Chapter 135 127 Summary of Barbarus’ Initial Investigation

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  Chapter 135 127. Barbarus's First Inspection Summary
  The sky in Barbarus is as gloomy as ever, but for the farmers who are used to farming here, today is a bright and sunny day.

  Hades stood in the wild, thinking about how to arrange the selection of new recruits for the Death Guard.

  According to his own vision, the Death Guard's recruitment will have two sources of troops: voluntary registration and the Death Guard's private recruitment of talents.

  He doesn't have to worry about being blocked from conscription. The current social structure of Barbarus is still very simple, and there is no such thing as aristocratic families and nobility.

  The Death Guard Corps has absolute management rights over this planet.

  After all, on some planets, being selected as a space warrior would be a rare honor. Many aristocratic families would select their children into the legion to further expand their power.

  However, there is no such trend in Barbarus. Everyone is very poor, and there are no extra resources to support the landlords and other classes, so there will be no bloody incidents like families blocking each other from signing up for new recruits.

  In fact, the Death Guard needs a lot of recruits, but this does not mean that an individual can become a Death Guard. High-quality recruitment is also the guarantee of the legion's strength.

  The first batch of Barbarians who were transformed back then were all veterans who had fought with Mortarion in poison gas for many years. They were considered to be the group of people with the best military literacy on Barbarus.

  Now, due to the intervention of the Empire and the Mechanicum, there have been no large-scale wars on Barbarus for a long time. After the Legion left, a large number of young and middle-aged Barbarians poured into the construction of the ring, leaving behind the old, weak, women and children. On the surface of Barbarus.

  Of course, he is not recruiting the young adults who work on the star ring. They are too old and have missed the best age to undergo transformation surgery.

  The children who were left behind by their parents or sent back to Barbarus were the ones Hades wanted to recruit this time.

  The Star Ring does not provide resources for people without labor, so most of the children born there are sent back to Barbarus by their parents.

  On Barbarus, because the Mechanical Magi have not yet understood the biological factions here, and do not dare to easily burn down the glass of the original body's home planet and rebuild it, small farmers are still cultivating on Barbarus. mode.

  Some agricultural machinery temporarily suitable for local crops was introduced as a transitional tool.

  Because the sages believe that this embarrassing period will pass sooner or later, there is no need to design a dedicated assembly line for the currently inefficient and low-yielding crops on Barbarus.

  But until the first battle of the Death Guard was over, this embarrassing period had not passed yet.

  Hades still remembers the sight of those sages staring with big eyes when he went to inquire about the progress of the sages.

  And gave Hades a pile of papers to prove that they were indeed working.

  Facing the sage, Hades almost lost his temper with a polite smile.

  Of course, there is no need to embarrass them. As Hades, who has lived on Barbarus for a period of time, he naturally knows the weirdness of Barbarus.

  These estimates will have to wait until he can see if he can rid the planet of Nurgle's spiritual power.

  Turning our attention back to Barbarus, this planet originally had no mining foundation. What was developed was agriculture, the part near the equatorial ocean, and some fisheries.

  Because there was no excess productivity and a basis for industrial development, Barbarus' business did not develop at all, and barter transactions could even be seen in most areas.

  In fact, Mortarion's stronghold was also based on a distribution system. Money? What is money.

  In other words, those who came back from the Star Ring would bring back some empire currency, but these small metal blocks were basically useless on Barbarus.

  But what is interesting is that Hades discovered that some small trinkets that can be used to decorate gas masks are particularly popular on Barbarus. These small things made of leftover materials from the Star Ring industry were taken down from the Star Ring by some caring people, and then were Replace it with food.

  A unique scene appeared -

  young adults on Barbarus would choose to work in the ring because the environment there was generally better, and the emerging human settlements also attracted the attention of the Barbarus people who had been farming all their lives. .

  The mechanical sages or imperial bureaucrats on the star ring will exchange a large amount of living materials for their labor. Even if they can no longer work, this large amount of materials will be enough for them to return to Barbarus for the rest of their lives.

  Currently, Barbarus's star ring is mainly producing various semi-finished mechanical components that may be used in the future transformation of Barbarus, as well as being responsible for the production of some living supplies for the Death Guard Legion.

  Of course, some flexible-minded Barbarus will choose to join the service industry, either by becoming a servant of an imperial bureaucrat or by starting a business in a human settlement.

  Of course, more courageous people will try to catch a passing merchant ship and leave their hometown completely.

  Compared to Barbarus, who is still lifeless, the star ring surrounding it reveals the appearance of a civilization that has developed rapidly after getting rid of its survival difficulties.

  On Barbarus, those who choose to stay, or wait to become a high-level labor force, and then go to work on the star ring, are still doing the necessary farming day after day.

  Every morning, children in the village would walk in groups to work on their farmland outside the village.

  The elderly are doing rough processing of agricultural products, cooking and other household chores at home.

  Before staying, the Death Guard stationed in Barbarus would regularly patrol large and small human settlements, so these villages lacking young and middle-aged labor rarely suffered from wild creatures.

  Now, the life of a standard Barbarus person will be like this -

  born on the star ring, then sent back to Barbarus by his parents, and raised by old people or relatives in the same village.

  Farming begins when he or she is old enough to pick up farm implements.

  When he or she is older and capable of most jobs on the Halo, he or she will go to the Halo, spend most of his or her life there, meet a lover, give birth to a child, and then send the child back to Barbarus. .

  If they live long enough and live long enough to lose the value of their labor, then they will return to Barbarus with their savings to help their children and grandchildren.

  Of course, this story should only last for one generation, wealth has not yet been accumulated, and the first group of old people have just returned to their hometowns.

  Hades blinked.

  Why is this sense of sight so strong?

  He really wanted to change the current situation, but the top priority was to quickly select the first batch of recruits and then make long-term plans for the construction of Barbarus.

  Barbarus couldn't go on like this for long, and Hades knew that.

  The industry on the star ring is not enough to support the explosive growth of the population for a long time. Barbarus, a planet, can take on this important task.

  But until Nurgle's psychic problem is solved, the planet is not suitable for other long-term construction plans.

  Maybe he can try the black stone obelisk with psychic powers, but the obelisk has been damaged even more completely since the last time he messed with it.
  And the scope of work of a black stone obelisk certainly cannot cover a planet.
  "Are you thinking about how to select recruits?" A

  familiar voice interrupted Hades' thinking.

  Hades didn't even turn his head.
  "Finally come out of the medical room?"

  Mortarion glanced at Hades, then silently looked away.

  Hades. Did you talk like this before?
  "This is indeed hard to accept."

  Mortarion thought a lot as he sat there, in front of the dying Karas.

  What on earth did he do to make his friend choose a path of betrayal?

  Perhaps Karas was not willing, but he chose to ignore his old friend as he gradually fell in love.
  Mortarion still remembered the scene when he first met Karastyphon. The embarrassed young man struggled to stand up from the mud,
  " Mortarion, I know you, you are the child of the alien lord."

  Then the young man showed a sly smile,

  "I knew you would save us."

  "Come with us, go down the mountain, to the human village There."

  In the distance, Hades, who was still a child, was sitting on the truck and yelling at them to run.

  Mortarion is still thinking about revenge against his adoptive father, because he thinks that Naklay will not give up and follow them? Then he will kill everyone.

  But Karas grabbed his wrist and dragged himself down the mountain.

  He is the Primarch, and mortal power is nothing to him.

  But he was still dragged over, and since then, he has been dragged to the other end of his destiny.

  can Karas pull Karas out of the quagmire of fate?

  Will Calastyphon, who is still in a coma, give him this chance?

  If Mortarion is going to lose this opportunity completely, can he try not to cause greater tragedy?

  Perhaps I, who had been rigidly focused on liberation before, had overlooked too much.

  Liberation, yes, liberation.

  He is always liberating, he is chasing liberation.

  The vows the three of them had made was liberation, and the words he had silently recited countless times were liberation.

  But when Karas was lying lifeless on the bed, when Hades was busy planning conscription and many other matters.

  Mortarion suddenly realized that what he wanted was really just liberation?
  Was what they promised him originally the liberation itself, or the infinite possibilities after liberation?

  He still remembered that when he was preparing to attack Nacre, he had imagined the livelihood and recovery of the people after Barbarus.

  But then he was interrupted by the Emperor.

  What followed was the promise of his biological father, a greater liberation, a more glorious liberation.
  Mortarion admitted that at that moment, he was indeed shaken by that empty guarantee.

  He did so without hesitation, patiently sharpening his scythe again, vowing to liberate world after world.

  It was like he was climbing an endless mountain.

  But did the world he liberated before really cheer for the liberation?

  "You can't replace one tyranny with another."

  "Have you communicated with the locals?" Are

  the heirs he led really sincerely proud of his liberation?

  Mortarion thought silently under the cover of the breathing mask, and the poisonous gas slowly dripped from the statue.

  He eventually emerged from the infirmary, Barbarus never mourned injuries for long, life always went on and the weak ones who grieved were consumed by the poison.

  Only the strong who adapt to reality can survive, even if the reality is not what he once thought.

  Mortarion blinked and stared at Hades, who was inspecting the terrain and thinking about recruiting recruits.

  "I came out of the medical room."

  "Because the medical room is not a quiet place, Vox and Gallo's communication requests are sent to me every five minutes." Hades turned his head and looked at it in disbelief

  . Glancing at Mortarion, Mortarion displayed his dry sense of humor for a rare occasion.

  They remained silent on the subject of Calastyphon.

  "Ah, I hope Gallo and Vox are okay,"

  Hades sighed with emotion,

  "How are they doing there?"

  "The cleanup work after the war is almost done, but they are still working with the imperial department to take over the administrative management. Negotiations."


  Mortarion said,
  "According to Gallo's report, the empire even sent two groups of bureaucrats with reversed orders to implement different tax policies."

  Hades shook his head silently, the empire's The administrative aspect fits his stereotype as always.

  "Then you won't help them with the affairs of Galasper? Come to see the recruitment?"

  "Of course I should be there for Barbarus's second batch of recruitment."

  Mortarion said confidently.

  "Besides, I have already approved the post-war settlement of Galaspa. The tasks of connecting with other forces will be handed over to Gallo and Vox." The

  efficiency of the original body was as amazing as ever, but Mortarion was also decisive. Delegating authority over minutiae that he was unwilling to manage.

  Without giving Hades a chance to ask about the job again, Mortarion spoke directly.

  "By the way, how do you plan to select new recruits?"

  Hades shrugged,

  "I haven't decided yet."

  Should you simply look at the physical examination indicators, capture some beasts for fighting competitions, or directly let the selectors compete to advance? Game?

  These are relatively common ideas, and the selection of new recruits often serves the positioning of each legion.

  For example, the Space Wolves will throw the recruits to be screened on the snowy fields of Fenris. As long as they can return alive, they can get a ticket.

  There are various methods of physical screening, and Hades just wanted to choose a quick and easy method.

  But when Hades hopes to screen out physically qualified recruits, can he screen these recruits psychologically and ideologically?
  During the Great Crusade, the legion's ideological review of new recruits was very loose, close to none.

  But this cannot be blamed on the Legion. After all, the selection criteria for thoughts and minds are too idealistic -


  Mortarion's power armor rattled, he raised the giant scythe of Nirvana in his hand, and pointed at The rolling mountains in the distance,
  "Let them climb the mountain."

  "The Death Guard needs tenacity. Only those who survive in nature can become a qualified Death Guard."

  Hades looked at the mountains. As the altitude increased, the poisonous gas also became More intense.

  The training for the Death Guard resistance forces back then also included taking them to climb mountains.


  Hades said slowly, but before that, he had to make sure that there would be no interference from Nurgle's spiritual energy in the poisonous gas there.

   Thanks for subscribing and happy reading (_)

  (End of this chapter)

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