Chapter 368 Aboriginal Issues

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  Chapter 368 Aboriginal Issues
  Thanks to the 14.6-ton weight of the T-14 tank, this tank can not only accommodate five crew members, but also carry 2,800 rounds of machine gun bullets, 42 artillery shells and some supplies, and enough to travel 400 kilometers kilometers of fuel.

  Of course, the weapons of each of the five crew members are also included, which are used by the tank soldiers to defend themselves and participate in battles after the tank is disabled or breaks down.

  The T-14 tank also has a good improvement in speed. Although the weight has also increased a lot, the T-14 tank can still maintain an average speed of at least 26 kilometers per hour on flat roads, and the maximum speed can reach about 30 kilometers per hour.

  But the data on flat roads doesn't mean much, because tanks are designed to adapt well to various road conditions, even trenches and ravines dug by the enemy.

  Unfortunately, even with enhanced power, the T-14 tank does not travel very fast on uneven roads.

  Taking into account various road conditions, the T-14 tank can maintain an average speed of 15 kilometers per hour on uneven roads with obstacles, and the maximum speed will not exceed 20 kilometers per hour.

  If the speed exceeds 20 kilometers per hour on a road with various obstacles, problems such as lying around will soon occur, and the big killer will become a big piece of scrap metal.

  This kind of problem cannot be solved in a short time. Even during World War II in history, tanks would have problems from time to time.

  At present, Australasian tanks can achieve this level, which is already a long way ahead of the world's tank scientific research progress.

  Although it cannot solve the problem of the T-14 occasionally lying down, on the whole, as long as the tank can be quickly repaired, the T-14 tank is still a killer weapon on the battlefield.

  With thick armor, a 75mm semi-automatic cannon, and a Maxim heavy machine gun, this will be a contradictory combination of hard shield and sharpness on the battlefield. As long as the opponent does not have anti-tank weapons or uses large-caliber artillery bombing, Otherwise the tank will not be in any danger.

  The reason why the T-14 tank is called the basic improved version of the first-generation tank is because it also has such a big killer as the T-14A heavy tank.

  First look at the weight of the T-14A tank, and you will know that there are many differences between it and the T-14 tank.

  The T-14A tank weighs 21.7 tons, which is a full 7.1 tons higher than the T-14 tank.

  In terms of firepower, the T-14A tank is equipped with a GA1906 105mm semi-automatic cannon, a CA-1-37mm machine gun and an MA-107 Maxim heavy machine gun.

  Because of the huge improvement in firepower, the T-14A tank also has a main turret and a front turret.

  The only heavy machine gun is set up on the front turret, and there is also a CA-1-37mm machine gun, ensuring effective damage to enemy land forces.

  There is a 105mm semi-automatic cannon in the main turret, which is specially used to capture enemy positions and fortresses. It is the first-class weapon for charging into battle.

  In terms of armor protection, the T-14A tank has 35 mm thick steel armor, which is a whole circle larger than the T-14 tank in terms of size.

  This has also greatly improved the protective capabilities of the T-14A tank. At least the enemy's light weapons pose no threat to this heavy tank.

  Even some large-caliber artillery is not that lethal to this big guy. Because of the overall design of the T-14A tank, if the shells do not hit well and explode directly, they will be bounced off by the solid steel armor, and the lethality will be greatly reduced.

  Unless the shell located at the bottom of the tank explodes or the track of the tank is directly blown off, the T-14A tank only needs to run rampant on the battlefield.

  The crew of the T-14A tank is two more than that of the T-14 tank. It has a driver, a commander, two gunners, a machine gunner and two loaders, a total of seven people.

  As a heavy tank, the T-14A tank can carry more weapons and ammunition.

  Generally speaking, the T-14A tank can carry 4,600 rounds of machine gun bullets, 180 37mm artillery shells, 22 105mm artillery shells and enough fuel to drive the tank more than 300 kilometers.

  Of course, such data are relative. If it is on a flat road, the tank can carry more weapons and ammunition. On the contrary, it will be less.

  As a heavy tank, although the T-14A tank has more and larger diesel engines, its driving speed is slower than that of the T-14 tank.

  Of course, this is actually the design of this tank. Not pursuing speed, but pursuing the more important stability.

  According to several private tests conducted by the agricultural machinery factory, this heavy tank can reach a maximum speed of 22 kilometers per hour on flat roads and an average speed of 18 kilometers per hour.

  On uneven roads, the T-14A tank can reach a maximum speed of 16 kilometers per hour and an average speed of 12 kilometers per hour.

  Although the speed does not seem fast, if Arthur remembers correctly, the speed of most tanks in World War I did not seem to reach ten kilometers per hour.

  About twenty years have passed since World War II. It is normal for various tank technologies to have made considerable progress.

  Judging from the current progress made by Australasian tanks, it may be possible to produce tanks with World War II performance more than ten years ahead of schedule.

  "Director Joel, have the performance of these two tanks been actually tested?" After reading the data of the two tanks, Arthur looked at Joel, the director of the Royal Agricultural Machinery Factory, with curiosity and asked. "The machinery factory has already conducted small-scale testing, Your Majesty. However, in order to determine the true performance and stability of this military weapon, I am afraid it will have to undergo large-scale and long-term testing." Director Joel quickly replied.

  After all, military weapons are used on the battlefield. Even though the agricultural machinery factory has conducted several tests, Director Joel still dare not guarantee that there will be no problems.

  Formal tests of weapons are usually attended by senior military officials, senior executives of R&D manufacturers, etc. As long as the military determines that there are no problems with the T-14 tanks and T-14A tanks, even if there are some defects in use, the Joel factory will not be blamed. long head.

  Even on weapons and equipment tests of relatively high importance, Arthur will personally express his opinions.

  Who dares to say that there is a problem with a tank that has successfully completed quality inspection under Arthur's supervision?
  Arthur nodded, and naturally understood the little thoughts of Director Joel, and said: "Organize a formal test as soon as possible, but the information must be kept confidential. Except for some senior officials of the Royal Agricultural Machinery Factory, only the personnel participating in the tank test were It can be composed of high-level military officials and trustworthy soldiers."

  Tanks are still too simple to build. Just like the first generation of tanks in Australasia, they can become A tank that combines a spear and a shield.

  Although the tank's exposure was inevitable, Arthur still wanted the tank to be exposed a little later.

  Although lagging behind in the research of aircraft and tanks weakened part of the strength of Britain and France, it also weakened Germany's strength.

  As long as Australasia had tanks and aircraft, the Entente's overall military strength would be far greater than that of the Central Powers.

  As for the fact that Britain, France and Russia do not have tanks and aircraft, Australasia can sell them to them at an absolutely fair price and without deception.

  Having second-generation tanks before the outbreak of World War I was good news for Arthur.

  Even if the output of second-generation tanks is not high, even if a war breaks out, there will be at most dozens of them, which can play a vital role in the war.

  Judging from the current performance data of the T-14A tank, there is no doubt that this is a powerful weapon that can ignore the opponent's firepower and easily destroy enemy positions and fortresses.

  If such weapons appeared in European trench warfare, would it speed up the progress of the war?

  It is an unknown number, but what is certain is that the birth of the second generation tank will greatly reduce the casualties of the Australasian army, at least the casualties of the Australasian regular troops.

  As for the hundreds of thousands of indigenous troops, no one cares about their casualties.

  Even if any of these indigenous troops returned safely, they would eventually be sent to other areas by Arthur, or secretly executed in unknown places.

  If you have to ask the reason, it may be that Melanesia, one of the three major island groups in Oceania and home to most of the colonies in Australasia, is mostly black.

  The territorial scope of Melanesia includes New Guinea, the Crown Territory, Australian Timor, Australian Solomon Islands, Australian New Caledonia, Australian Fiji, etc., occupying most of the overseas territories of Australasia.

  The name Melanesia comes from Greek and means Black Islands.

  According to preliminary statistics from the Australasian government, there are approximately one million indigenous people living on these lands, most of whom are Melanesians and a small number of New Guineans.

  Melanesians maintain pure blood among themselves, and black people only marry black people. This also leads to the fact that the black blood on this land is the purest black blood.

  It is for this reason that they are unlikely to be accepted by Australasia. The strong racism of Australasians will not accept such a population, and Arthur's strong personal will will never accept such a population.

  In fact, after Australasia took over these colonies in Melanesia, these indigenous people had only two fates. Apart from dying serving Australasia, their best end was to be deported to the Netherlands in Southeast Asia. Belongs to East India.

  But so far, Australasia has recorded no more than three deportations of indigenous people, and each time no more than 2,000 people were deported.

  This also represents the millions of indigenous people in Australasia. Currently, no more than 6,000 people have left Australasia safely.

  The number of indigenous people buried in this land and hastily buried has reached nearly 1.5 million.

  Their efforts were worth it. They spent more than ten years creating a powerful country.

  Arthur and Australasia have not forgotten the contributions of these indigenous people. The operation of repatriating indigenous people continues, and the number has increased compared with before.

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  (End of chapter)

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