Chapter 127 Yushan (twenty-two)

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  Chapter 127 Yushan (Twenty-two)

  The two spent their days collecting firewood and preparing cooked food. In just one week, the two made enough food to last them for two years.

  Most of these cooked foods were special foods made by Ling Xue, and each portion had a special bonus. The two of them divided the cooked foods into two portions and put them in their own storage spaces.

  In the following time, Ling Xue was not so eager to prepare cooked food. She and A Yong began to make some snacks and rice balls that were easier to eat.

  The food is not made big, basically enough for Ling Xue to eat one bite at a time, making it very convenient to eat.

  A Yong has thought very carefully. If conditions permit, he can take out the food and soup to eat together; if conditions permit, he can take out bite-sized snacks from the storage space to eat, which is not eye-catching but also satisfies the stomach.

  Of course, Ling Xue did not forget the drinks she drank. She made dozens of buckets of fruit milk, juice, sour plum soup, milk tea, etc., whatever she and A Yong could think of, both hot and cold. It can be considered very thoughtful.

  Knowing that A Yong likes glutinous rice, Ling Xue also made a lot of them and put them in the storage space for him alone. When he wants to drink, he can put it into a cup and take it out. Anyway, no one else knows whether A Yong's cup is filled with water or something else.

  On this day, Ling Xue and A Yong were frying sweet potato pancakes and potato pancakes when they suddenly received a red warning of cooling from the optical brain. The cold wave advanced from north to south at a very fast speed. It would take another half an hour to reach the shelter where Yushan was located.

  The official notifies people who are out collecting supplies to take shelter in the nearest shelter to avoid the cold, and be cautious when going out!
  After receiving the news, Ling Xue and A Yong quickly got ready. All heating equipment was turned on, as were the wood-burning and coal-burning stoves, and the temperature quickly rose to the upper 40s.

  Even so, they couldn't stop. Ling Xue and A Yong quickly put on all kinds of warm clothes and fur coats, and then hid under the thick quilt in the middle of the living room.

  Lingxue and Ayong were surrounded by various burning stoves and heating equipment. The two of them almost fainted from the heat before the cold wave arrived.

  Not only Ling Xue and A Yong were so prepared, the cave in the shelter was also tightly blocked, the walls of the cave were covered with cold-proof materials, and all kinds of heating equipment were turned on.

  It can be said that except for the vents, the entire cave is almost a closed space.

  When the cold wave arrives, you can even hear crackling sounds indoors. This is the sound of frozen materials or branches and rocks being cracked by frost.

  Everywhere the cold wave passed turned into ice sculptures, and everything in sight turned into a world of ice and snow.

  The moment the cold wave arrived, Ling Xue felt as if even the air was frozen. The temperature that was originally controlled at forty degrees suddenly dropped to minus forty degrees, and even continued to drop.

  Ling Xue quickly controlled the remote control in her hand to increase the temperature, but due to the sudden drop in temperature, it had little effect.

  The fuel in the stove was not affected, but although they were burning, they seemed to have lost their temperature.

  Ling Xue knew how to shiver, so she could only hug the heater in her hands tightly.

  Ten minutes passed, and the temperature stabilized and stopped falling. Ling Xue glanced at the thermometer, which read -48 degrees.

  They don't know what the outdoor temperature is now, but they can't go out for the time being.

  Ayong also shivered and went to add firewood and carbon to several stoves to prevent them from going out.

  (End of chapter)

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