Chapter 260 Chapter 260 Chaos

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  Chapter 260 Chapter 260 Chapter 260 Chaos 4

  : 5:30 pm.

  Li Chengyi arrived at Baijia Bookstore on time.

  The old buildings are still crumbling, and the new shopping mall building next to it in the distance is bustling with people.

  It's still as quiet and deserted here as before.

  Only elementary school students carrying schoolbags after school occasionally passed by, went into the bookstore, and soon came out with a few old books.

  Li Chengyi did not let Zhou Xingtong follow him, but got out of the car alone and walked to the door of the bookstore.

  The cafe to the left of the store door has closed, and a store sublet sign has been put up.

  The stationery store on the right is still the same, half-dead, except that the wooden boards on which the stationery is placed are older and a little black.

  In front of the dark bookstore, Li Chengyi recalled the original scene.

  The little red mountain flower with the skill exists in Bai Feipeng's painting.

  So, is it possible that the painting connected to some other world that has the practice and was affected by the pollution?

  Approaching the store door, under the dark bookshelf inside, a bald old man was lying half on a wooden chair, playing a fighting game on his mobile phone.

  The crackling combos erupted with various light and shadow effects, and the fight was quite intense.

  "Boss." Li Chengyi knocked on the table where the books were placed.

  Boom, boom, boom.

  The old man put down his phone and glanced at him.

  "You can choose books by yourself. The price depends on the wooden sign."

  "I don't buy books." Li Chengyi slowly stretched out his hand, took out a stack of banknotes from his pocket, and placed it on the table.

  "I buy paintings. All comic strips, and the paintings your grandfather once painted in your shop." "

  ?" Upon hearing this, the bald old man immediately raised his head and looked at Li Chengyi carefully in the dim light.

  "You were the one at that time." He pointed at Li Chengyi, seeming to remember something.

  "Yes, I am the one who has been here before." Li Chengyi nodded.

  "Why are you buying paintings?" the old man asked doubtfully.

  "I have a nephew who I like very much."

  "Forget it, don't talk about it. It doesn't matter what you use it for. Come on." He stood up quickly and motioned for Li Chengyi to follow him inside.

  "You've come to the right place. I have a lot of old things here, and there are too many old comic books of all kinds!"

  He led Li Chengyi to a small single room at the end.

  Rows of bookshelves were filled with all kinds of old-fashioned picture albums and small books. The dim light was blocked a lot by the tall bookshelves, and the true color of the ground could not be seen clearly. Only the shadows swayed and changed color as the two people moved.

  Soon, after walking to the last two rows of bookshelves, the old man bent down and pulled out a large wooden box from the ground and began to unpack it.

  While he was unpacking it, he kept talking about how good the physical books and comics were, and how suitable they were for enlightening children and cultivating their outlook on life.

  Li Chengyi responded casually while looking around and taking in the surrounding environment.

  Suddenly, he saw a young woman wearing a white dress, black hair shawl, and standing barefoot in a dark place between the bookshelves on the left.

  The woman's back was facing him, standing at the innermost side of the bookshelf, quiet, still, and motionless.

  Li Chengyi frowned slightly, feeling a little weird.

  The old man was still chattering. It was obvious that this was not a blind spot environment, so the woman could not be a blind spot monster, but a living person in reality.

  But something strange is that his senses can feel the other person's breathing, heartbeat, and blood flow, but this woman just doesn't move.

  She stood quietly in the shadow between the bookshelves, with her back to this side and facing the white wall, not knowing where she was.

  "Boss, did you hire a helper here?" Li Chengyi looked forward to the old man and asked casually.

  "Staff?" The old man was stunned, "No, what kind of clerk can I hire for such a small store?"

  "Who is that lady?" Li Chengyi turned around and looked at the woman again.

  The bookshelves were empty, not a single person.


  Li Chengyi's voice paused.

  He stared at that location carefully.

  Between the two bookshelves, one end is a blind corner of the wall, and the other end is his exit.

  That woman. In such a short time, she disappeared! ?

  With his powerful five senses now, he couldn't even notice how she left!
  "What's wrong?" Old Man Bai came over confused and followed Li Chengyi's gaze.

  "I haven't sorted out the books over there for a long time. They are all about natural science. Do you want me?" "Let

  me take a look." Li Chengyi squinted his eyes, already feeling something was wrong.

  He walked forward between the bookshelves and stopped exactly where the woman had stopped.

  Then look left and right at the bookshelves.

  Nothing was found.

  There is still a lot of dust accumulated on the bookshelf.

  He lowered his head and saw that there were only his footprints on the ground.

  Fine dust also covered the ground, and there was only a line of his footprints on the dust, extending from outside the bookshelf to here.

  Li Chengyi's heart trembled, and he knew something was wrong.

  "Okay, all the comic strips here have been dragged out. You are at the right place. Many of the old comic strips are only available here now. As for my grandfather's paintings," the old man did not finish his words.

  "Wait a minute!" Li Chengyi suddenly thought of something, "Old man, do you still sell paints for painting here?" "There

  must be paints." The old man smiled.

  "Then are the paints your grandfather used for painting still there now?" Li Chengyi asked quickly.

  "My guest, are you kidding me?" The old man was stunned.

  The paint his grandfather used at that time?
  How many years ago was that stuff? How could it still be there now?

  Isn't this funny?

  "Forget it if you're not here, can I ask, what brand of paint did your grandfather like to use the most back then?" Li Chengyi asked again.

  The weird little fat man at the beginning was developed by Bai Feipeng with the help of an accidental drop of white paint.

  That little fat man is very weird, and it’s hard to be sure it’s not related to the paint. That's why Li Chengyi thought of this.

  "I remember this. At that time, supplies were not plentiful, and there were not many brands to choose from. After all, there were only a few stores around." Old Man Bai said with a smile.

  "My grandfather and I used Wanyou brand paint at that time. There was no other choice."

  "Wanyou brand, okay."

  Li Chengyi remembered the name, and then dragged out a large box of comic books and a All the paintings painted by the old man and grandpa were thrown into the car.

  After paying the money, Old Man Bai couldn't close his mouth with laughter. This old man had knocked off Sindra a lot of money last time, and this time he got hundreds of thousands more. I really don't know what he wanted so much money for.

  The storefront is still so shabby and has not been renovated.

  Carrying a cart full of comics and picture frames, Li Chengyi found a hotel nearby to stay.

  After opening the suite, he took out all the comic books and read them one by one.

  At the same time, it also provided information to AI Rose to search for Wanyou brand pigments.

  In a painting, from the paint, to the brush, to the person who painted it, the paper, and the frame, he wanted to find clues one by one to determine why the flower language of Shanlihong had changed.

  Two days.

  Two full days.

  Li Chengyi stayed in his room and kept reading all the comic books.

  He didn't just flip through it. While flipping it, he would also cover it with a radiant force field and check it.

  Determine the situation of dead space items.

  But unfortunately, nothing was found.

  Li Chengyi was in front of the sink, turned on the faucet, took some water and wiped it on his face.

  He has read all the details of the comic strips in succession.

  But still nothing was found, and the radiant force field was useless at all.

  The water flow kept making a sound, and Li Chengyi pulled the towel to wipe the water from his face.

  'In the end, what's the key? '

  His mind kept spinning, trying to find any key point that could be related to the technique.

  But it’s meaningless.

  He raised his head and looked at himself in the mirror. He had been reading comic books for two consecutive days without taking a break, which made his eyes look faintly tired.

  'Could it be that the paint Bai Feipeng used was not something in reality, but an item that was circulated in a blind spot? Li Chengyi's heart suddenly moved.

  There are all kinds of blind spots, and if this is the case, it might make sense.

  He turned around, opened the bathroom door, and returned to the living room.

  Suddenly, his steps stopped.

  He just stopped and stood at the junction of the bathroom and the living room, motionless.

  Li Chengyi narrowed his eyes, and an invisible fusion of knotted hair, flying flowers and scales appeared all over his body unconsciously.

  His eyes were fixed on the living room.

  In the early morning, dim skylight came in from the side window, illuminating half of the living room.

  The desk lamp on the desk in the corner still shines with yellow light.

  The intersection formed by skylight and desk light.

  A woman was standing at this time.

  A dark-haired woman wearing a long white dress with her back to him, motionless.

  She was barefoot, with one-third of her white calves exposed, her hands hanging down naturally, and she stood upright.

  "How did you get in?" Li Chengyi said in a low voice.

  no answer. The woman remained motionless, as if she had not heard him.

  "No matter who you are." A golden sword slowly appeared in Li Chengyi's hand and he walked forward slowly.

  "You were in the bookstore before, and now you are here. It seems that you are just staring at me?"

  The distance between the two gradually became closer.

  The woman still didn't move.

  She stood still and didn't speak, just like a sculpture, with her back to Li Chengyi.


  Suddenly, the faucet in the bathroom behind him turned on automatically.

  Li Chengyi was slightly distracted and looked behind him out of the corner of his eye.

  The bathroom door behind him opened with a click.

  A trace of white skirt floated slightly from the door.

  Someone! !
  Li Chengyi was horrified.

  He didn't notice any movement at all. How did these two people get in? ?


  Suddenly he came to his senses and looked towards the living room again.

  The woman in the white dress who was there just now has disappeared.

  I don’t know when I completely disappeared.

  The faucet also turned off automatically.

  He turned around hastily and found that the bathroom door had not been opened at all.

  "That's wrong!"

  Li Chengyi felt something was wrong and immediately took out his mobile phone to check.


  The cell phone time is about half a minute slow!
  This means that he just suffered from strong electromagnetic radiation interference, causing the cell phone's timekeeping to fail.

  "Could it be a new blind spot!?" Li Chengyi didn't think anyone could approach him silently and then leave suddenly.

  But if it’s a blind spot, you can understand it
  (end of chapter)

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