Chapter 75: Hob-level Deathwing

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  Chapter 75: Hob-level Deathwing Deathwing
  thought that he was well hidden, so no orcs would be able to discover him.

  The orcs who were smoothing the road at the city gate acted timidly, as if they were afraid of shells falling.

  Seeing the way the orcs were worried about road construction, it estimated that the Dragonmaw clan would move soon.

  Deathwing, who prides himself on his uncanny calculations, did not know that he had been discovered by the enemy when he flew over.

  The radar detection range of the tank landing ship anchored in the large river east of Grim Batol exceeds 400 kilometers.

  Capturing a large aircraft is easy.

  The radar showed a big guy heading straight for Grim Batol.

  Then suddenly disappeared nearby.

  The dragon that will come during this time, and is so sneaky, can only be Deathwing.

  After receiving the news, Herad immediately informed the dragon kings to take action.

  Soon the first cart containing several dragon eggs was pushed out by the Dragonmaw Orcs.

  Seeing the dragon eggs on the cart, Deathwing smiled with satisfaction.

  These carts transporting dragon eggs slowly moved along the simply repaired road, forming a long queue.

  Deathwing did a rough count and found that there were more than a hundred.

  After calculating in its mind the quantity needed for the plan, it decided to only take away eighty to leave some survival capital for the Dragonmaw clan.

  Deathwing's true form appeared on the top of the mountain and rushed towards the convoy with a powerful force.

  The little guys pushing the cart were so frightened that they fled in all directions.

  Seeing the black dragon with a length of more than a hundred meters pounce down, no one could stand calmly.

  Deathwing, which rushed down with great force, quickly slowed down when it was about to approach the convoy.

  It came to snatch the dragon eggs, not to smash them.

  As it flew over the convoy at low speed, it stretched out its dragon claws to grab a cart, and was proudly preparing to leave.

  However, the dragon kings who were mixed in the escort convoy showed their true forms and rushed forward, entangling the unprepared Deathwing.

  When the dragon kings successfully entangled Deathwing, the top dragons also surrounded him.

  At the stage of these dragon kings and top dragons, magic and dragon fire have no effect.

  Herard suddenly felt that the level of the guardian dragon had plummeted.

  These are just a bunch of wild beasts biting each other!
  Such a shameful scene occurs because the fangs and claws of their true bodies are indeed the most powerful weapons!
  Although they are intelligent creatures, they cannot give up their advantages for the sake of face.

  Looking at Deathwing surrounded by seven or eight giant dragons, Herard couldn't help but sigh at the huge size of Deathwing.

  The Deathwing in the Cataclysm CG in the game is about the same size as the tower of Stormwind City.

  By visual inspection, it would only be about fifty meters long.

  Several top dragons are bigger than Deathwing in CG.

  The body length of the four guardian dragon kings is more than eighty meters.

  The larger the dragon is, the stronger it is.

  If Deathwing had the size in CG, he would be pressed to the ground and rubbed against him.

  The battle scenes now are hilarious.

  It looked like seven jackals trying to swarm the tiger.

  No jackal is a match for a tiger.

  But the tiger did not dare to chase one of them and bite it to death.

  Otherwise, the intestines may be taken out by jackals.

  Deathwing, who was being beaten, was also in this dilemma.

  The dragons that harassed it around would not rip out its intestines.

  Their claws scratched across Deathwing's scales, leaving only shallow scratches.

  However, Deathwing is not too big and will never expose his back to them.

  The consequences of doing so are too dangerous!
  It is very likely that they will jump on the back and bite them tightly.

  Deathwing was an expert in melee combat and could not make such a stupid mistake.

  This makes the scene very funny and looks like a farce. However, the two sides are in a fight to the death!
  Both the Red Dragon Queen and the Blue Dragon King are determined to kill Deathwing, who has a blood feud.

  Both had too many offspring, ruined at the hands of this despicable fellow.

  The Red Dragon Queen was responsible for the destruction of hundreds of dragon eggs by Deathwing's machinations.

  During the War of the Ancients, the Blue Dragon King was directly attacked by Deathwing with Demon Soul.

  The golden beam of light emitted by the Demon Soul is like an annihilator weapon in a science fiction movie, obliterating wherever it shines.

  With just one sweep, hundreds of blue dragons were completely annihilated!
  This extremely cruel and destructive attack made the terrifying name of Demon Soul imprinted in the hearts of all dragons.

  This devastating energy strike consumes the protective power injected by the guardian dragon kings.

  It is equivalent to using part of the Blue Dragon King's power to almost wipe out the Blue Dragon clan.

  So this is definitely a fight to the death situation!
  Facing the crazy attacks of the Blue Dragon King and the Red Dragon Queen, even if Deathwing had the ability to severely damage them, he would not dare to take the risk.

  After all, if it does this, it will probably be bitten by other dragon kings.

  Especially the sneaky Nozdormu, who is always wandering around.

  Once he finds an opportunity to attack, he will pounce and bite hard.

  Moreover, the moment he launches the attack, the past, present, and future attacks are superimposed. One bite is equivalent to three bites.

  Nozdormu's state is the best among the Guardian Dragon Kings.

  His attacks are also more effective against Deathwing.

  Several wounds on Deathwing's body were bitten by Nozdormu.

  Seeing the magma blood flowing out of Deathwing's body, all the Aspect Dragons were very excited.

  They are well aware of Deathwing's properties.

  Deathwing, who controls the earth, is definitely the most powerful in terms of defense!
  But if you can break its turtle shell, the next battle will be easier.

  Because its wound healing ability is extremely poor.

  The magma-like blood does not have the characteristics of rapid solidification.

  You can even kill this guy!
  Herard, who was sitting on the steps at the city gate watching the battle, also held the same view.

  Alleria looked at the brutal and bloody fight in the sky, and was very worried about the safety of the guardian dragon king and the dragon.

  Seeing her frown, Herard tightened his arm around her shoulders.

  "Sister, why are you looking so sad? I guess Deathwing will be defeated soon."

  Alleria pointed at the red dragon queen and blue dragon king who were attacking frantically.

  "But it may pull one or even two back before being defeated."

  Before Alleria could finish her words, Deathwing suddenly attacked the Red Dragon Queen regardless.

  The Blue Dragon King, who had been looking for a breakthrough next to him, took the opportunity to bite its neck hard, hoping to bite through its neck.

  Other dragon kings and giant dragons also pounced on him and bit him, aggravating Deathwing's injuries and trying to force him to let go.

  But Deathwing's turtle shell is too strong.

  Even the strongest Nozdormu could only cause minor lacerations and bleed out some magma blood.

  Such a fierce and fierce siege failed to remove even one of Deathwing's scales.

  The Red Dragon Queen, who was bitten by the wings of death, had been severely traumatized.

  The Blue Dragon King, who managed to bite out the wound, was quickly retaliated by Deathwing.

  The Red Dragon Queen had been seriously injured and fell to the ground.

  The vengeful Blue Dragon King is biting each other with Deathwing.

  The Green Dragon Queen is a scumbag and can only play soy sauce on the side.

  Can you still win like this? Herard felt like he was going to lose.

  Even though he was prepared in advance, he fought like this with Deathwing.

  Nozdormu, who can see the secrets of time, seems to have inaccurate predictions.

  (End of chapter)

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