Chapter 502: A strong country lies in scientific research, and a strong scientific research lies in education (please vote for me!)

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  Chapter 502: Strengthening a country lies in scientific research, and strengthening scientific research in education (please vote for me!)
  Minister Raul cannot guarantee what level of combat effectiveness the new army will have after the military expansion.

  Compared with the soldiers of the current Australasian army who have participated in World War I, the combat effectiveness of the new recruits is definitely one level lower. This is inevitable and something that cannot be avoided by any country's military expansion.

  To solve this problem, in addition to increasing the training of new recruits, we can only find opportunities to let these new recruits go to the battlefield and experience life and death before they can improve their combat effectiveness.

  But wars after World War I are hard to find, especially the only wars in which Australasia can intervene seems to be the Russian Civil War.

  But the Russian Civil War was not led by Britain and France, and it was impossible for Arthur to actively participate in it.

  The two big guys, Russia and Soviet Russia, are fighting fiercely. The current standing troops of both sides have exceeded one million, and Australasia cannot interfere now.

  Even if he could intervene, it would definitely cause Australasia to suffer heavy losses, and for Arthur, the gains would outweigh the losses.

  Judging from Australasia's current international status and its strength backed by the World Alliance, basically no country with a blind eye dares to mess with Australasia, even the Americans.

  "This is a normal problem faced by military expansion. Judging from the current situation, we can only hope that a large amount of training will improve the combat capabilities of the soldiers." Arthur nodded and responded to the question raised by Minister Raul. Express understanding.

  Seeing that anyone had objections to the military expansion plan proposed by Prime Minister Kent, Arthur said: "In this case, the new round of military expansion will be implemented as soon as possible in accordance with this plan. I hope that before next year's National Day, our The total number of regular troops has been expanded to more than 250,000."

  The size of the two divisions of the Guards with 40,000 people is currently sufficient. After all, the duty of the Guards is only to guard the capital and the palace, and protect the safety of the royal family and Arthur. The scale is not The need is too great.

  The actual combat army in Australasia is still the Defense Force, and there is no need for the Guards to usurp the host.

  After the proposal to expand the military was passed, Prime Minister Te Te shifted the topic to the fourth point of the four-year plan, which is technology.

  "Your Majesty, everyone. In addition to attaching great importance to and investing heavily in military science and technology, we should also pay attention to and increase investment in civilian science and technology and other research. In addition to the Victoria Prize we have, we should also form

  some smaller Awards to reward other private researchers and the public who are helpful to scientific research.

  At the same time, setting up more scientific research funds to encourage more civilian researchers to conduct their own research will also be helpful to our scientific research work." Prime Minister Kent said.

  An important reason for the massive outflow of European talents is that a large number of civilian scientists do not have enough research funds. Precisely because they invest all their wealth in research, they cannot make ends meet, live in poverty, or even go bankrupt.

  After more than ten years of educational preparation, Australasia has also given birth to a small number of private scientists and research teams.

  These people still need to be protected. After all, no one can guarantee whether these people among the people will become great scientists in the future.

  Using a small amount of money to save the scientific research careers of these people is equivalent to scratching the lottery ticket. It can not only protect the scientific research environment in Australasia, but also try to tap some scientific research talents among the private sector.

  After all, although the Victoria Prize is already a world-famous scientific research award, its reputation is definitely international, and the winners every year can also attract a lot of media attention.

  But the problem is that the Victoria Awards only have these few awards every year. It has been more than ten years since it was issued, and the number of Victoria Award winners has only exceeded 70.

  This number is nothing compared to the large number of unsuccessful scientific researchers around the world. Only by issuing more small awards and funds to help more scientific researchers can the scientific research environment in Australasia be improved. , transforming Australasia into a strong scientific and research nation.

  Needless to say, the importance of scientific research goes without saying. Rejuvenating the country through science and education is not just talk. Education changes the scientific research environment, and scientific research changes all walks of life in the country. It fundamentally improves a country's heritage and advances in various technologies. degree.

  It is precisely because of various scientific research that the European region has become the brightest pearl in the world thanks to the two industrial revolutions.

  Without these two industrial revolutions, the lives of Europeans today would not be much better than in the Middle Ages, not to mention that major European countries have become world hegemons and established colonial empires all over the world.

  It is precisely because of Australasia's heavy investment in military technology that it has taken the lead in aircraft and tanks, giving Australasia the military strength of the great powers.

  The strength of a country can never be separated from scientific research. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the scientific research environment as Prime Minister Kent said.

  The premise that allows the Australasian government to spend some funds to improve the scientific research environment is precisely because the current financial situation of the Australasian government is very good and it has enough funds to spend.

  But this cannot be regarded as squandering. After all, encouraging scientific research is very important for national development and can even determine whether Australasia will be stronger in the future.

  Arthur also values ​​the field of scientific research and those scientists very much, and readily accepts Prime Minister Kent's proposal.

  Arthur even said that the royal consortium will use part of the funds to share the pressure on the government and help more scientific research teams and scientists.

  The current Royal Australasian Academy of Sciences spends tens of millions of Australian dollars every year to support a large number of scientists.

  However, the achievements brought by these scientists are indeed worth the cost. With figures such as Einstein and Tesla, the Royal Australasian Academy of Sciences is well-known around the world.

  Coupled with the attraction of the Victoria Prize, the Royal Australasian Academy of Sciences has less than half of the 70 Victoria Prize winners, and nearly 30 of the world's top talents.

  Winning the Victoria Prize means having a large amount of research funds, which also makes many patriotic scientists reluctant to immigrate to Australasia.

  Arthur also understood this, but still focused on some scientists. Those who became more famous in later generations were basically recruited to the Royal Academy of Sciences in Australasia.

  Those who have little reputation in future generations, or whose research fields do not pose much of a threat to Australasia, will not care so much. After all, Australasia cannot win over most of the scientists in the world, and other countries will not allow Australasia to control these scientists, let alone send people to assassinate them.

  If it is exposed by the media, at least the country's reputation will be damaged, and at worst, it will significantly lose its attraction to foreign talents.

  The current Victoria Award is the golden signature of the Australasian scientific research community. Arthur will not allow it and will never let the Victoria Award lose its appeal.

  Scientific research and education are both important to the country. Scientific research determines whether a country is strong or not, education determines whether scientific research is strong or not, and education and scientific research cannot be separated.

  Prime Minister Kent next mentioned the topic of education, and Arthur's answer was to vigorously expand the number of Australasian universities.

  At present, the total number of universities in Australasia is about thirty, large and small, spread across Australia and New Zealand.

  However, New Guinea and Australian Timor, whose populations have grown significantly, do not yet have universities, or in other words, relatively formal universities.

  In fact, it is easy to understand. After all, Australasia's previous strategy was to develop the local area, and the colonies have been semi-neglected.

  Of course, a large part of the reason is that Australasia's territory still has opportunities for expansion.

  For example, the current colony of New Guinea has more than doubled its expansion compared to before World War I. After the population surge, the lack of universities has shown its disadvantages.

  Universities are very important to a country. They can only attract international students, train them into talents close to Australasia, and even directly attract these talents with good academic qualifications to Australasia.

  In addition, the popularity and number of universities also determine the educational environment in Australasia. The educational environment is also linked to the attractiveness of immigrants.

  Some immigrants even go to certain universities. After all, who doesn’t like areas with excellent education and medical environments?

  Those ordinary civilians may not care about this. After all, for these people, a high school degree is already very good.

  But for a group of high-quality talents themselves, the number of universities and the level of education are still very important.

  If the immigrant himself only has a high school education or below, then he does not have much extravagant expectations for college. After all, college students are still very valuable nowadays.

  But if the immigrants themselves have a college degree or higher, and these people definitely hope that their children and relatives can also have a college degree, then the number of universities becomes important.

  Even the educational level of the university, the university's international reputation and influence, as well as the situation after employment, etc., are all within the scope of these people's considerations.

  Although compared to the two, the former is definitely more numerous. But for the development of a country, having more high-quality immigrants is definitely better than ordinary civilian immigrants.

  While this may seem cruel, it is actually what it is. In the current environment, a high-quality immigrant with a college degree can contribute far more to a new country than an ordinary immigrant.

  However, Australasia is currently short of population and does not have many restrictions on immigration.

  As long as they are European and have gone through a round of political review, they can apply for Australasian citizenship.

  During the application for naturalization, as long as you spend more than half a year in the review period, you can basically obtain Australasian citizenship and become a glorious Australasian.

  Arthur has great determination and big plans for improving the educational environment.

  For Australasia, which aspires to become a superpower, the number of universities is destined to exceed three digits and even approach four digits in the future.

  Of course, the specific number of universities must also be linked to the population. It is most reasonable to build as many universities as the people need.

  Since this time the plan is only for four years, the construction of the university is not that exaggerated.

  In addition to the construction of universities in New Guinea and Australian Timor, regional universities in Australia and New Zealand also need to be expanded and constructed.

  Before this cabinet government completed its term, around 1923, the number of universities must be increased to at least 50 to meet the demand for universities in the four-year plan.

  Of course, these 50 universities are only the number of regular universities founded by the state. As for the number of technical schools and private universities, they are not within the range of 50, and the number will only be more.

  Especially technical schools that train various technical talents. With the demand for jobs in Australasia, there are already countless such schools.

  This is why there is no shortage of corresponding technical talents when various industries in Australasia expand.

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  (End of chapter)

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