Chapter 353 342 Hades is desperate but not completely desperate

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  Chapter 353 342. Hades was desperate but not completely desperate.
  "Nothing to ask for, why?"

  Finally, a slightly relaxed voice sounded, seeming to signal Haishen not to be nervous.
  Haishen tremblingly answered his god,

  "Ommi Lord Saiyan, being able to fight with you in holy war has fulfilled our lifelong long-cherished wish. How can your devout believers dare to ask for too much?" He lowered his head and felt the Lord

  's eyes narrow slightly, and a slightly questioning voice sounded,
  "... ...In other words, for you, I am your reward?"

  Haisen felt that this sentence was not quite right, but he did not dare to question Ohm Messiah. He hurriedly replied,

  "I can serve you and accompany you. You are the greatest gift, and we have nothing else to ask for."

  "That's good," Hades said. "I thought you had no desires or desires. Sage, there is no real perpetual motion machine in this world. Even the God of all machines cannot understand a machine that can run all the time without fuel. I hope you understand this." Hades


  "Don't blame yourself for the possible flaws in your words. What's your name, the great sage from Salem?"

  Haisen felt that the blazing gazes of the sages behind him were about to penetrate him.

  "Haisen, my lord, my name is Haisen."


  Hades was silent for a brief moment, seeming to be thinking,

  "I give Sarem the trust of the forging world. My real name is Hades, but my real name is Hades. It has power, and I don’t want you to use it unless necessary.”

  Hades doesn’t want this forging world to pray and automatically connect to the black realm, and this behavior will cause damage to the soul. If you press The mechanical sages pray as frequently as breathing, and within three days they will be dead.

  Hades patiently waited for the sages in front of him who were in a new round of carnival mood to calm down, which gave him a two-minute CD cooling time.

  When Hessen's thinking engine could finally think again, Hades continued to speak. Two minutes was enough for him to come up with a good rhetoric.
  These sages had already seen the Emperor's Manifestation and the Nightbringer, and the earth also With the power of Khorne remaining, Hades can tell them some lower-level rules, which will facilitate Hades' subsequent actions and also allow the sages to be alert in advance - after all,

  this forging world is located on the edge of the maelstrom.

  "The gods act by the rules and concepts that bind them. Even false gods are covered with this coat."

  Hades said carefully, thanking the Martian Jordan Sage for holding his head and reciting the teachings, Hades chanted A prayer,
  "Ohm Messiah has come to the world. He is the God of All Machines acting on behalf of the world. He is in charge of wisdom and truth -" "

  This is right, Heisen, do you understand?"

  Heisen's logic The engine automatically helped him analyze the vocabulary, and he trembled to understand everything. Hessen spoke and whispered uncertainly, "My
  lord, do you mean that the path you are walking on is truth and wisdom?"

  Hades nodded. , he knew that these sages would automatically ignore -

  "You have forgotten the most important point, Haisen."

  "Haisen, I am the agent walking in the world..." "

  Therefore, I act according to human rules. "

  No matter what Hades says next, the blame can be placed on humans.


  Hades was sitting silently outside the corridor. At the other end of the door opposite him, a large-scale family recognition scene was being staged. Now this was the third batch to rush in to see the original family. The body-eating World Eater.

  Hades originally wanted to take advantage of the energy he had just deceived the sage and finish his plan in one breath. Unfortunately, he also realized that the sage's thinking engine was really running out of power, so Hades had to let these batches go first. The sage went back to calm down.

  Hades still remembered that the great sage Haisen was so excited that he could not hold on and almost fell down. He subconsciously gave him a hand, and then he saw in the porthole that the sages he had sent back seemed to be in a dark corner. They surrounded and beat up the great sage. Hades silently averted his eyes. He should not be able to kill anyone, and the sages also knew that changing the target was not a good thing.

  He has also already thought about how to deal with this group of sages, since they are proud to serve the Ohm Messiah... then Hades will point them some way forward, disguised as an order.

  For example, digging as many graves as possible, no, visiting the home of the Necrons, working hard to develop your own forge world and striving to become the overlord of the Maelstrom, or...developing some interstellar navigation methods that do not go through the subspace.

  The Necrons do have a navigation method purely based on the physical universe, but that is based on the premise that their passengers are strong enough, and humans obviously cannot withstand the Necron's navigation method of torturing passengers.

  Hades slowly tried to dig out some wisdom from his brain, and he did find some fragments, which he could then give to the sages - but it was not enough.

  It's like knowing that a computer is made up of chips, but first they have to know how the chips are made. But even if they know how the chips are made, they can't get the final product without the appropriate processes and materials.

  Interstellar navigation based on the physical world will involve the application of thousands or even tens of thousands of basic principles, as well as unimaginable process and material requirements, assembly line construction, mineral selection, worker training... and Hades can

  only Tell them nonsense like a computer is composed of CPU, graphics card, motherboard, memory, storage, and power supply.

  Maybe Hades shouldn't embarrass them, he should choose a goal that is easier to achieve.

  In reality, however, what you think is closely tied to reality.

  The reality now is that Hades is "briefly" unable to leave the Maelstrom.

  Because he lost the Emperor's finger bone black domain suppressor, and the miracle that Hades expected for the finger bone to fly out of Angron's mouth did not happen.

  Hades wiped his face tiredly.

  For the time being, he suppressed the image of the half-digested finger bone flickering in Angron's stomach. The emperor's side was probably a VR-style immersive experience of a gastroscopy (hopefully not a colonoscopy). He decided not to Go dwell on these and leave the pain to others.

  Although he may, may, maybe, need to bear a small responsibility for this matter.

  But Hades believed that the main responsibility did not lie with him, and he also actively took remedial measures afterwards.

  Unfortunately, he still couldn't find the little finger bone.

  Ordinary clairvoyance methods are ineffective against the original body, and Hades obviously cannot directly operate on Angron.

  And the original body should... not go to the toilet. Hades did not find anything like a "primary body toilet" on the Death Guard or the World Eaters. In the past with Mortarion, He had never seen the primarch say he needed to go to the toilet -

  Hades suddenly realized that it was no wonder he had always felt something was wrong before. It turned out that Mortarion had not used the toilet every time he tried to avoid paperwork. lie.

  It's a pity that paid shit used to be Hades' specialty.

  Becoming the original body and possessing the enviable 100% digestion ability also deprived them of a perfect excuse to ask for leave. Maybe life is like this, when you gain something, you will also lose something.

  When something is lost, something is gained. For example, after realizing that the final tomb of the finger bone was probably Angron's stomach, Hades immediately sent Charon and Darkfa to find the Emperor to ask what to do. He lost He gained two capable assistants, but also gained a long-lost peace.

  It was Hades who hoped that the Emperor's reply would be faster.

  At the same time, he also hoped that the Emperor would not send the solution with Malcador.

   Thank you to all my friends who support me, subscribe, and reward me! ! !

    I'm coding, I'm coding!
    Don't wait... I really don't know if there will be a second update

  (end of this chapter)

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