Chapter 39 Why do you only use fireball? !

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  Chapter 39 Why do you only use fireball? !

  Viscount Antolia wants to be certified as a mage, which is a rare thing in the entire Kingdom of Andal, not to mention the city of Parma.

  After all, not all lords are willing to put down their status and compete for jobs with mages.

  In addition, Leon is a disciple of Archmage Albert, and he chose to be assessed through actual combat, which immediately aroused the interest of many mages.

  Not long after, a review team of seven mages, headed by Archmage Albert, gathered at the edge of the mages training ground.

  Even many mage apprentices rushed over to join in the fun after hearing the news.

  "Is that Viscount Antolia?"

  "So handsome! Just like the reader!"

  "Nonsense! The reader who voted for the monthly vote is the most handsome!"

  The mage apprentices gathered around the training ground started talking. By the time, the drawing of lots for this assessment had already begun.

  This will determine the opponent Leon will face next.

  "Mage Collins!"

  Albert raised the note in his hand with Collins' name written on it and shouted loudly.

  After the words fell, a middle-aged mage who looked quite stable came out.

  He is Collins. He has been a mage for more than twenty years and is very proficient in all types of magic.

  "Your Majesty, Lord Viscount, please go first."

  Master Collins said gracefully.

  Leon did not refuse, and immediately raised the staff in his hand and began to chant the only magic he was proficient in, the fireball technique.

  what is that?
  Everyone present stared at the staff in Leon's hand.

  Different from the conventional wooden staff, Leon's staff made from the antlers of elk and goose has a somewhat strange style. Even because it was made by Leon himself, the appearance is slightly rough, which is very in line with the layout. Tolia style.

  And while people were whispering, a huge fireball gradually took shape.

  But Leon had no intention of stopping singing.

  Since the Master Collins in front of him felt that he had been a mage for decades and did not want to bully the juniors in the certification examination, then Leon naturally had to seize this opportunity and sing a big enough fireball.

  It doesn't matter whether you want to save face or not, the main thing is to get the enrollment quota through certification.

  As time passed by, the training ground fell into an eerie calm.

  While unwilling to take the lead, he kept chanting magic.


  does the fireball technique really take such a long time to chant? Could such a big fireball really be produced? !

  At this moment, the fireball gathered at the top of Leon's staff had expanded to a diameter of fifty centimeters, and was still growing.

  Not to mention the mages present, even the mage apprentices watching the battle were well aware of the length of the basic spell of Fireball.

  But Leon's singing time has obviously already exceeded this category.

  Could it be that... the slower you chant, the bigger the fireball you release?

  Mage Collins didn't know what the mage apprentices who were watching the battle were thinking. He also didn't know why the viscount in front of him chanted for so long.

  But Master Collins knew that if Leon continued like this, if he allowed the fireball to continue to expand, he would almost be able to admit defeat directly.

  Therefore, he finally couldn't help but release the wind blade technique to interrupt Leon's spell casting.

  Seeing that his opponent finally took action, Leon had to stop singing. A huge fireball carrying a billowing heat wave immediately flew towards Collins.

  Suddenly, a shield of earth appeared out of thin air in front of Collins, kicking up a cloud of sand and dust under the violent explosion caused by the fireball technique.

  Mage Collins himself was also affected by the violent impact and stepped back several meters, almost falling off the edge of the training ground.


  Collins thought to himself.

  However, Leon did not intend to leave Collins the time to chant attack magic.

  Because he knew very well how much his magic strength was. If the mage in front of him really showed his strength, it was hard to say whether he could successfully pass the mage certification.

  As a result, Leon suddenly and uncharacteristically clenched the staff with both hands. As he chanted the spell, fireballs formed and shot out one after another at the top of the staff.

  These fireballs are not very powerful, but they are more durable.

  At this time, Leon was like a tireless fireball machine, constantly spitting out hot flames with the staff in his hand.

  Perhaps due to the high temperature, the originally translucent elk and goose antlers seemed to have turned a little red.

  It wasn't even just fireballs. Due to the speed of the launch, some fireballs were shot out before they even had time to take shape. Not only were their shapes not rounded, but they were also all kinds of weird.

  Is this a fireball technique?

  At this moment, not to mention the mage apprentices who came here to join in the fun, even the mages present were stunned for a while.

  Everyone knows the spell of fireball, but in front of Leon, it seems that he doesn't even need to chant, and the continuous fireballs leave Collins without any space to cast attacks.

  He can only summon magic shields one after another, and then rely on his flexible movement to keep moving.

  "Why do you only use fireball?!"

  Finally, Master Collins couldn't help shouting angrily.

  At this time, he had long forgotten that the person standing in front of him was a noble viscount. He only knew that if he was beaten by a guy who was still a mage apprentice and was unable to fight back, then his old face would be gone. Place is put.

  "It's easy to use!"

  Leon blinked and replied sincerely.

  While Leon was answering, he did not slow down at all in releasing the fireball, and even sped up the pace slightly.

  This is the power of ancient magic.

  Singing magic is only a necessary condition to release powerful spells, but fireballs like these, which are not very powerful, can be cast quickly with the help of the staff in hand and the spell silently recited in Leon's heart.

  And this also made Collins groan secretly in his heart.

  Looking at Master Collins who was frequently dodging his fireballs not far away, Leon finally saw the right opportunity. With the wave of the staff, several flames spread rapidly from the ground towards Collins, and caught him in the blink of an eye. Next move.

  Immediately, Leon pointed his staff in the direction of Collins, and the spell he chanted gradually became obscure.

  In an instant, several rays of orange-red fire burst out, drawing strange and mysterious arcs in mid-air.

  This is Leon's latest achievement based on the fireball technique, and it is also Leon's redefinition of the fireball technique using ancient magic.

  The burst of fire had no specific route, let alone a definite trajectory.

  They may row in the sky for a long time, but in the end they will hit the target chosen by Leon in an unexpected path.

  Just like now, when the burst of fire grazed the skirt of Collins's clothes, it suddenly turned 180 degrees in front of everyone's shocked eyes, and suddenly headed towards Collins's back yard.

  A slightly dull explosion sounded.

  Collins, who was knocked to the ground, covered the hole in his mage's robe and shouted eagerly:
  "I surrender!"

   Ahem! Please read~
  (End of this chapter)

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