Chapter 86 80. Makado is also working overtime today

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  Chapter 86 80. Malcador was also working overtime today

  . The flag hung slowly, and the dim light reflected uneven shadows along with the folds on it.

  In the Death Guard's conference room, several company commanders and think tanks were sitting at the table.

  Mortarion sat at the head of the table, lowering his eyes and listening to Barasin's report.

  The reorganization of the Death Guard think tank has been largely completed. Fernando will serve as the leader of the newly formed Undertaker. The name of the chief think tank has been changed to the Lampbearer, and the team of Undertaker will be moved to the lower floor of the original think tank library area as a warning. .

  The newly formed Gravekeepers are led by Gallo, the former captain of the 7th Company. Most of the team members are rational veterans of the moderate and neutral factions. Some of them have performed well. After experiencing the illusion, Barbarus still behaves rationally and restrained. Yi was also incorporated into this team as a temporary member.

  The original commander of the 7th Company was replaced by Blanca.

  The company arrangement of the Barbarus descendants has also been decided, which is basically the same as the companies in the initial recruit training. However, some Barbarus people voluntarily signed up for the seventh company, and this group of people totaled less than 500 people.

  Vaux was transferred to the first company as Barazin's replacement.

  Mortarion knew about some of the negotiations and rivalries among these Terran ANBU.

  In the past, he would have despised these small actions in secret and decided to put these people on the edge.

  But now, every warrior has a role to play in that dark future, even if Mortarion is still a little dissatisfied.

  So he simply remained silent and deliberately watched these veterans communicate with him through Hades.

  Anyway, Hades can handle it.

  If Hades knew what Mortarion was thinking, he would definitely be wailing again that the big brother really didn't listen.

  As for Hades's position, he is currently the only untouchable person in the Death Guard, so Mortarion simply did not assign him a position, but directly incorporated him into the Death Shroud.

  After the Death Guard found the untouchables, they began to lead the team of untouchables to Hades.

  Deathshroud, Mortarion's personal guard, he currently selected five personal guards on Barbarus to form his defense team.

  These soldiers wearing Terminator power armor will become Mortarion's scythes.

  Mortarion still remembered Hades' surprise when he announced the list and composition of the Death Shroud.

  "Ah, why five?"

  There are still two vacancies that Mortarion wants to fill with untouchables.

  "I -"

  But before he could say anything, Hades interrupted him,

  "Why don't you use seven?"


  "Why do you think I will deploy seven guards?"

  This time Hades was stuck again. Brother, look at your company, you almost have seven engraved on your forehead.

  But he accurately judged through the pattern and tone of Mortarion's rhetorical question that he couldn't say,
  "Well, so why?"

  In fact, on Barbarus, part of the knowledge that was basically discontinued included numerology. knowledge.

  Before that, the knowledge on Barbarus had been monopolized by the alien lords.

  Mortarion still prefers to read numerology compared to those books that teach people to torture and sacrifice.

  Seven is a wonderful number, like a sickle, and the loneliest prime number within ten.

  Sometimes, there is no reason for favorites and habits.

  But now, Mortarion glanced at Hades, who was pretending to be dumbfounded.

  "It's just five, not seven."

  Ah...ah, ah?
  Hades would not know that he ended Mortarion's choice for Seven in a wonderful way.

  Barasin's report continued, and the response to each assignment was similar to what Mortarion expected.

  Time passed by minute by second, and the Death Guard's reorganization report was coming to an end -

  a servitor wearing a green and white robe came in. Different from ordinary servitors, its robe was inlaid with a thin gold edge, highlighting the It's different.

  It walked to Mortarion and knelt down, holding in its hands a slender cylindrical secret box engraved with golden patterns, with the Imperial double-headed eagle shining on it.

  The other company commanders present and those who were transferred held their breaths and lowered their heads to avoid it.

  Generally speaking, after the initial training period of the Legion, the Emperor would let a respected Primarch lead their brothers to continue their studies and integrate into the circle of Primarchs.

  Generally speaking, Horus, the primarch of the 16th Legion and the Luna Wolves, will teach the new primarchs.

  As the "first" Primarch to be found, Horus led most of the legions in the years before all the Primarchs were found. His humble and kind image left a deep impact on the Fourteenth Legion. .

  Hopefully the content of this letter is that the Emperor asked their Primarch to study with Horus and not something else.

  Maybe Mortarion and other Barbarus people don't know it yet, but for Chief Commander Barasin, this letter came a little early.
  If you include the time for Terra's message to arrive here, it will be even more... It takes administrative processing time. Then the time when this letter is sent will happen to be the few days when they experienced the illusion.
  No, it won't be, Barasin said in his heart.

  If it were the worst possible scenario, then they wouldn't be facing a letter.

  Mortarion frowned, took off the combat gloves he usually wore, and picked up the secret letter from the servitor with his bare hands. After identifying the genetic code of the commander of the Fourteenth Legion, a thin crack opened from the golden box, revealing a piece of kraft paper carefully tied with gold wire.

  As if impatient, Mortarion removed the thread and unfolded the letter.

  The emperor's exclusive golden emblem and the coat of arms of Malcador flashed by at the end of the letter.

  After a long time, Mortarion spoke slowly.

  "I was asked to go to Terra immediately."

  Barasin raised his head,
  "Legion Commander, do you want the legion to prepare the return fleet immediately?"

  "No, I am the only one to go."

  "They. This afternoon, Standard Terra A fleet will be sent over at four o'clock."

  "The hidden port on the right side of the Endurance will be opened then."

  Under the hood, Mortarion's face was unclear.

  "Barazin, now, let all the soldiers return to the lounge immediately and be on alert."

  Mortarion suddenly said again.

  "Let the foundry hall maintain normalcy, and other departments that have contact with the outside of the legion will maintain normalcy." "

  Also, those envoys want to see Hades."

  At noon that day, 12 o'clock Terra Standard Time.
  "Vox, don't be nervous."

  Mortarion sat in a conference room that was significantly smaller than the original body, expressionless, and looked at Vox opposite him.

  He had also looked for Morag, who was originally classified as a death shroud.

  After listening to Hades's opinion, Mortarion specially found two Barbarians to arrange the affairs after he left.

  One light and one dark.

  "Yes, sir."

  "I will leave the legion for a period of time. During this period, I will leave the matters related to the descendants of Barbarus to you."

  Why not Senior Hades?

  If it weren't for Karastifon, Vox would still be able to understand that Karas was obviously treated coldly by the original body after the duel field incident. What's more, Terra's management no longer thinks highly of Karas.

  "I give you four orders, you must handle them well."

  Vox remained motionless, waiting for the mission from the original body.

  "The first rule is to be optimistic about every Barbarusian."

  "The second rule is to develop your abilities as soon as possible. I hope that after I come back, there will be Barbarusians in the legion who are qualified to serve as management." "The

  third rule is to train your abilities as soon as possible. , keep in close contact with the newly-established Gravekeeper Army, and make sure that no one is troubled by the illusion anymore." "

  Article 4,"

  Mortari paused,
  "try to handle the relationship between the Barbarus and the Terran people as well as possible. ."

  The hoarse language of the original body seemed to still echo in the room, and Vox's heart trembled. Even though the situation Lord Mortarion was facing may not be clear now, he still arranged for the behind-the-scenes management of the Barbarus people.
  " Yes, my lord, in the name of Barbarus, Death Guard Vox will fulfill his mission."

  At the same time.
  room, familiar smell, except that only Balazin, Gallo and Fernando were present.

  Hades blinked, and the mechanical clock walked slowly.

  "So, now Mortarion is going to Terra alone, and the legion is on standby for training?"

  Barasin nodded.

  "Also, the envoy of Terra asked to see you."

  It should not be an arrest warrant.
  Regarding the Death Guard and Mortarion, if it is this time and Hades himself is mentioned, then there is a high probability that it is about the Death Guard and Mortarion. It was about the previous illusion.
  In Hades's inference, the other party should have come to check their purity.

  This doesn't matter. Under Hades' screening, there is currently no trace of corruption in the entire Death Guard team.

  But for Hades himself. The only thing that Hades is unclear about at the moment is the empire's attitude towards him. Will he really want to punish the person who caused the incident on the spot?

  He thought about his obituary. He had shed blood for the Empire, he had served the Emperor, no!

  Well, it shouldn't be like this. He was captured to death and worked as a coolie in Terra.

  Putting this aside for the time being, Hades decided to give Barasin and others some warning.

  He looked at Barazin and said,

  "Keep an eye on Calastiphon."

  The silent black ship rowed through space and slowly arrived at its target.

  In the long and dark corridor of the Endurance, the Imperial Guard and the Sisters of Silence were moving forward.

  The sonorous footsteps echoed in the corridor, and an annoying aura filled the air.

  In the conference room near the deck, Mortarion stood in the middle, wearing full armor.

  Barazin and Hades were also wearing full power armor, standing behind Mortarion and waiting.

  This scene always felt familiar to Hades.

  The leading Imperial Guard stepped forward and performed the aquila salute like a dragonfly. Without waiting for a response, or perhaps he did not expect Mortarion and others to respond, he quickly put it down again.

  The Sisters of Silence behind the Imperial Guard handed him a golden cube, and then the nuns evacuated backwards in order, away from the golden cube.

  When the Imperial Army placed the golden square on the ground, a person's projection appeared on the square.


  This was the first feeling he gave Hades.

  Just like the most common administrative officials in the empire, the person who came was a slightly stooped and thin old man, wearing ceremonial uniforms and a plain cloak, with a politeness on his face that didn't seem to come from the heart. The smile is like the smile of an official who goes to do administrative matters and then pushes you around.

  However, he held a scepter, with a golden eagle burning in flames at the tip of the scepter, and stared at the people in the room.

  Malcador, the Seal Bearer.

  As if to show his sincerity, the old man's wrinkled hands slowly took off his hood.

  He looked at Mortarion, at the newly found heir of the Emperor.

  Then Malcador's smile deepened.

  "Hello, Mortarion, this is our first meeting."

  "Please allow me to briefly introduce myself. I am a subject of the Emperor and am currently responsible for various administrative affairs of the empire."

  Mortarion did not move. .

  As a psyker he met for the first time, if he didn't show any malice like this, then Mortarion would have shown his greatest tolerance.

  "That lord is still heading into the universe. He is still busy with the war, so I will be your agent for the time being." "


  Malcador stretched out a hand, palm upward, as if Showing his sincerity,

  "Your brother Horus will be involved, but now, I realize that some accidents have occurred, so I have to change the plan temporarily."

  When saying the word "accident", Hades swore , Malcador definitely glanced at himself.

  "We will not pursue it. Each legion has their own privacy."

  "But in the next period of time, the Death Guard needs to have a team of Sisters of Silence stationed outside the Endurance." "


  Mo Mo Talion nodded.

  Letting the Untouchables stay on the Endurance for a longer period of time is also what Mortarion hopes to see.

  But he still hopes to build his own team of untouchables.

  Seeing Mortarion's promise, Malcador put down his hand,
  "Then, please leave for Terra, Mortarion, where you still need further study."

  "Of course,"

  Malcador said His expression became serious,

  "This is also his will."

  The heavy footsteps faded away, led by the Imperial Guard, the original body was about to leave, and the remaining company commanders also went to see them off.

  The Sisters of Silence who lined up also left under the leadership of Barasin to discuss the next work.

  However, in the conference room, on the golden cube, Malcador's projection was intermittent.

  The eyes above his hooked nose stared at Hades, who was still standing here.

  Well, according to what Hades said, there is a beauty in Malcador's eyes that is forced to work overtime.

  After the primarch left, Malcador seemed to put aside his previous etiquette.

  "You, outsider."

  Hades shuddered.

  Outsider? !

  Does he know that I am not from this world? !

  As if he knew what Hades was thinking, Malcador's voice continued,

  "Watch your mouth."

  The old man looked at Hades helplessly and angrily,
  "I have seen so many, all kinds of people. I have also managed many talents."

  "But you, you, Hades."

  "You are the first person I have ever seen."

  Such a smart and stupid being.

  Why had the Emperor chosen him?

  Malcador knew that the Emperor was a human being after all, and he also made mistakes.
  But this was also him, and the reason for Malcador's existence
  was over. Malcador sighed softly, and

  the things he tried so hard to conceal were revealed. Being exposed in front of a heir is not necessarily a bad thing.

  After that, it was up to Malcador to confirm whether Mortarion could accept the information.

  If it's not suitable...
  "That's all."

  He looked at the culprit,
  "Now, contact the Death Guard's Forger Master and ask him to recommend you to go to Mars as a technical sergeant." "?" "


  , don't reveal what happened on the Death Guard. Everything, including the meeting between you and me."

  Not all Mechanical Magi welcomed the Empire.

  "Save these memories in your left brain. The Mechanicus will not find them out."

  Hades was still confused, but Malcador's patience seemed to have been exhausted in the conversation with Mortarion just now. With a buzzing sound, the intermittent projection suddenly stopped.

  The door opened and a Sister of Silence walked in and took the golden cube.

  Hades was left with a head full of questions.

   Thanks to the leader of Xianxianque, I will work hard! !

    Thanks to the leader of Shanyi Shuiling, I will work hard! !

    (_) Current debt situation, 3 main plots + 2 extras.

    Hmm. A well-meaning person told me that the name of the gravekeeper was taken by the Terminator, so the name-dropper arrested people overnight to help me think of a name.

    But then I thought about it again. Why not let the Terminator unit change its name? Please, I have tried my best to name it (it just so happens that there may be a plot later on)
    and also changed some organizational structures... The naming is really important. I ordered
    the political commissar to be the gravekeeper, the think tank to be the mourner, and the chief think tank to be the lamplighter.

    Thanks again to Bvafn Clatzemann for his naming support.

    Thank you for subscribing, wish you good reading and entertainment (≧▽≦)
    4k has been completed tonight, there is no update today ()

  (End of this chapter)

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