordinary holy light artifacts!
  Facing such a terrifying Holy Light war machine, the Vrykul Necromancer did not dare to resist.

  They ran directly into the bay at the end of the city.

  There is the Abyss of Hades ruled by Hela.

  They understand the calculation of gains and losses very clearly.

  Becoming a ghost squeezed by Hela, there may be a day when he can turn over.

  If it were burned to ashes by that huge giant of holy light.

  Then there will really be nothing left!
  Because the extremely violent holy light will burn away all the evil in the world.

  Even their souls will be purified to their original state.

  Like a blank piece of paper.

  So entering the abyss of the underworld is their only way out!
  The Vrykul Necromancer came to the door on his own initiative, which surprised the Lord of the Underworld Abyss.

  What's the big problem out there?

  You actually scared these guys so much that they came to your door?
  The fern tree people are advancing too fast, and Hela is still unaware of it.

  In fact, it would be useless even if she knew the situation.

  Because Herad had already changed his generals before the battle and sent the undead's nemesis over.

  When a large holy light puppet, like a holy light giant, appeared at the entrance to the abyss of the underworld.

  A catastrophe has just come!
  The large holy light puppet exudes dazzling golden light.

  In addition to providing lighting, the golden light also ignited all undead creatures that could be ignited.

  The undead creature, whose body was burning with holy flames, howled and turned into a pile of white ashes.

  As their souls flew into the air blankly, they were pulled deep into the mist by mysterious power. There is the real abyss of the underworld.

  In fact, the so-called abyss of the underworld does not really exist.

  It is a giant ghost ship anchored in the harbor of Hoswald.

  This giant ghost ship has the function of imprisoning souls.

  The souls of countless Vrykul people fell into it, and they will never be able to escape.

  The Abyss of the Underworld can be sailed on the sea.

  But as Hela’s beloved one, of course it’s impossible to take risks at sea.

  Hela built many small ghost ships out of bones and broken boards.

  Kvaldir pirates drive these small ghost ships to harvest souls from the outside world.

  This is how the legend of the ghost ship in Azeroth came about.

  Ordinary people basically have no way of surviving when they encounter such evil things at sea!

  This is why merchant ships need warship escort.

  Warships can use intensive artillery fire to blast the ghost ship to pieces and protect merchant ships from the attack of the ghost ship.

  Of course, this is only limited to small ghost ships more than twenty meters long.

  The artillery of warships cannot deal with a behemoth like the Abyss of the Underworld, which is more than two hundred meters long!

  That kind of giant ghost ship gathered the power of countless millions of dead souls.

  The energy shield of the death system is quite good in terms of defense!

  When the powerful cannonball hits it, not even a splash will appear.

  That is to say, Hela was cautious enough and did not dare to release the abyss of the underworld.

  Otherwise, all the ships on the sea would tremble in the shadow of the abyss of the underworld.

  When the large Holy Light Golem walked into the harbor, a small ghost ship was revealed moored at the dock.

  The Kvaldir pirates jumped off the ship, covered in smoke, and rushed towards the attackers, howling.

  Many Kvaldir pirates who jumped off the ship were often burned to ashes by the holy light emanating from it before they even got close to the large holy light puppet.

  Even if there were those who managed to get close, they would just hit them weakly with their battle axes, and then they would roar and burn.

  The light cast iron armor filled with divine energy is harder than hardened thorium.

  Even if the Kvaldir pirates swung their battle axes with all their strength and struck them, they wouldn't cause much damage.

  As the large Holy Light Golem approaches the small pirate ship.

  The negative energy on the small pirate ship was evaporated by the holy light.

  These money-making machines that harvest souls for Hela also began to smoke and burn.

  A small ghost ship that can be blasted to pieces by artillery is not even qualified to be attacked by large holy light puppets.

  When the large holy light puppet walked to the edge of the port's pier, Hela finally reacted.

  She ordered all small ghost ships to stay away from the harbor.

  Then the giant ghost ship parked in the middle of the harbor approached the port and fired negative energy cannonballs at the large holy light puppet.

  Hela's counterattack was quite satisfactory.

  However, it does not work against large holy light puppets.

  The large holy light puppet saw the small fish and shrimp approaching the big fish, and the golden light emitted from the whole body suddenly became strong.

  Then it jumped up, flew above the giant ghost ship, and smashed it down hard.

  This attack scene was like a cannonball hitting the boat.

  The behemoth containing powerful kinetic energy and sacred energy smashed through the death energy shield of the giant ghost ship.

  The large holy light puppet that broke into the interior was like a husky that loved to demolish a house, frantically destroying all objects in the cabin.

  The giant ghost ship looks very high-end.

  In fact, it is also composed of broken wooden boards and the bones of the dead.

  (End of chapter)

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