Chapter 378 Chapter 367 The red man has a foolish heart

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  Chapter 378 367. Magnus, the Red Foolish Heart,

  moved slightly. Hades, who was holding his chin opposite him, remained motionless, but his wandering eyes were immediately fixed on Magnus.

  Magnus stopped moving again. Hades blinked and changed to a comfortable position lying on the table. He was wondering whether to apply for a small lathe to be brought over, otherwise Hades's life in the past few months would be Eat and watch over Magnus.

  Hades thought boredly, how about bringing some books over.

  Magnus is in jail, and Hades, who is guarding him, is in another kind of jail.

  It has been more than ten days, and Hades has memorized the order list of dishes in the dining hall on the Emperor's Dream.

  Of course, Hades has been in decline in the past ten days, while Magnus has not touched a drop of water, but given the physique of the original body, Hades is not worried at all about Magnus' sudden death.

  It would be great if Magnus had always been so "silent and well-behaved". At the critical moment, the Emperor would directly throw Magnus out in this state, and then use his psychic powers in any way.

  But it was a pity that Magnus spoke. The original body's dull and cracked lips were torn, blood gushed out, and his hoarse voice was like a mummy,

  [...Who are you? ]

  Hades sat up straight, staring at Magnus with bright eyes. He didn't want to answer, but he remembered Malcador's instructions.

  Hades thought to himself for a moment, and finally he spoke calmly,
  "Your watcher, Hades."

  Magnus trembled slightly, and a small bitter smile appeared at the corner of his mouth,

  [A stupid question.

  He said softly, Hades knew that Magnus was mocking him. After these words, Magnus fell into a long silence again, and Hades raised his head and once again strengthened the black zone alert.

  After these words, after the fifth meal delivery, on the third day, Magnus tried to communicate with Hades again.

  Maybe he couldn't help but keep silent. As of now, Hades believes that the only Primarch who can remain silent for a long time is Mortarion. Most Primarchs will have some desire to talk and curiosity.

  【Have you been there all along?

  Hades blinked silently. Magnus seemed to be asking a question that would help escape from prison, but since Magnus could no longer see anything, and he did not use psychic powers... then it was the original body's Other senses are helping him judge.

  Hades looked away boredly,
  "Sometimes I'm not here."

  Lies, he was always here, saying this to deceive Magnus.

  Magnus frowned slightly,

  "You've always been there.

  He said firmly.

  Hades raised his eyebrows,
  "So? You want to escape from prison-"

  [No! I will never, I will never do anything again! ]

  Magnus's high-pitched voice immediately interrupted Hades's words, but he instantly became pale and weak again. He murmured as if he wanted to say something more, but in the end he could only murmur a few broken words.

  Hades sighed,
  "This sounds like a good thing, for everyone."

  Magnus hesitated, and finally, as if he had made up his mind, he said with a trembling voice,
  [Emperor... …How is the Emperor now?

  Hades thought for a while, he recalled the emperor's performance at that time, and Malcador's words. Hades said indifferently,
  "I guess he was quite angry, and maybe a little sad."

  He looked at Magnus and said He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, his whole body trembling slightly, and even his messy hair was shaking.

  [...I don't want to...I don't want to...I never wanted to hurt him. ]

  After saying the last words, Magnus was almost broken.

  Hades stared at Magnus and said softly,

  "Then why didn't you listen to him?"

  [Because there is no other way! ]

  An off-key shout sounded, and Magnus yelled at Hades, but then he lowered his head irritably like a prisoner animal,

  [No one can save the Thousand Sons except me - not even the Emperor. , not even Malcador. At that time, there were only a thousand people left in the entire legion!

  Hades blinked calmly, he stood up, stepped forward to the iron bars, and compressed the black domain. If it were not for the emperor's restrictions and weakening, it would still be difficult for him to suppress Magnus's soul fire.

  "So this is why you sold your soul and the future of the legion to the devil?"

  [I don't know - I didn't know it was like this! He didn't show me this? !

  Magnus yelled rudely,

  【I never thought of this! I knew it was dangerous, but I was at the end of my rope! I thought this was the whole price! ]

  Magnus pointed to his own eye, but unfortunately it was just a deposit.

  In order to calm down the shouting original body and stop disturbing public order, Hades stretched out his hand, grabbed the iron chain wrapped around the iron railing, and roughly smashed it on the railing.

  The sound of chains clashing did a good job of calming the roaring Primarch, and Magnus regained consciousness of where he was.

  "Why are you shouting so loudly?"

  Hades frowned and said,

  "I'm not the decision-maker, I'm just a janitor. Tell the Emperor."

  He looked at Magnus His face suddenly turned pale, and the original body lost all power in an instant,

  [No, no... he will not forgive me. ]

  Hades continued to ask patiently,

  "Does he know what you just said?"

  [He... I think he should know, he saw everything. ]

  Magnus said hoarsely,
  "Then what did he say?"

  Magnus's lips wriggled twice, as if he was trapped in painful memories. The original body began to scratch and tear his scalp like a failed and collapsed person. hair.


  Magnus said painfully. Hades sighed, he did not want Magnus to fall into extreme emotions, which is the most taboo situation for psykers.

  "Well, you're not dead yet."

  He said comfortingly,
  "Your legion...those upright and kind-hearted warriors will not be imprisoned. The empire still needs warriors who can use psychic powers."

  Talking about heirs, This at least allowed Magnus to escape from the painful meeting for a moment, and Hades couldn't help but wonder what the Emperor had done to Magnus.

  Magnus covered his face in frustration, and he buried himself in the shadows,

  [I hurt them... I thought...]

  Hades walked back and sat down, still sitting comfortably.

  "Think of something else. It's useless for you to be in pain now. The fact is settled - unless the emperor orders you to work."

  [Father still needs me? ! ]

  Magnus's scream almost shook Hades from his chair. Hades stood up angrily and kicked directly on the iron fence, warning the original body to keep it down, "Otherwise he will keep it for
  you." What are you doing with your life?! Is it possible that he really likes to see you suffer all the time?!"

  The Emperor is a tyrant, but he is a utilitarian tyrant. If he has the skills and the strength to look at Magnus, it is better to just kill him and move his troops elsewhere. Work.

  However, the confusion on Magnus's face told Hades that this was what the Primarch thought.
  Hades took a deep breath and said,

  "When did you establish the image that the Emperor likes to torture others, Magnus?" Or do you like——"

  [No! Never! ]

  Magnus immediately retorted, trying to explain at a loss,
  [This is just, this is just - this is common sense! Inflict punishment on the sinner! ]

  "Can your father explain it with common sense?!"

  Hades kicked the iron fence again, trying to make Magnus lower his voice.

  Magnus screamed strangely, like a big parrot suddenly stuck in his throat,

  [You, what did you call him?

  Hades recalled it briefly, and then realized that he had spilled the beans.
  Hades said seriously,
  "I said, Your Majesty, the great Emperor."

  [That's not what you said just now, you said...]

  Ha Dis shouted irritably, his voice now louder than Magnus,

  "I know! Why are you shouting so loudly?! Even if you report it to him and I scold him, he won't be able to reduce your sentence! Honestly Wait, Magnus!"

  He watched with satisfaction as Magnus choked, looking aggrieved and silent.

  Hades turned around and sat back again, and now he gained a moment of peace.

  Until Magnus's weak voice sounded again,

  [...Who are you, Hades?

  "I am Hades."

  Hades answered fluently. He looked at Magnus and thought irritably,

  "What is your relationship with the Emperor?" Similar to - similar to Malcador?

  Hades thought for a while, he didn't want to be like Malcador, who looked like he had a weak kidney and approved official documents every day, but many times he did hang out with Malcador.


  [...Are you the most powerful soulless person?

  Hades narrowed his eyes,
  "You have crossed the line, Magnus."

  Magnus was silent. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and spoke again, as if he had made a lot of determination,

  "If you follow Ma Cardo is the same... So tell me... what should I... what should I do? ]

  Hades said casually,
  "Stay here, don't do anything, listen to him honestly, don't think blindly, and be especially careful not to touch the subspace."

  He stared at Magnus,

  "I think, The Emperor never wanted you to touch those things - he thought you were the superior one."

  Magnus looked like he was about to faint, and Hades continued as if he hadn't seen it,

  " have to Lower your expectations, everything will never go back to the glorious past. He is cleaning up your mess now. All you can do is not to create new messes for him." Hades looked at Magnus

  like The inflated balloon shrank like deflation. Finally, Magnus said as if he was giving up on himself,

  [He now wants me to live and do nothing. ]


  Magnus took a deep breath, and the original body panted violently,

  "Then what did he see for me?" ]

  Hades said speechlessly,
  "How do I know what he showed you."

  But what answered him was Magnus's silence. The original body seemed to realize that there was no answer to asking Hades about this kind of thing.

  Hades looked away silently,

  "Well... do you still need to eat? If necessary, I will ask them to deliver food."

  The emperor probably didn't know that Hades cut off the original body's food. After all, Hades Looking at Magnus from the past few days, he didn’t look like he wanted to eat.

  He was answered by a confused Magnus.

  Hades suddenly realized why Magnus thought the Emperor would abuse prisoners.

   3k, gone. By the way, I actually made up for it a few days ago, but I didn’t write it out

  (end of chapter)

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