77. Chapter 77 Antisocial Personality

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  Chapter 77: Antisocial Personality

  At Pennsylvania Station, the train rushed past with billowing smoke, and large sparks shot out from the friction between the wheels and the rails.

  Xu Yi carried two boxes, checked in and got on the bus smoothly.

  Since you know you are going to travel far, you will naturally apply for the "antique certificate" in advance. Moreover, the inspection on trains is not as strict as on airplanes.

  Xu Yi went straight to the VIP carriage, which was much more spacious than the ordinary carriage and also had beds for resting.

  As soon as he found his seat, a beautiful girl suddenly jumped out from beside him.

  "Let me help you carry the box!"

  "Thank you, no!" Xu Yi subconsciously refused.

  Although the other party seems to be a weak and harmless little girl, you still need to be cautious.

  After all, the things in the box are too valuable, one is the treasure box of the Lopez family.

  The other is a custom-made exorcism box that he specially found. It contains the Alchemy Revolver Messiah, the Dagger of Sighs, a number of exorcism lighters, as well as drawing books and brushes, all of which he may use when he is an exorcist. .

  Since the last time he suffered a loss in Crystal Lake, he now carries an exorcism device with him when he goes out.

  He originally wanted to customize "Lopez's same style", but found that there was no way to do it. In the end, he had to find a slightly reliable safe instead.

  The girl stood there awkwardly, a little at a loss. She didn't expect to be rejected so neatly.

  "The box is a bit heavy, so I'll carry it! My name is Xu Yi, thank you for your help!" Xu Yi saw the girl's embarrassment and smiled.

  Although it is impossible for the other party to carry the box, there is no need to make it impossible for a warm-hearted little girl to get off the stage.

  "My name is Elsa, nice to meet you!" The girl immediately relaxed with a bright smile on her face.

  "Elsa, others don't need our help, and there's no need for us to stay here!" The boy stood behind Elsa, squinting at Xu Yi with hostility in his eyes.

  "Cole, it's not Mr. Xu Yi's fault. I thought about it carefully just now. It's my fault. What if there is something valuable in the box and I accidentally break it?" Elsa Wen? Explain in words.

  "Mr. Xu Yi, what do you do? You give me a strange feeling, a bit like my idol Mr. Warren." Elsa asked with a smile.

  "Mr. Warren among the Warrens? Don't you think I'm more handsome than him?" Xu Yi raised his eyebrows.

  Elsa looked Xu Yi up and down, and actually nodded. "You are indeed more handsome than Mr. Warren."

  Being praised by a beautiful little girl, even an old man like Xu Yi was in a happy mood and asked proactively, "Where are you going?" "Of course it's Connecticut

  . , Mr. Warren is going to hold an open class at the university, anyone can attend it, I can’t miss it!” Elsa was a little excited.

  "Elsa, didn't you just say you were going to the bathroom?" Carl saw Elsa and Xu Yi chatting and laughing, and finally couldn't help it anymore and interrupted.

  "Oops! I almost forgot. Let's talk again when I come back." Elsa walked away in a hurry.

  Xu Yi placed the two boxes at his feet so they could be reached at any time.

  Karl suddenly came forward and stared at Xu Yi, "I advise you to stay away from Elsa! Otherwise you will definitely regret it!"

  Xu Yi looked at Karl quietly, and the other person's eyes gave him a familiar feeling, It looks calm, but it hides a violent ferocity.

  He thought about it for a moment, and finally remembered where he had seen this look. It was on Hannibal's imitator.

  The eyes of the two are similar, but the Hannibal impersonator is more violent than the Carl in front of him. "The smell of blood is so strong!" Xu Yi suddenly moved his nose and sighed.

  "You...what do you mean?" Karl suddenly took two steps back, stared at Xu Yi in surprise, and tightened his grip on the utility knife in his pocket.

  For some reason, the other person's calm gaze made him feel like he was being seen through.

  "What are you talking about?" Elsa came back, feeling the tense atmosphere, and asked doubtfully.

  The tense atmosphere immediately dissipated, and Xu Yi replied with a smile, "It's nothing, we're talking about our preferences. By the way, Elsa, do you like cats?" "Of course you do! Mr. Xu Yi, how do you know that I like cats?"

  Ai Erza asked in surprise.

  "Because you make me feel like a docile kitten." Xu Yi suddenly changed his voice and stared into Karl's eyes, "I wonder if this gentleman likes cats?" In his eyes, there were

  dense The dark shadows shrouded around Karl, they were cat souls.

  The cat souls jumped back and forth, staring at Karl with huge hatred in their eyes. They pounced on Karl from time to time, trying to bite out the other person's throat.

  It's a pity that they are just residual resentment, and all actions are in vain.

  "With such strong resentment, how many cats have been tortured and killed?" Xu Yi noticed something was wrong with Karl when he first saw him.

  If it was just an ordinary slaughter, it would be impossible to incur such strong resentment.

  When butchers slaughter animals, they try to kill them as quickly as possible. Modern technology has enabled the invention of "painless slaughter". Under high-voltage electricity, pigs and cows will die in just a few seconds.

  Only cruel torture...making cats pull out their teeth one by one, dissecting their internal organs, and peeling off their skin before they are dead can make cats feel such strong resentment.

  Xu Yi took out a book from his backpack. Karl saw the title clearly and his eyes twitched.

  "Abnormal Psychology and Criminal Psychology! Mr. Xu Yi, are you a psychologist?" Elsa looked at the book in Xu Yi's hand and asked curiously.

  "I'm just more interested in this knowledge." Xu Yi shook his head and kept looking at Karl as he spoke.

  Karl lowered his head, covering up the fierceness in his eyes with his long forehead, and tightly clenched the utility knife in his pocket, exposing the veins on his palm.

  He tried to keep his tone calm, "Elsa, I'm a little uncomfortable. I'm going to go back and rest first."

  Business class not only provides seats, but also beds for sleeping.

  "Are you okay?" Elsa saw that Karl's expression was indeed a little bad, so she asked worriedly.

  Karl shook his head and left directly. Elsa was worried about her companions and had no intention of talking.

  Xu Yi slowly tossed the coin in his hand, "Human nature is like a coin, with an angel on one side and a devil on the other. But how can you be sure that the person in front of you is not a devil wearing an angel mask?" Elsa heard Xu Yi's words

  , His footsteps paused suddenly, but he still followed Karl and left.

  [Psychology entry, current progress: 86/100]

  According to Xu Yi's excellent psychology knowledge, it can be seen that Karl is the legendary anti-social personality.

  Now he is just killing cats, but when killing cats can no longer bring him pleasure, he will turn to killing stronger animals, antelopes, brown bears... and finally humans!
  Xu Yi thought for a moment, then took out a tin doll from his backpack.

  He still likes to nip danger in the bud.

  (End of chapter)

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