235. Chapter 235 Eat a full meal

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  Chapter 235: Eat a full meal


  Lawrence, who was warming himself by the fire in the house, heard the call from outside, opened the door and walked out.

  The blacksmith and the villagers stood outside the door and looked timidly.

  Lawrence asked: "What's going on?"

  The blacksmith was pushed by several people and reluctantly spoke on behalf of everyone.

  "Prophet, we would like to ask you, what should we do when praying?"

  Lawrence had already thought about this question, and his previous idea was not to interfere.

  "Say what you want to say, don't worry about the form."

  Lawrence still talked to these people according to his previous ideas.

  As long as you don't speak loudly while praying, it doesn't matter what you mutter.

  In fact, no one knew what to say at the beginning, and Lawrence himself didn't know what to say, and he didn't have time to make up something, so he just messed around.

  It has always been a mixed bag, and everyone thinks that when praying, just say a few casual hums.

  But today the gods sent a miracle, and everyone who thought it was a punishment from heaven quickly reflected on their mistakes and felt that it was because they were disrespectful to the gods when praying.

  Even though Lawrence gave a more acceptable explanation, explaining divine punishment as divine help, the fear of God made the blacksmith and others want to learn the rules.

  Soon a Pumixiu man said: "Prophet, what did you say when you prayed?"

  "Prophet, please tell us how we should pray."

  Seeing that these people were obsessed with this matter, Lawrence said: "Okay."

  "When you face God and me, this side of you is the left and this side is the right."

  Seeing that the group of people had eaten and had nothing to do, Lawrence told them which hand was the left and which hand. It's the right hand.

  "The most powerful right hand, the hand you usually use to grab things and pick up weapons."

  Lawrence raised his right hand and turned around to show these people which right hand was which.

  "Raise your right hand and put it on your chest first, then your left hand. Then move your right hand and left hand in slow motion, slightly clenching your fists."

  A group of barbarian men and women quickly followed Lawrence's movements and crossed their arms in front of them.

  Lawrence simply said: "It's like this when praying. When you say "left" in your heart, use your left hand a little harder. When you say "right" in your mind, just grab your right hand. You don't need too much strength, just like grabbing an egg. ."

  "Left, right, left, right, left, right."

  "Have you learned it? Go to work first, and then you can do this when you pray."

  Lawrence stood outside for a while and felt a little cold. Send these people back quickly.

  The blacksmith and others went home with clenched fists and frowning brows.


  "Left hand, right hand, left hand, right hand."

  After returning to the house, Lawrence continued to warm the fire and wait for dinner.

  Delenn looked at his palm, "Lawrence, is the hand that holds the weapon the right hand?" "

  Well, the right hand is usually used." Lawrence simply answered Delenn's doubts.

  There are also people who are accustomed to using their left hand, but in a few cases there is no need to use it to supplement it. It can easily make people who can't distinguish between left and right become even more confused.

  In the early stage of learning, the simpler the better. Once you are used to the left and right and can naturally distinguish the left and right, you can then consider a few events.

  Explaining a few probabilistic things such as left-handedness and right heart to a group of barbarians who can't tell the difference between left and right is like deliberately trying to fight against their simple brains, making simple things complicated.

  Delen looked at his hand and quickly distinguished the left and right.

  Whether it is the Pumi Xiu people, the Cloda people or the Durila people, there may be only one person in a hundred who can tell the right and left immediately.

  Most savages and mountain people prefer to use precise locations to distinguish directions, such as kitchen, yard, valley, outside the door, up and down the mountain, a certain house and so on. Especially for people in mountainous and forested areas, the concept of left and right is very vague, and they rely on memory and habits to recognize the way.

  Lawrence was just perfunctory and gave those people a unified habit of praying.

  But after a minute or two of warming up, I found that it was easier to form a large-scale legion array by allowing these people to differentiate between left and right.

  Whether it is future training or giving orders and command during normal operations, direction is very important.

  It's too difficult to go east, west, north and south... it's completely impossible.

  It is more suitable for the current environment, even quite difficult.

  Even for the simplest left and right, Lawrence can say with absolute certainty that someone must have been training for three or four days and still can't tell the difference.

  Turning left, turning right is simply torture to the brains of these savages.

  After the meal, everyone gathered together to pray, and Lawrence looked at those praying in front of him.

  As expected, many people frowned, looked around in a panic, and lowered their heads carefully, pretending to be praying seriously.

  There were too many people who couldn't distinguish between left and right...

  Lawrence suddenly changed his mind.

  "In the future, if I can't cure diseases, just say that they don't usually pray hard."

  After thinking about it, Lawrence felt that the pressure on his shoulders was much less, and his expression became kinder.

  After finishing repairing the Colossus, a group of people returned to the manor on the mountain.

  If Lawrence feels that it is safe in the future, he can live under the mountain.

  Judging from what Lathander and others mean, they can live under the mountain, and the dogma is not that dead.

  However, there are no rivers under the mountains and there are not a lot of forest resources.

  If trade routes like the Black Goat Tribe could develop, it would be more convenient to live by the river.

  There are also mills, whether they are water-powered mills or wind-powered mills, or the ore, charcoal, etc. needed by the blacksmith shop, are more convenient on the mountain.

  In the early days, it was convenient to go up the mountain. Later, when the population and traffic could no longer bear it, we would move further out.

  At present, the mountains are more suitable, safety first.

  "While the eternal night has not yet arrived, everyone uses iron cones and hammers to quarry stones on the mountain to build houses next spring!" "

  Suitable stones can be collected and used by people down the mountain to practice slings."

  After winter arrives, the fire explosion and ice explosion methods can be used again.

  Lawrence does this every winter to build roads, and this is the third year.

  Lawrence set his sights on the mountain at the edge of the forest. The cliff over there was more than fifty meters high. He had considered digging a cave in the mountain two years ago.

  There is a shortage of stones now. If a hole can be dug out of the mountain, it will not only solve the stone problem, but also provide an extra place to live.

  The problem of the light source is not big either. There is enough fuel to support it now, and several light-transmitting holes can be opened.

  The amount of these projects is huge, so we can't count on Delen. Delen only needs to help with small things at critical times, and the rest of the work should be completed by ordinary people.

  There are only ten people in the quarrying team, so we are not worried about this for now. The most important thing is next year's farming issue.

  Dig up more big trees to get more fertile land and harvest more food next year.

  If everyone had a full stomach, they would soon become strong and powerful.

  Strong men and women are the real wealth. They can cultivate livestock and resist foreign enemies.

  Lawrence has more and more ideas, but everything is based on making children, men and women grow up healthily.

  Filling your stomach is the most important thing.

  Rest when it's time to rest, and when it's time to provide fuel and clothing, Lawrence will also distribute his spoils to the new forest people to help them survive this cold winter.

  (End of chapter)

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