244. Chapter 241 Identity Revealed and Princess of the Valley

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  Chapter 241: Identity Revealed and Princess of Rivendell

  After hearing Wayne’s request, the Elf King Elrond was very generous and offered to let Wayne borrow some books.

  However, when talking about it later, Elrond unconsciously brought an imperceptible smile to his tone and said,

  "Mr. Wayne, I need to remind you that all our books are written in Sindarin. Generally speaking, The foreigners cannot recognize our language."

  "However, if you have such patience, I can arrange for a tribesman to teach you Sindarin during this period." "As

  for whether you can learn this language before leaving, It depends on your understanding."

  Hearing this, Wayne patted his head, because he had been able to communicate normally with the Sindar elves, dwarves and hobbits before, so he had forgotten about it.

  In the world of Middle-earth, each race has its own language and writing. Although there is a common language that all races can use in spoken language, which allows different races to communicate with each other, but in writing, painting, compiling books and various In terms of customs and beliefs, everyone has their own words and habits.

  After all, for most races, they generally only communicate internally, and rarely have too close interactions with foreign races.

  Wayne shook his head and said helplessly:

  "Then please ask Your Majesty Elrond to appoint a tribesman to teach me the Sindarin language. It would be good to learn the language of the elves during this journey. Harvest."

  "Perhaps in the future, I will often work with the elves to fight against the minions of the dark forces. Learning Sindarin will help me communicate with everyone." After saying this, Wayne suddenly thought of what he was doing today

  . The beautiful elf girl who was the guide.

  Although the girl was not well-groomed, her figure, appearance, words and deeds always revealed a particularly peaceful temperament, which made people feel quite comfortable.

  When the two were talking, there were not many racial barriers, and they had a tacit understanding, so he said casually:
  "Why don't you trouble the lady who is my guide today to teach me Sindarin."

  Unexpectedly, after hearing Wayne's words, Elrond, who had always maintained a gentle temperament, changed his face, and then He looked at Wayne with slightly vigilant eyes and said,

  "Mr. Wayne, that is my daughter, Alwen Udomir. Even if she is a guest, she should not make such an unreasonable request." After hearing the

  elf king's message With an angry voice, Wayne was slightly startled. He really didn't know the identity of the other party. He didn't expect that the beautiful elf girl was actually the daughter of King Elrond, so he said apologetically: "Sorry, Elrond.

  " Your Majesty Rond, please forgive me for being rude, I was not aware of this."

  After hearing Wayne's apology, Elrond's anger softened slightly, and after looking at him seriously for a few times, he returned to his former kingly demeanor. , and said:
  "It's okay. Those who don't know are not guilty. I forgive your rudeness, Mr. Wayne."

  While the two were talking, Gandalf suddenly said:
  "Wayne, actually, I haven't heard from you since we first met. I discovered that there seems to be some kind of magic cast on your face, but at the beginning, everyone was not familiar with it." "Now,

  can you tell us, what is the reason for this?"

  I didn't expect that my disguise magic would actually work. Gandalf saw through it, although it was not a sophisticated disguise.

  Wayne was silent for a few seconds, then slowly took off the contact lenses on his face, revealing his amber vertical pupils and rather conspicuous pointed elf ears.

  After the three of them looked at each other for a few times, he shrugged and said to Gandalf and Elrond who looked surprised, "

  Actually, I am also a half-elf, but my origin is a bit complicated. In order not to cause any confusion, There is no need for trouble, so I simply hide my identity and live as a human adventurer." After listening to Wayne's speech, Gandalf and Elrond looked at each other, but they didn't know what was happening in the team voice. After talking about something, the look in Wayne's eyes changed again.

  As the favorites of the Creator God of Middle-earth, the elves are obviously much more trustworthy than dwarves, humans or other races in the eyes of the wizard and elf king. Wayne, who originally had a mysterious origin, is actually a half-elf. Now in their eyes, this human adventurer immediately became a fellow human being who needed to be won over.

  In the world of Middle-earth, no matter which elven clan they belong to, they all have long lifespans and difficulty in reproducing. Every clan member is very precious and must try to ensure that all kinds of accidents, fights, and unnecessary casualties are reduced. This is what they have always done. Being secluded from the world is one of the reasons why he seldom communicates with foreigners.

  Now because of the change in identity, Elrond, the elf king who was also born as a half-elf, will definitely make different judgments and choices for Wayne.

  The next day, to Wayne's surprise, Elrond actually did as he wished and asked his daughter, Princess Arwen of Rivendell, to teach him Sindarin.

  This beautiful elf girl is just like she was when we first met. She treats people like a spring breeze and talks nicely. Her watery eyes always reveal the purity of a little white rabbit, intentionally or unintentionally.

  As an elf princess who has lived for more than two thousand years, this girl has been well protected and is full of curiosity about adventurous life. While she is kind-hearted, she also maintains a little rebellion and yearning for outside life. .

  Although Wayne was an old pervert, he couldn't bear to attack such a pure girl. He did not launch an offensive to pursue the Princess of Rivendell, nor did he want to arouse the hostility of King Elrond.

  However, it is always happy to get along with beautiful girls. While learning Xingda language, he will occasionally tell some stories about the things he encountered while performing tasks in the wizarding world, and tell some stories about his experiences when getting along with his friends. The princess listened with gusto to the stories from outside.

  When teaching Wayne, Alwen would also bring some of the Sindar Elf food and wine that she cooked to reward him, and Wayne also used his most commonly used and most effective method to deal with girls.

  Those are the world's most delicious cakes and snacks secretly made by Mr. Wayne, as well as the ice cream he made using ice magic.

  No woman in any world or race can refuse these sweets, these various, novel and delicious desserts.

  Sweets have always been a luxury item in the Middle Ages. Wayne's secret dessert made Arwen smile like a girl after eating it, perfectly displaying the purity and beauty of the elf girl in front of Wayne.

  Time flies, three days have passed.

  During this period, Thorin and his fellow dwarves took a good rest in Rivendell to relieve the fatigue and hardships along the way.

  But this time, because Wayne was guarding them throughout the whole process, everyone's mounts were not lost, and the speed of the journey was several days faster than in the original drama. The rest of the journey was not too tight because of the presence of mounts.

  As in the original work, Elrond helped Thorin decipher the secret words of the Moonlight Script left on the map by the previous King Under the Mountain.

  But this time, because Wayne, a very prestigious person, was mediating the relationship between the dwarves and the elves, the two sides did not have conflicts like in the original work, and they got along quite harmoniously.

  Wayne's progress in Sindarin was pretty good. Perhaps it was because Elrond once revealed to the Princess of Rivendell that Wayne was a half-elf. The elf girl showed considerable trust in him and was defenseless. He took him to the library of Rivendell and even thoughtfully helped him translate some historical knowledge he wanted to know. This also gave Wayne the opportunity to use the magic book to copy some basic knowledge of the Sindar elves. You can learn slowly in the future journey.

  But one night, unknown to Wayne and the expedition team, the gray robe wizard Gandalf, the brown robe wizard Radagast, the white robe wizard Saruman, three wizards, the Elven King Elrond and the Elf Queen... Galadriel.

  These five people in the light camp, who are almost the most powerful five, held a mysterious meeting to discuss the current situation, the changes in Dol Guldur, and the latest mysterious semi-circle that appeared in front of them. Genie Wayne.

  When Gandalf told everyone else present what he had seen and heard about Wayne along the way, these people also had different views on Wayne's attitude.

  They also expressed different opinions on Wayne's arrogant mission to kill Smaug, the dragon in the north.

  (End of chapter)

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