Chapter 178 The twelfth lunar month

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  Chapter 178
  The original houses on the twelfth lunar month in Zhuangzi were not enough for the newly hired people, so these people lived in temporary shacks from the beginning, and then some people were allocated to build new residences.

  At the same time, Wei Ruo's five small workshops were also built.

  Five workshops have now been completed, and those residences are still under construction because of their large number.

  Wei Ruo hopes to get everyone moved in before the temperature freezes below zero.

  As soon as Wei Ruo arrived, Manager Yu took her to inspect the newly built houses: "Look, boss, all the beams will be put up in a few days, and they will be completed before the end of the month." "Well, you did a good job."

  Wei Ruodao .

  "This is all due to your kindness, boss. Everyone knows that you built these houses for them to live in. They are very grateful and work extra hard." Manager Yu said.

  Land is so valuable, other people must want to keep more farmland or build houses for themselves, but their owners have generously freed up large areas of land to build more houses to accommodate the long-term workers who have no homes. Live better with your family.

  The old long-term workers in their village used to live in smaller places than this. Usually several long-term workers crowded into one room. How could they sleep in such a comfortable small room?

  "I hope they will work wholeheartedly on Zhuangzi and treat Zhuangzi as a place like home. Then naturally, they must be provided with a place to shelter from wind and rain, food and clothing. Otherwise, why should I ask for it?" They can work well for Zhuangzi and treat Zhuangzi like family."

  "My boss is kind-hearted!" Manager Yu couldn't help but sigh.

  After working as a long-term worker for twenty years, he has been a manager for the past ten years, and this is the first time he has met a boss who has such an idea.

  "Just do as I say. Don't worry about Zhuangzi's high expenditure. As long as the expenditure is reasonable and compliant, and the money is actually used where it should be used, I will not be stingy. In the coming year, I will not be stingy." Here we can produce more crops, and these are all coming back.”

  At present, if Wei Ruo has several stores that are making steady profits, expenses will not be a problem. After the cooperation with Zui Xianju begins, additional income can be added.

  Moreover, Wei Ruo's ambition is not only to have a Drunken Immortal Residence, but she is also preparing to open up the market for ordinary people, as well as restaurants in other places, which are all included in her future plans.

  "Okay, don't worry, my boss. I will record every expenditure on Zhuangzi in detail to ensure that every money my boss spends is clearly spent."

  Wei Ruo nodded, and the account books must be clear.

  Then Wei Ruo went to the workshop. Because he was just starting out, there would inevitably be some problems. Wei Ruo still had to put more effort into supervising the work these days and correct the problems in time when he found them.

  Time has entered the twelfth lunar month in a flash.

  A heavy snow covered the entire Taizhou Prefecture.

  The city is covered with snow inside and outside. There is a thick layer of white snow on the eaves, branches and steps.

  It's freezing cold, and the temperature is even colder than in previous years.

  This kind of schedule is really sad for people from poor families.

  Some families have actually begun to sell their daughters, and the better ones are sold to wealthy families as maids. Regardless of whether they sign a death contract or a living contract, at least they can have enough to eat, and if they do well, they will have a career.

  Those who were almost unlucky were not so lucky. Those who were sold as concubines were bought by Yapo and sent north, and some were made into thin horses.

  Although Wei Ruo had not witnessed these things with his own eyes, he knew that they really happened.

  All the houses in Weiruo Village were completed before the heavy snowfall, and everyone moved in. Zhuangzi also has enough food to eat. In addition to the rice stored in Zhuangzi's warehouse, Wei Ruo also has several carts of sweet potatoes transported from Xingshan County, plus a large amount of vegetables grown after the autumn harvest of Xiaoyang Mountain in Xingshan County. Pickled vegetables (pickled radish, pickles, mustard greens, etc.).

  These grain reserves are enough for more than 200 people in Zhuangzi to survive this winter.

  After seeing the suffering of poor people outside in the cold weather, many of the refugees who were taken in felt more and more grateful to Wei Ruo.

  If they hadn't been taken in by Wei Ruo, they would have either frozen to death or starved to death.

  Even the local residents who were employed were equally grateful, because not every employer treated their long-term workers so favorably. In such a year, not only did their wages not be reduced, but they were also given extra cotton-padded clothes.

  The captain's office distributed charcoal fires to each hospital. The ones distributed were smokeless charcoal, which was better than ordinary black charcoal. It would not emit black smoke and make the room filled with smoke.

  At the same time, each yard was also given two new quilts this year.

  These are all attributed to Wei Mingting's promotion. Not only did he receive rewards, his salary also increased, and the situation in the school captain's mansion was naturally much better.

  Then Yun invited a tailor to come to her home and tailor each young master and young lady's clothes to be worn in the New Year.

  Among them, Wei Ruo made three sets, while others, including the eldest son Wei Yichen, only made two sets.

  This is because Wei Ruo has few clothes. Now that she has arrived in Fucheng, she has to attend some occasions. Wei Ruo is the eldest daughter in the house, so naturally she cannot change her clothes and only has two or three outfits that she can wear.

  Originally, Mrs. Yun also wanted to dress up Wei Yichen. Wei Yichen had just gone to Anzhou Academy to study. He had been in contact with many people and needed to be more decent.

  But during the measurement, Wei Yichen refused. He told Yun that he went to Anzhou Academy to study, not to compare with others, and there was no need to care about these external things.

  Wei Yichen knew in his heart that the Xiaowei Mansion was not wealthy. There was not enough food this year and the weather was extremely cold, so there were more places to spend money.

  He has made enough clothes in previous years, so he will save some this year.

  Wei Qingwan felt sad for a while when she found out.

  But her sadness and unwillingness failed to cause any change. Except for her two loyal servants, no one else in the house knew her emotions and thoughts.

  On the seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, the day before the Laba Festival, Wei Ruo and Xiumei made several large pots of Laba porridge and distributed them to the people in Zhuangzi.

  Although the Laba Festival is tomorrow, because Wei Ruo had other plans on the Laba Festival, the Laba porridge for the people on Zhuangzi was distributed one day in advance.

  The Laba porridge made by Wei Ruo and Xiumei was full of ingredients, and everyone in Zhuangzi started gobbling it up.

  In addition to the people on Zhuangzi, Wei Ruo also packed a few barrels and wrapped them in cotton cloth and took them back to the city.

  The nanny and Uncle Xu's share must be indispensable, as well as the shopkeeper and waiter from Sibaozhai, Chen Aqing from Xu Ji Braised Meat Shop, and another boy.

  In addition, at Zhuangzi in Xingshan County, Wei Ruo had also sent a letter a few days in advance, asking the steward of Zhuangzi there to cook Laba porridge for everyone on the Laba Festival.

  (End of chapter)

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