Chapter 13 Show your edge

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  Chapter 13

  Jiang Ran’s sword skills come from an old drunkard.

  He started practicing swordsmanship at the age of six and practiced hard for fourteen years.

  Although the old drunkard wouldn't let him enter the world because of his near-death experience.

  But it's not like Jiang Ran has never had a fight.

  The rogues in the market and gangsters are all his whetstones.

  However, now that he has gained sixty years of internal strength, his sword skills are completely different from those in the past.

  The moment he swung the first sword today, he felt an indescribable feeling.

  He seemed to be jumping for joy, his heart was beating fast, and the sound of the knife in his palm seemed to be smiling.

  These nine sword skills flashed into his mind in a clear way that he had never seen before.

  With every chop and every change of move, the changes in the sword technique become more and more clear to my mind.

  Only then did he understand that in the past, his internal strength was too low and he had never really displayed the true power of this sword technique.

  When wielding the sword at this time, sixty years of internal strength have accumulated, and fourteen years of accumulation have accumulated. Each time the sword is swung, there is a different feeling.

  Slowly, Jiang Ran had a strange feeling, as if he had turned into a knife.

  Or maybe it was this knife that turned into himself.

  [Nine Swords] The originally clear nine-sword technique gradually became fragmented during this process.

  There is no longer any sequence of which move comes first and which move comes second.

  Whether it is caused by thoughts or used freely, it is all a clever move!
  In an instant, he seemed to have forgotten the [Nine Swordsman], Ye Jingshuang, the system, and the Evil Arhat Daozhen.

  He only remembered that there was an opponent here.

  An opponent who can let him swing his sword to his heart's content!
  This is a bitter experience for the evil Arhat.

  When he first fought against Jiang Ran, although he could feel the opponent's deep internal strength, every collision between the weapons made him feel like he had been hit by a carriage.

  The huge force shook his muscles, bones and internal organs.

  Even if he clenched his teeth, there was still blood gushing out from the gaps between his mouth and nose.

  The whole person can be said to be in pain.

  But slowly...he found that it was no longer so uncomfortable.

  Because their weapons rarely collide.

  To be precise, it is untouchable!
  He couldn't catch the young man's knife.

  The knife was obviously taken from his right shoulder, and he was waiting to block it, but for some unknown reason, a gash was suddenly opened in his left shoulder.

  He could clearly see that the sword was coming from the bottom up, but when he took the blow, it turned into a sweeping force.

  The changes in moves are weird and bizarre, completely unbelievable.

  And such a change, although strange at first, can barely be avoided.

  But soon he discovered that the knife of the man opposite was getting faster and faster.

  It is no longer possible to resist and avoid it!
  He was already seriously ill and injured, and he had already reached his limit. Seeing that if he continued like this, he might be chopped up alive by this man, he finally couldn't help but yell angrily: "You bastard, you are bullying me
  . Too much!
  "Gui Qi, don't pay attention to those wine bags and rice bags. Join forces with the Sa family to kill this person first!" ! "

  Gui Qi is the masked man.

  At this time, he was entangled with Ye Jingshuang and the others. He

  was also depressed.

  He asked himself that it would not be difficult to kill any of these three people if he fought alone.

  But the three of them joined forces. He couldn't attack for a long time.

  At this time, when he heard Daozhen's call, his thoughts were rolling in his mind. Finally, he gritted his teeth, swayed, and escaped from the battle circle.

  Although he couldn't kill these three people, his martial arts was good after all, and he wanted to It's not difficult to get away.

  Ye Jingshuang's expression changed, and the sword in his hand shook:
  "Stay! ! "

  One move, 'Wind and Cloud Surge', went straight to Gui Qi's heart.

  Gui Qi seemed to have eyes on his back. He ducked sideways, and the sword immediately missed.

  Cheng Jimo was about to help, but out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of the man wearing treasure. The master of A turned around and left the moment Gui Qi escaped from the battle ring. He

  immediately raised his hand and flew the Feather Needle straight towards the man's legs:

  "Where to go! ! "

  We just joined forces to deal with Gui Qi because they were in danger of life and death, and Ye Jingshuang asked for help.

  But he and the man in the armor are enemies after all.

  How can we tolerate it now that he is about to leave?
  "Entanglement endlessly. "

  The man heard the bad news. He immediately put his foot down and flew up. When he dodged, he turned around and saw that Cheng Jimo was already chasing him. Although Qianyu Sect is famous for its hidden weapons, its boxing and kicking skills are not completely


  Cheng Jimo entangled him, using his hands and feet together, sometimes flying hidden weapons, forcing the man to deal with it with all his strength.

  Ye Jingshuang glanced back, knowing that there was no hope. He

  immediately gritted his teeth and rushed towards Jiang Ran.

  And then As soon as he glanced back, Gui Qi had already circled behind Jiang Ran. He

  reached out with his hands, like ghostly hands from the underworld, and reached for the vital points behind Jiang Ran.

  By this time, he had already seen that Jiang Ran was forgetting about himself and himself. Maybe It was difficult to detect his own presence.

  Now he attacked with all his strength and attacked from behind, just in time to injure him.

  As long as this attack was successful, it would not be difficult to kill Jiang Ran.

  Now Cheng Jimo stopped the man wearing treasure armor and waited for them to kill him. After arresting Jiang Ran, go and beat these people to death one by one, so that no trace of what happened today will be leaked.

  While thinking about it in my mind, I saw that I was about to reach Jiang Ran with my hands and then press for the acupuncture point.

  But I saw that the original With his back to him, Jiang Ran's figure suddenly turned into afterimages, and in just a flash, his eyes met with his.

  In his eyes, there was clarity, and there was no trace of confusion.

  "Tianganjiu step! ? "

  Gui Qi's face suddenly changed. Then

  he saw the flash of the sword. There was

  a sneer!
  Blood stained the air, and Gui Qi's hands were cut off at the roots.

  Before Gui Qi could cry out in pain, Jiang Ran flew up with a kick and hit it directly. Chest.

  Blood flew from the mouth, and Gui Qi's figure was like a rag baggage. He flew away, fell to the ground, rolled continuously, and finally lay there, unable to get up. When he opened his mouth, the blood was spat out as if it was for free

  . There were things all over the ground, but there was a look of horror and horror on his face:

  "You...what kind of sword skills are you doing? "

  Before Jiang Ran could speak, he heard Daozhen yelling angrily from behind:

  "Sajia will fight with you!!!"

  As he raised his hand, he threw the crescent shovel hard.

  He used all his strength to throw this move, and the crescent moon smashed through the wind and roared with unparalleled power!

  Taking advantage of this moment, Daozhen reached into his arms, took out a small bottle, bit the cork with his teeth, opened it, and poured the elixir inside into his mouth.

  However, the next moment, a roaring sound was heard approaching.

  When he raised his head, the crescent shovel that was originally thrown by him somehow flew back in a spin.

  By the time Daozhen noticed, the blade of the crescent shovel had already cut into his left shoulder.

  He held the medicine bottle with his left hand, intending to take it, but at this moment, his shoulder hurt, and when his palm loosened, the bottle naturally fell to the ground.

  He was pushed back by the huge force of the crescent shovel, and finally hit a big tree on the side of the road with a loud bang.

  The big tree shook violently, sending countless leaves flying.

  Among the fallen leaves, Daozhen reluctantly raised his head and saw Jiang Ran picking up the small bottle he had dropped on the ground, bringing it to his nose and smelling it: "What is this?" (End of


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