Chapter 72 68. Ah, did you hold hands when you came up?

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  Chapter 72 68. Ah, did you hold hands when you came up?

  In the dim atmosphere of the library, the dim light of three candles burned quietly, and darkness filled the gaps silently.

  Hades sat opposite Fernando, staring dumbly at the three tarot cards in front of him.

  The dark library, old weapons all over the floor, golden inscriptions engraved all over the floor, and blood stains on Fernando's face.

  Hades blinked in surprise and asked him to apologize?

  If Barazin hadn't informed Hades to come over and repeatedly emphasized that Fernando had no ill intentions.

  Otherwise, Hades would have run away to notify the company commanders the moment he saw this scene.

  Not to mention sitting in this weird circle now.

  It felt like he was about to be sacrificed in the next second.
  Fernando sat opposite Hades with a calm and serious face.

  According to the divination results, Fernando needs to be candid and quickly grasp the rhythm of the conversation in this conversation.

  "Hello, Hades."

  "I'm sorry to meet in this way, but the situation is urgent. Please allow me to get straight to the point." "

  I have discussed it with Barasin. You answer my doubts first. After that, I will Answer for you."

  "In the name of the chief think tank, I swear that I need your answer now, please don't hide the facts."

  Hades swallowed, and Fernando's words
  felt a bit crazy when paired with the current scene.

  Or are all psykers like this?

  Fernando's words interrupted Hades's thinking,
  "Please allow me to ask a question, are you an untouchable, or some other existence?" "

  Or, can you limit the use of psychic powers?"

  Not interested in psychic powers. Knowledgeable bystanders may mistakenly think that Hades is untouchable when watching him fight Ugo, but experienced think tanks know that Hades's physique is not as simple as being untouchable.

  Hades thought for a moment. If he said that he didn't know his own physique, would Fernando believe it?
  In Hades's self-positioning, he should be a mutant untouchable. After all, the Emperor had given him the scythe obituary through the Sisters of Silence and the Imperial Guard, which also recognized Hades's special physique in disguise.

  So Hades slowly spoke,
  "I think my physique is a type of untouchable." "

  Currently, I can limit the use of psykers and cut off the connection between living beings and subspace."

  Hearing Hardy Fernando's eyes lit up at Si's words, but he quickly asked again, his urgent tone slightly aggressive.

  "But in the duel with Ugo, why didn't you just cut off his connection with the subspace? As far as I know, untouchables will feel uneasy just being around psykers." And

  Hardy Si replied,

  "This is where I am different. Now I can only contain the spiritual energy and subspace fluctuations that come into contact with my body." "

  My ability."

  Hades frowned. ,
  "You can't leave my body yet."

  Hearing Hades's answer, Fernando was not surprised. He directly stretched out his hand and said to Hades,

  "Now, you come and cut off my connection with the subspace."

  No. , so direct? !

  Hades couldn't refuse this request, not to mention that he still felt that Fernando's current state was not normal.

  If the other party is restrained, he will feel more at ease.

  Hades controlled his black domain to cover his right hand, and reached out to hold Fernando's wrist.

  Fernando's pupils tightened.


  Fernando had just finished communicating with the subspace, and there was still a whisper in his ears. The moment Hades held his hand, his world

  became quiet.

  The connection with the subspace was cut off, and a burning feeling came from his arm.

  The figure of Hades opposite him began to become blurry and abominable.

  Fernando blinked in disbelief, as if to confirm something. He lowered his head. In the eyes of the psyker, the tarot cards that were originally twisting and changing now looked like ordinary paper.

  This recruit - no, Hades, really cut off the connection with the warp!
  In other words, he can deal with that being!
  A wave of ecstasy came over Fernando.

  Hades, who was sitting opposite Fernando, also breathed a sigh of relief.

  In his "vision" of the black domain, Fernando's soul was a gorgeous and pure white, dazzling, but without those disgusting powers.

  When fighting against the wizard lords on Barbarus, Hades could clearly feel the psychic energy they used, with a disgusting, even vomiting aura.

  But Fernando has none of these.

  Good, you are pure.

  Hades commented in his mind and then let go of his hand.

  Even the smallest degree, eroding a human soul for a long time, just thinking about it, already makes Hades tremble.

  "So, that's it."

  Hades looked at Fernando, waiting for his next move.

  At this moment, ecstasy, relief and exhaustion all appeared on the face of the normally unsmiling chief think tank.

  "Very good."

  But Fernando instantly regained his serious expression.

  "Hades, what are your views on the subspace?"

  "Don't have any doubts. I will not be curious or pursue how you know or realize this."

  It is possible that the Emperor's Sisters of Silence and the Adeptus Custodians are interested in Hades said something.

  As the Emperor's right-hand men, the Sisters of Silence and the Custodes are often closer to the truth than the Legion.

  Hades hesitated again. Fernando was asking him to pay for his fortune.

  But Hades also had his own hunch in his heart. There was a high probability that the think tank in front of him might have seen a glimpse of the truth about subspace.

  And the urgent search for the untouchable is most likely related to psychic energy and subspace.

  Hades doesn't know what the relationship between the Legion and the Empire's only untouchable army, the Sisters of Silence, is, but there is a high probability that the Legion will not be able to directly request help from the Sisters of Silence.

  Moreover, matters that require the dispatch of Sisters of Silence often attract the attention of the Emperor and Malcador.

  For the entire army, this may not be good news.

  Since the other side wanted something from him, and combined with some of the psychic phenomena he had seen before, Hades hid part of the information and said,

  "I believe that there are creatures in the subspace that comply with the rules of the subspace, and these creatures are extremely malicious towards humans." "Psychics who are

  more closely connected with the subspace are more likely to be corrupted by them. And erosion."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Hades saw that Fernando's eyes were filled with tears of blood again.

  A voice that was several times hoarse than the previous conversation sounded,

  "I'm convinced now,"

  after all, in the eyes of others, saying that there are creatures in subspace is no less than nonsense.

  "You are the manifestation of the Wheel of Fortune in divination."

  So far, Fernando has only found a few words about subspace in ancient books.

  But Hades in front of him easily stated some of the conclusions that Fernando had reached after a rather tortuous practice.

  "Now, I can answer your doubts."

  "Then, let me tell you a story."

  "Have you heard of Daemon?"

   Happy reading ()
  (End of this chapter)

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