Chapter 140 Nun

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  Chapter 140 Sister
  Lawrence needs paper.

  Not paper for writing and recording, but paper for wiping your ass.

  You can live your whole life without writing, and that’s not torture.

  But the days without toilet paper are a kind of torture for Lawrence, who has experienced a comfortable life, and has endured this torture for many years.

  Lawrence experienced many things that were unimaginable in the civilized era.

  In the past, I was burdened with various problems and had no time to solve them.

  Now that I have less burdens on my body, it’s time to be busy with my life-long events.

  "I remember that when making paper, I spread the wood pulp thinly. I remember it was like soaking, soaking bamboo, bark, wood and the like into chips." "It requires

  lime and boiling... This is troublesome. Recently, iron pots are not enough, and pottery pots are not enough. The vat is easy to burn."

  "And there is no bamboo here...try using wood, bark, and wild grass first!"

  Here you can already process sisal to make rope, and wool and linen to make cloth, and papermaking only requires If you don’t pursue high-end paper, it shouldn’t be too complicated.

  The paper for writing will be discussed later, but now Lawrence just wants the unbreakable straw paper for wiping his butt.

  Paper in ancient times seems to have always been expensive. It was an aristocratic item that only a few people could afford.

  So Lawrence didn't do this before, and he didn't start using this technology until he was now rich and had his own manor.

  Lawrence stood up and looked around, and soon saw the four pine trees behind him.

  After a few minutes of hesitation, I finally decided not to cut down the four trees.

  Wood and bark and wild grass are easy to collect, but how to make them is troublesome.

  Lawrence asked Etty who was carrying a bucket of water: "Where is Seravan?"

  Etty replied: "He is digging rocks on the hillside."

  Lawrence quickly went to the north hillside and looked down and saw it. Seravan digging beneath the hillside.

  "Selavin, what are you doing?"

  Seravan said: "Master, there is a stone below. I want to dig it out and boil it to make a water tank." Lawrence looked

  at the stone below. The soil near the stone had been covered with water. Dig it open to reveal pillar-like stones.

  This is a large egg-shaped stone, which is indeed suitable for a water tank.

  Lawrence picked up a stone and knocked it on it, and found that the material did not look like an ordinary stone.

  Ordinary stones have a smoother knocking feel, and the exposed areas are relatively smooth.

  "This stone is not easy to work with. It is not easy to burn it into pieces and then polish it to create gaps. It is a waste of time."

  Lawrence said directly: "Go and collect some wood and take people to the opposite river to cut the wood . , try to concentrate in one area."

  "Next year, we will plant land on the opposite side and build a blacksmith shop and houses. In short, we need a lot of space and a lot of wood and timber. Take advantage of the good weather to prepare some logs." Sai

  Lavin He quickly agreed: "Yes! I'll do it right away."

  Lawrence nodded, "Yes."

  The wood for building the house should be prepared in advance, and now is not the time for everyone to rest.

  Lawrence is no exception.

  "Well, when I saw this stone, I remembered that I also need a heavy-duty tool for crushing stone turf, so that the wood and turf can be turned into debris as soon as possible." "I can also process stones, but it is too slow and very difficult

  . It's easy to crack the stone if you can't control it."

  Although Lawrence now has the time and tools and materials, using traditional stone carving methods is too slow, and it will definitely be too late before winter.

  "Think of a way to get some wood pulp now. If you can make paper, keep making it. If you can't make it, just make do with wood chips." Lawrence muttered to himself, and soon couldn't stand it anymore, and decided to change his

  way of thinking to solve the problem. .

  "You can use soaked and dried sword-leaf grass to wipe your butt, and then take a shower. It will wipe cleaner than toilet paper." "It takes a

  long time to make paper, and it is impossible to make usable toilet paper in a week." "

  But I Make a wooden box to hold water, and then you can take a hot bath every day? It’s summer, and washing twice a day is no problem!”

  Lawrence is not solving the problem of toilet paper, but the problem of personal cleanliness.

  If you can bathe every day and have clean disposable straw balls to use every day, it is actually not that uncomfortable.

  "Catch with both hands! Use both hands hard!"

  Lawrence quickly asked people to collect wood and straw bales for soaking, and he made a water storage container for bathing.

  It’s not a problem if there are no water pipes. Just set up the wooden box at a high place, and then make a wooden stopper similar to the mouth of a wine bottle under the wooden box.

  When needed, remove the wooden plug and insert a wooden shower head into the hole. Then you can take a shower in the cabin.

  Since you are taking a bath, you definitely need a stone bench.

  The drainage outlet can lead to farmland or to a stream under the hillside.

  There are drainage outlets under the four stone walls, which allow water to flow through when it rains. Otherwise, the manor surrounded by walls will soon have water accumulation problems.

  Lawrence, who was taking care of both papermaking and bathing issues, quickly put aside other things, while Salil, who had been thinking about playing cards tonight, quickly noticed something was wrong!

  "Lawrence, aren't the wood chips under your feet enough? Why are you going to the woodshed to find wood again?"

  Lawrence said, "I want to make a wooden box, a big wooden box for water."

  Salil said helplessly: "That wooden sign Aren't you going to do it?"

  Lawrence didn't want to deny Salil's little hobby every day, so he said: "Let Sophia help you, and you and her can do it together. You will feel more involved if you make the things you play by yourself.

  " Li'er looked at Lawrence with suspicion, "Really? But I can't feel it from you."

  Lawrence really didn't feel much participation when playing cards, "Of course! Look at me making a wooden house, or using my Aren't I happy when the trap catches the prey?"

  Salil was quickly convinced by Lawrence. When she saw something was wrong with Lawrence, she went to Sophia for help.

  Sophia has little strength and no talent for hunting, fighting, or farm work, but she is clever and, like most girls, can easily master some small crafts.

  Salil was also good at needlework and made all the clothes in the house.

  There are some differences between needlework and carpentry. Salil will be much slower when making things alone.

  Her temperament just likes the excitement, not the kind of excitement in a tavern, but the kind of excitement where a few people are busy working together.

  "Sophia, stop sorting the pieces of cloth and make wooden signs with me. Lawrence is busy with other things." Sophia

  was sorting linens with the shepherdess, three nuns, and a female prisoner who was good at making clothes.

  Hearing the wooden sign, Sophia nodded and said: "Okay, let's do it together."

  Salil said happily: "Sofia is the best!"

  Sophia smiled and said: "The master is also very good."

  "Yeah! Lawrence It's also very good!" Salil urged: "Let's go to Lawrence, everything is over there."

  Sophia stood up, and when she was about to leave together, the younger of the three nuns also stood up.

  Navia observed for a day and found that this place was not as ignorant as the barbarians on the ship.

  Not only that, the people here are very friendly and willing to provide clean water and food.

  According to another church member's explanation, the owner here is a young man who doesn't look strong, and he is willing to take payment to free them.

  The most important thing is that it would be very uncomfortable not to speak all the time. Navia saw that Kenny could speak and move normally, so she also took the initiative to speak.

  "I'm Navia. I often repaired tables, chairs and windows when I was in my hometown. Maybe I can help you." After

  hearing this, Salil said happily: "Okay, let's work together, so it's faster!"

  Because of Lawrence, Saryl's distinction between locals and outsiders is less obvious.

  Although the three nuns are not the same kind, they are cleanly dressed and young and beautiful. Salil is very willing to have more friends.

  Although the nuns in the monastery don't know as much as missionaries like Kenny, they still have many more relevant skills than ordinary farmers.

  The remaining two nuns also stood up.

  The eldest nun said like a female teacher:
  "I am Colin. If you are willing, I can teach you the etiquette of the nobility and tell you what the maids in the manor should do to be elegant." After hearing this, Sophia said

  , Quickly and unhappily, he accused: "You are the maids!"

  Colin was also the head of the monastery when he was in the monastery, and helped the dean manage these little nuns every day.

  Hearing Sophia's scolding at this time, Colin quickly admitted: "Yes, we are maids now, and I am the maid who best fits the status of head maid."

  Even if he is a slave or a maid, he must also be the manager of the others. .

  Sophia said arrogantly: "I agree, the master will also agree, I will tell him."

  Colin quickly said: "Yes! Miss!"

  In the end, the nun, who was neither big nor small, but the most beautiful nun also said: "Miss , I am Brielle, I can write, read, and translate for you. In the monastery, my singing voice is the most beautiful." Sofia nodded, "Okay, now come with me to see the

  master, maybe you can let me You stay here to serve us."

  Salil looked at these people doubtfully, feeling that they looked very powerful.

  (End of chapter)

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