Chapter 364 The necessity of language unification

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  Chapter 364 The Necessity of Language Unification

  In terms of fiscal revenue, Australasia’s annual fiscal revenue exceeded 100 million Australian dollars for the first time, reaching 101.5 million Australian dollars, an increase of approximately 5% compared to the previous year.

  This year's growth has slowed down a lot compared to the previous year, but the growth rate is not too slow.

  If the Leonora Industrial Base had not been officially put into production, I am afraid that whether the fiscal revenue could exceed 100 million this year would be a question.

  Of course, high fiscal growth also means high fiscal expenditures. For the construction and development of the country, the Australasian government has never saved money in terms of funds.

  Throughout 1913, the total fiscal expenditure of the Australasian government was as high as 100.1 million Australian dollars, and the growth rate of expenditure was much faster than the growth rate of revenue.

  This also resulted in a fiscal surplus of only 1.4 million Australian dollars in 1913. Compared with the fiscal surpluses of millions or even tens of millions in previous years, this year's fiscal surplus made Australasia look like one of the two major military groups. One country.

  Of course, a large part of the high growth in fiscal expenditure is military growth.

  In 1913, Australasia's military expenditure reached 47.06 million Australian dollars, which was nearly half of the government's annual fiscal revenue.

  Although a large part of this is caused by the 300,000 colonial troops, it cannot be denied that due to Australasia joining the Allied Powers, Australasia's military expenditure will only increase in the next few years.

  In fact, Australasia's financial situation is already in good shape, and at least it can maintain a fiscal surplus.

  The current financial situation of the major European powers is not very good. Many countries have fallen into a debt crisis and may even go bankrupt.

  The arms race in Europe has developed to the current situation, and it has become an unaffordable expense for the major European powers.

  If the arms race cannot be alleviated by some things, then the only thing that can be expected is to launch a war to forcefully end the arms race.

  On the industrial front, Australasia also progressed rapidly.

  At present, in terms of steel production, the growth rate has gradually slowed down because the government has focused on other industrial directions besides steel production, such as the chemical industry and machinery industry.

  However, due to Australasia's unique mineral resource advantages, Australasia's steel production is still growing.

  By the end of 1913, Australasia's total steel production had reached 1.8639 million tons and 3.0762 million tons respectively, ranking seventh in the world.

  In addition to total steel production, Australasia also ranks among the top eight in the world in terms of iron ore and coal mining volume.

  At present, Australasia's industry accounts for 3.8% of the world's total industry, and it is catching up with the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Europe's traditional industrial power.

  At the feet of Australasia is Italy, one of the European powers.

  To put it bluntly, Italy currently has a clear advantage over Australasia, perhaps only in terms of population.

  This advantage is also being pursued wildly by Australasia. If the population of Australasia can still maintain rapid growth, it is expected that within five years at most, Australasia will far surpass Italy in all aspects, thus becoming the seventh great power in the world.

  Of course, if the Austro-Hungarian Empire was dismantled in World War I as it was in history, Australasia might be able to leapfrog directly and become the sixth great power.

  Thanks to the 300,000 colonial troops, the total number of Australasian troops has reached 522,000, ranking seventh among all countries involved in European conflicts.

  If the size of Australasia's navy can be increased, when it comes to Australasia, it can get rid of its reputation as the eighth power and seek opportunities to catch up with Italy and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

  In terms of the more important grain production, Australasia has also experienced considerable growth.

  In 1913, the total cultivated land area in Australasia reached 27.41 million acres, and the per capita cultivated land area decreased to 1.98 acres.

  This is actually normal. After all, the construction of a large number of infrastructure and industrial bases has attracted a large number of immigrants and rural people to become workers, and the agricultural population has naturally decreased.

  However, due to large-scale population growth, overall, the area of ​​cultivated land in Australasia has increased.

  At present, Australasia's annual grain output has reached 12.79 million tons, making it a veritable major grain producer.

  Of course, most of the grain currently produced in Australasia is basically transported to major domestic granaries for strategic reserves.

  Of the 12.79 million tons of grain, less than one-tenth was exported, and the export targets were allies such as Britain, France, and Russia.

  How exaggerated is Australasia's food production? If we save a little on food, 12.79 million tons of grain will be enough to feed 50 million people for a year.

  Coupled with Australasia's extremely developed livestock industry, Australasia's annual grain output can feed the entire population of the country for three years, and it is still nutritious, including vegetables and meat.

  Australasian domestic agriculture alone is sufficient to feed the entire population of Australasia.

  If you include the black land leased from Argentina this time, and all of this black land is used for agricultural cultivation, Australasia's food production will increase much further. Taking into account the entire land area of ​​Australasia, even with the current level of agriculture, Arthur is confident that he can feed a population of 50 million.

  Not to mention that with the development of population and technology, agricultural production will also undergo earth-shaking changes.

  After listening to the reports from the Prime Minister and ministers of various departments on the current development status of the country, Arthur was generally very satisfied.

  Judging from this development trend, as long as it wins World War I, Australasia will be able to become one of the top five powers in the world after World War I.

  Even if something happens to Russia in World War I, Australasia will directly become the fourth great power in the world after Britain, France, and the United States.

  By then, Britain and France would need to return blood from their colonies, and the heavy responsibility of fighting the United States would fall on Australasia.

  Although this is a challenge, it will also be able to get more assistance from Britain and France, which will also be good for the development of Australasia.

  After all, Britain and France do not want the United States to stir up trouble at this time. The weak Britain and France are not necessarily the opponents of the United States. Whether Australasia can resist the United States has become the most important topic after World War I.

  After a brief annual report, Arthur shifted the topic to the newly received colonies and asked the cabinet government about its policies on the new colonies.

  "Your Majesty, if you want to control these colonies and territories in the long term, in addition to military control, you also need to make some changes in education. I believe that it is mandatory to use English as the official language throughout Australasia. Teaching. Also, improve the supervision and restrictions on non-English schools. Only when the people speak English uniformly can the people be better brought together." Education Secretary Stefan stood up first and proposed.

  As the saying goes, books share the same text, and cars share the same track. If you want to better unify a region, it is necessary to have the same writing and the same system.

  "Well, Minister Stefan's proposal is very good. Do you have any other opinions?" Arthur nodded and said with a smile.

  "Your Majesty, in addition to controlling education, in terms of religion, you should also send a large number of missionaries to change the faith of all Australasia to Protestantism, at least Christianity. Only by throwing yourself into the embrace of God can you become A loyal Australasian,” Archbishop Steed proposed.

  The official religion of Australasia is Protestantism, or Australian Protestantism to be precise.

  Australian Protestantism has its own supreme archbishop, who is loyal to the king of Australasia.

  Apart from some relatively minor differences, Australian Protestantism is no different from British Protestantism. It's just that Arthur made a more detailed division in order to better facilitate his rule.

  Although the official religion of Australasia is Protestantism, Australasians believe in different religions because of the immigrants from all over Europe.

  Among them, the largest number of believers are naturally Protestantism, Catholicism and Orthodoxy, which all belong to Christianity.

  British immigrants and German immigrants both believed in Protestantism, while Russian immigrants believed in Orthodox Christianity. As for other European immigrants, some believe in Protestantism, some believe in Orthodox Christianity, and some believe in Catholicism.

  In any case, these three religions belong to Christianity and are within the scope acceptable to the Australasian government.

  Religions other than Christianity are not popular in Australasia and are mostly believed by indigenous people and the descendants of indigenous people and immigrants.

  A unified country must have a unified language and a unified belief. Archbishop Steed is right to say that at least most Australasians must believe in Christianity.

  The gap brought about by faith is huge. Even in modern times when religion has lost its power, there are still many people who are stubborn about religious beliefs.

  The people in power in Australasia all believe in Protestantism, which means that Australasians must also believe in Protestantism, or the closely related Catholic and Orthodox churches.

  When conflicts arise between high-level officials and civilians, it is often the civilians who change, not the high-level officials.

  Of course, the current situation in Australasia is not bad, but a few colonies and regions need to send missionaries to preach.

  Arthur also attached great importance to religious issues. After Archbishop Steed made the proposal, Arthur nodded and said: "The proposal to send missionaries is very necessary. Bishop Steed, this matter will be left to you. The mission of the Ministry of Education is to A large number of schools that only teach English have been opened in the colonies, and the mission of the church is to send a large number of missionaries to these areas." After hearing Arthur's

  order, Archbishop Steed nodded solemnly and said: "Your Majesty, you Don't worry, the missionaries of the church will march to the new colonies within a few days to complete your mission."

  Although Archbishop Steed comes from the Church of England, in the political environment of Australasia, he has already understood that Who is his true allegiance to?

  As the mystery of religion gradually recedes, religion has to bow its head before secular power.

  Archbishop Steed was obviously a smart man. He understood that although his rights came from the church, the church's power was given by Arthur.

  If Arthur is not satisfied, he can be replaced at any time. Therefore, after coming to Australasia, Archbishop Steed completely regarded himself as the bishop of the Australasian Church, rather than the previous bishop of the Church of England.

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  (End of chapter)

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