Chapter 33 32. Killing (Part 1)

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  Chapter 33 32. Killing (Part 1)

  Barbarus, northern mountain range, alien lord Nacre’s territory, top of the mountain.

  the top of the highest mountain in Barbarus, the poisonous fog is silently shrouding, spinning, and lingering here.

  The wind blew, and the original body crossed the distance of half a basketball court in just a few tenths of a second!

  Silent raging anger burned in Mortarion's eyes. Relying on the inertia of rushing over at extremely high speed, he raised the scythe in his hand -



  Mortarion shouted with all his strength. The attack was blocked by Naklay's giant scythe of Annihilation. Shining sparks burst out from the junction of the two scythes. The sparks scattered and illuminated the anger in Mortarion's eyes.

  Nakley held the sickle in both hands and used the scythe. The pole was firmly pressed against Mortarion's scythe.

  For a moment, one person and one alien were confronting each other with all their strength. Mortali stepped forward and exerted his strength, twisting the sickle pole and slashing the sickle downwards, and the solid rock under his feet was even stepped out of a deep pit.

  Compared to Mortarion, who was full of anger, Naklay, who used all his strength to remove the blow, seemed more like he was mocking Mortarion's anger.

  The tall and strong alien took advantage of Mortarion's slash and squatted down to retract his scythe. The delicate balance of force that the two had just established was instantly broken.
  Mortari immediately retracted his scythe and moved forward to hook his scythe, but the alien lord Nacre knew Mortarion's next move. After retracting his scythe, it immediately retreated and jumped away. Holding the scythe in one hand, he opened his five fingers on the other hand and pointed at Mortarion on the opposite side.

  Weird black and green spiritual energy fluctuations violently swarmed between its fingers,

  "My ridiculous son!"

  The spiritual energy fluctuations exploded instantly, and the huge spiritual energy movement even distorted the surrounding space!

  But Mortarion on the opposite side no longer panicked like he did when he was a child. Mortarion laughed angrily,

  "It seems that you really haven't cared about what your children have been doing under the mountain in the past few years! "

  Before Mortarion finished speaking, Nacre suddenly felt that the surrounding space suddenly became oppressive, the connection with the subspace suddenly weakened, and the laws of the physical world began to squeeze it.

  The spiritual energy in its hand suddenly exploded before it could accumulate to a satisfactory level. At the same time

  , Mortarion, who had predicted this situation, rushed forward and swung his sickle again, heading straight for Naklay's head. !

  Nacre was startled by the sudden change, but it recovered instantly. Mortarion's war scythe was already beside him. Seeing that he could not avoid the chopping scythe, Nacre had no time to raise his scythe to guard against it, so he directly stretched out his hand. Holding the sickle, he took the blow forcefully.

  Nacre's right hand was cut off directly, blood splattered, but it also successfully blocked Mortarion's fatal blow.

  Seeing that he had the advantage, Mortarion immediately pursued the victory, waving his scythe like rain, and continuously attacked Naklay at the fastest speed, forcing it to parry again and again, without the ability to fight back.
  ! There is another person here!

  Still untouchable!
  Only then did Nacre realize that he had been tricked by Mortarion.

  At the beginning, Mortarion's charge was not because he was angered by its taunt, but to cover the existence of the second person!

  That person must be a mortal and unable to directly intervene in the battle between them, so Mortarion would create an opportunity for him to enter and catch Naklay off guard when he used his sorcery power.

  It's careless! It originally thought that no mortal could stand on the top of this mountain.

  While Naklay was entangled with Mortarion, he devoted a little effort to carefully search for the figure that he thought was untouchable.

  Untouchables can shield themselves from the eyes of others, and for psykers, this shielding ability is even more powerful.

  This makes Nacre unable to directly detect the existence of this second person
  . But if he does not find and kill the untouchable person, Nacre will not be able to use psychic witchcraft smoothly!
  It quickly peeked at the entire scene, and finally, Nacre noticed on the right side behind it that the aura that made it sick was particularly strong -

  Nacre "saw" it!   "Don't be distracted!"   Mortarion's scythe waved came again, but Nacre, who had already determined the target, smiled sarcastically, and then used his broken right arm to eat this attack forcefully
!   His right arm slid smoothly under Mortarion's sharp scythe, and the thick blood reluctantly licked the sharp scythe blade. Without any resistance and block, Nacre turned around and jumped, swamping "Nirvana" ", spinning and then slashing -   it couldn't determine the most specific position of the untouchable person, so it had to take a gamble and expose its back to Mortarion.   As long as Nacre's next blow can hit the untouchable person, and as long as Mortarion's next blow cannot kill Nacre,   then the victory will be his!   "Hang on!"   The force feedback suddenly came along the sickle shaft.   Nacre smiled, it made the right bet.   Only when he was completely in contact with the "untouchable" could Nacre barely see this blurry human form.   The tattered armor that had been corroded by the poisonous gas was rattling, and his short height only reached Nacre's chest.   At this moment, the little man who had just ruined its good deeds was holding a sickle to block its blow.   But the huge disparity in power meant that they were not enemies of the same level at all. It was said that they were resisting, but in fact it only took a few tenths of a second -   "Crack!"   Hades watched helplessly as his sickle shaft broke!   The giant scythe "Nirvana" of the alien lord Naklay went straight to his head -   too fast!   Hades took advantage of his height advantage to squat down and retreat instantly, but even though he was an elite among mortals, he was still in the ranks of ordinary people and could not keep up with Nacre's speed. The giant scythe hit his helmet directly. above.   With a little concentration, Nacre struck with all his strength.   Hades flew out, his helmet slipped in the air, and the flying blood was mixed with white bone residue, bright red and pale, and instantly turned gray and deteriorated under the poisonous gas.   Hades felt like a tattered rag doll that was thrown directly into the air and then landed lightly on the ground.   The poison gas quickly kissed his exposed head. The left half of his face was scratched by the giant scythe of silence, his left eye was broken, and his skull felt like it was cracked.   He shouldn't be so close.   Nacre's psychic energy is more powerful than any alien lord Hades has ever encountered before. Hades can even feel that his black domain can be counter-pressured by the opposite psychic energy.   In order to better suppress the opponent's psychic energy, Hades had no choice but to take a desperate risk. He compressed the black area to seven meters, followed step by step, and followed Nacre's blind spot.   After Nacre's right hand broke, Hades stood in the blind spot on its right side.

  Of course Hades knew that Nacre would find him sooner or later, and he had always been prepared for defense.

  But he didn't expect Nacre to be so crazy!
  Nacre, who completely abandoned the defense behind him, was instantly torn open by the furious Mortarion with a scythe. His internal organs slipped out of Nacre's wound along with the scythe!

  Mortarion saw Hades lying on the ground in the distance, about to fall into coma, and his anger became even more insane.

  But Nacre was even crazier than him. The tall alien laughed loudly, then raised his right arm with only one section left, and swung it down suddenly -

  huge psychic energy exploded all over Mortarion in an instant. Opening, the armor was blown open, and the fragments scattered with the impact of psychic energy.

  Mortarion's vision suddenly went dark due to the sudden increase in poisonous gas and psychic pressure.

  He coughed out a mouthful of black blood with minced flesh.

  "Kneel down!!!"

  The huge psychic pressure pressed again!
  ——The situation was reversed in an instant——

  Hades was lying on the ground, his vision began to blur. He saw Mortarion's figure crumbling under the powerful pressure of psychic energy. Could it be that
  he really couldn't change anything?
  Is this the world of Warhammer?
  Hades could no longer hold on, and his consciousness gradually slid to the edge of the cliff.
   Suddenly he found himself writing five small poems, and ten large poems.

    As expected of Warhammer, just do it and it’s done.

    By the way, do you like me often writing about fighting?
    Happy reading (ω)
  (End of chapter)

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