Chapter 298 [Shipbuilding] Skills

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  Chapter 298 [Shipbuilding] Skill

  differentiation skills?
  Su Ze didn't expect that after traveling for so long, this system would have functions that he hadn't yet explored.

  Su Ze had encountered upgrading skills before.

  The [Chemical Engineering] skill has been upgraded to the [Chemistry] skill, which is equivalent to changing from a basic branch skill to a skill with a larger conceptual scope.

  But what is skill differentiation?
  After Su Ze chose "Yes", he quickly understood the meaning of this skill.

  [Carpenter] skills are a very broad concept, ranging from ordinary carpenter income such as making tables, chairs and benches, to building wooden houses, to building ships, cars, and water mills, all of which can be classified as carpenters.

  The so-called differentiation is actually to divide the broad classification belonging to [Carpenter] into more detailed branches.

  This is in line with the development of social production.

  From the ancient "carpenter" occupation, which was more general, it began to be divided into "carpentry", "shipmaker", and "construction worker". I only saw that the [Carpenter], which was originally Level 6, became several other skills.

  [The skill "Carpenter" is divided into three skills: "Carpentry", "Shipbuilding" and "Construction" based on the existing experience value. Experience points are allocated based on the existing skill mastery. ]

  [Differentiate into the skill "Carpentry", skill experience level 5, 1/1000]

  [Differentiate into the skill "shipbuilding", skill experience Lv 2, 1/200]

  [Differentiate into the skill "construction", the construction skill has been mastered, and the construction skill has been increased. Experience value, skill experience is Lv3, 20/300]

  Is he so smart?

  Su Ze originally had the construction skill, but now the construction skill has been merged into L3.

  The original [Carpenter] skill was transformed into [Carpenter], which was still Lv5. Su Ze saw that the passive skill could still be used.

  The [Shipbuilding] skill is rated at Lv2, which is reasonable. Su Ze has never built any ships by himself since time traveling.

  With the [Shipbuilding] skill, Su Ze is more confident in shipbuilding.

  This time Su Ze planned to build a Galen ship. This kind of sailing ship has been a classic ship for maritime hegemony since the 16th century until the steam-powered warships came onto the stage of history in the 19th century.

  What left Su Ze speechless was that the complete set of blueprints for the Galen ship came from a shipbuilding manual that Lin Mojun bought in Macau.

  This shipbuilding manual published by the British actually clearly records all the technical details of shipbuilding. What kind of selfless internationalism is this!

  But it doesn’t seem strange if you think about it, because there was no sense of confidentiality in this era. During the century of the Enlightenment, the rapid development of the West was also related to the cultural atmosphere at that time.

  The funniest thing is that all Europeans know the huge profits of traveling to the New World. Navigators of this era are constantly looking for routes to the Americas.

  Under such circumstances, Spain and the United Kingdom actually published books directly, printing navigation charts to the New World, and even the islands and ports along the way were recorded and published by these navigators.

  At that time, European countries did not have any sense of confidentiality and allowed this type of books to be published. There were even people who specially translated them into other countries' languages ​​and published them in other countries.

  This is equivalent to modern European countries writing a detailed book on the technology of manufacturing photolithography machines, and then translating it into Chinese and publishing it to China.

  Outrageous, just outrageous.

  This Galenic shipbuilding manual is such an outrageous book.

  Today, the world's maritime hegemon, the Spanish's main ship is the carrack.

  The structure of the Galen ship is not much different from the Clark ship, and it is modified on the basis of the Clark ship.

  Su Ze also has a certain understanding of the development of Western ships through his [Shipbuilding] skills.

  The forecastle and stern of the old "Carrack" type sailing ships and other ships at that time were too high, which easily caught the wind, making it difficult to maneuver the ship in headwinds.

  The British saw this. The height of the bow and stern, especially the forecastle, was reduced, and a square stern was used instead of the original round stern. This new design of the ship is relatively long and narrow, has fast speed, and has excellent maneuverability in headwinds.

  It’s just that European countries still think that the Karak is a better sailing ship. In order to promote their own ships, the British are not stingy about printing their shipbuilding techniques into books, even in areas like the Far East. Lin Mojun’s shipbuilding manual is Bought it from an old shipwright.

  In 1559 AD, the thirty-eighth year of Jiajing, two years ago, the former Queen "Bloody Mary" passed away, and the British throne once again returned to Elizabeth I, the Puritan Queen.

  Under the rule of Elizabeth I, Britain entered a period of rising national power, and under her rule, the British fleet defeated the Spanish Armada, laying the foundation for British sea power.

  In Culture 6 terms, Britain is about to enter a "golden age".

  However, in Su Ze's view, the so-called European Golden Age was also instilled by the countless hungry and cold child laborers on the streets of London and the blood and tears of countless colonial people.

  She started the sheep-cannibalism movement and enacted the Homeless Act, which prohibited beggars from begging in the city and required them to work in factories.

  However, Su Ze did not hesitate to praise the queen, because it was precisely because of Elizabeth I's love for black tea that the tea farmers in Wuyi Mountain began to produce black tea. Half of the black tea exported by Fuzhou Shipping Company every year was distributed by Portuguese and Spanish businessmen. Sold to the British.

  In other words, Queen Elizabeth is Suze's largest customer in tea export trade.

  However, drinking black tea is still a matter for British aristocrats, and ordinary people cannot afford it.

  Su Ze is also promoting black tea manufacturing technology in several other tea-producing areas. Europe is a large market for tea consumption.

  Putting away his messy thoughts, Su Ze checked the [Shipbuilding] skill again.

  With this, Su Ze also had a corresponding understanding of the construction of sailboats.

  Galenic ships are a style of sailing ship. Galenic sailing ships are built in three representative sizes: small (100-400 tons), medium-sized (500-800 tons), and large (900-1200 tons).

  Among them, European countries also have their own characteristics.

  The British preferred small galenic ships, that is, small galenic ships of about three hundred tons.

  The British were the first to use an integral lower deck. This structure is more stable and can withstand the recoil of artillery. Because the British's small Galen ships can also install less than 40 artillery, the deck can withstand the recoil of artillery salvoes.

  The Spaniards, on the other hand, prefer large galenic ships weighing 1,200 tons.

  A large galenic ship can be equipped with up to a hundred cannons and requires hundreds of sailors to drive it. It is a true behemoth on the sea.

  However, large ships and small ships are not selected based on combat needs, but the needs of each country are different.

  Even though the British defeated the Spanish Armada during the Elizabeth I period, the Spanish quickly built a new fleet, and Britain and Spain entered a naval war readiness competition.

  In addition, the rising Dutch coachmen on the sea are also provoking the two countries.

  In today's situation, the Spanish are still the overlords, controlling the vast land of South America, and holding the gold and silver of the Inca Empire in their hands.

  The Spanish needed to travel between the New World and the mainland, and ocean-going trade required larger ships to transport goods. Of course the British also wanted to build big ships, but at this time their national strength was limited, and competition with the Spanish also cost too much money.

  That's why there was a plunder order during Elizabeth's reign. The famous pirate Captain Drake was the pirate king ordered by Queen Elizabeth.

  The British fleet also used pirate tactics, using small, more maneuverable galenic ships to rob the Spanish ships.

  However, in East Asia, a ship of 300 tons is no longer a small ship. When converted into Ming units, it is a large ship of thousands of materials.

  Su Ze plans to use this Galen ship to accumulate experience in [Shipbuilding] skills and build larger ships in the future.

  As for the shipbuilders who came to Chuanshi Island, Su Ze was not ready to let them go. He sent people to pick up the families of these craftsmen, and paid these craftsmen so that they could build ships with peace of mind.

  Kawaishishima trained troops, built ships, and marched vigorously towards the 41st year of Jiajing.

  On New Year's Eve, Fang Wanghai took leave and took Mrs. Li, her daughter, grandson and son back to Fujian to celebrate the New Year with Su Ze.

  The sea has been calm recently, and Su Ze personally took a clipper boat to the Shanghai pier to greet his father-in-law and his family.

  After seeing his wife again after a long absence, Su Ze was naturally happy, and he picked up his babbling son again, which once again gave Su Ze the motivation to cheer up.

  However, looking at the sea from the pier, he still looked unhappy. When he got into the cabin, Su Ze asked his wife, "What's wrong with

  my father-in-law?"

  Fang Ruolan pushed Su Ze's frizzy hand away and said, "Dad wants to resign. ."


  Su Ze said doubtfully, "My father-in-law is not yet fifty years old. Is it because he is not feeling well? Can I check on him?"

  Fang Ruolan shook his head and said, "It's not that he is not feeling well, it's a mental illness."

  Fang Ruolan sighed and said: "Ever since Zhao Zhenji took office, my father's mood has deteriorated a lot. Some time ago, he even lost his job in the Customs Department, leaving only a nominal post in charge of the Nanjing Household Department. Everything basically fell into place. "

  Especially years ago, Hu Zongxian from Zhejiang wrote a letter asking for food from the Nanjing Ministry of Household Affairs. This year, nine counties in Zhejiang were flooded, and they were implementing the conversion of rice to mulberry. Dad wanted to support Zhejiang with some money. Who knew Zhao Zhenji objected fiercely and refused to give out grain." "

  My father was so angry that he petitioned for sick leave, but the court refused. After a few years, my father decided not to return to Nanjing, so he directly petitioned for leave in Fujian." Su Ze was stunned for a moment

  . Unexpectedly, Fang Wanghai was so determined to leave.

  But if you think about it carefully, it's normal that Fang Wanghai doesn't want to do it.

  In Su Ze's view, Fang Wanghai, the father-in-law, was still a capable official.

  If Fang Wanghai's [Administrative] ability is Level 15, then his [Political] ability is only Level 10.
  Fang Wanghai will not take sides and does not join the Yan Party and Qingliu.

  In fact, it's not that Fang Wanghai is unwilling to join Qingliu, but that as a bureaucrat who prefers technology, it is still difficult for him to agree with Qingliu's philosophy.

  Fang Wanghai is a person who does things well. He can do practical things such as preparing for the establishment of the Customs Office.

  But in the political struggle, Fang Wanghai was even inferior to Su Ze.

  At the level of Minister of Household Affairs in Nanjing, he was naturally no match for Zhao Zhenji, an old official in the officialdom.

  When it comes to office politics, Zhao Zhenji is worthy of several Fang Wanghai.

  In terms of friendship, Zhao Zhenji and Hu Zongxian are old friends and good friends. When Zhao Zhenji was at home, Hu Zongxian kept communicating with him. At that time, the two had a harmonious relationship, and Zhao Zhenji even gave Hu Zongxian advice on how to ping the Japanese.

  However, after Zhao Zhenji was recommended by Qingliu and became the Minister of Household Affairs in Nanjing, Zhao Zhenji tried his best to reject Hu Zongxian's request for help and banned food from Jiangnan from entering Zhejiang.

  In comparison, the relationship between his father-in-law Fang Wanghai and Hu Zongxian is much shallower.

  They only had some cooperation on Zhejiang banknote customs duties. Later, Hu Zongxian also usurped the authority of Zhejiang banknote customs office, and the cooperation between the two broke up.

  But that's it. After the disaster in Zhejiang, Fang Wanghai was still willing to support Zhejiang's grain regardless of his past grudges.

  Su Ze was in awe of Fang Wanghai. There were not many officials like Fang Wanghai in the Ming Dynasty.

  Fang Ruolan said: "Since this year, there have been many constraints on what dad wants to do, and in the end nothing has been accomplished." "The

  bank customs office you helped dad organize has also been abolished, and the officials from the Nanjing Ministry of Household Affairs have also turned to Zhao Zhenji." "

  Mother, too. I felt that my father's job as an official was not interesting, so I advised him to go back to Fujian first. If that didn't work, he could just resign and go back to his hometown." It's hard to be a good official. Fang

  Wanghai is a business person and treats his subordinates well, but in the officialdom system of Ming Dynasty, In , the person who does the work is not the one who gets promoted.

  Official promotions all rely on superiors.

  If a minister wants to be in the cabinet, it depends on the emperor's preference.

  The appointment of ministers to important positions depends on the recommendation of the cabinet.

  Even the most junior positions depend on the recommendation of the superior officer and passing the examination.

  Fang Wanghai has no backing. Compared with Qingliu's rising star and Xu Gelao's disciple Zhao Zhenji, it goes without saying who he should seek refuge with.

  It was also expected that officials from the Nanjing Ministry of Household Affairs turned to Zhao Zhenji.

  Su Ze smiled bitterly. The reforms in the middle and late Ming Dynasty basically ended with the death of people and the rest of the government. Even the better ones were just like people leaving.

  Su Ze helped Fang Wanghai set up the Customs Office in Jiangnan, reformed Nanjing's Salt Law, and put down the Zhenwu Camp rebellion. They did such things, but in the end, no results were left in Jiangnan's officialdom.

  Official connections and reputation are like floating clouds that can be blown away at any time.

  Looking back, the achievements Su Ze left in Southern Zhili had nothing to do with officialdom.

  One is Tiangong Academy. Although Su Ze has gone to Fujian, the students trained by Tiangong Academy have been integrated into all walks of life in Jiangnan.

  Various methods of making money in the book "Tiangong Kaiwu" are now found in workshops in Jiangnan. In the eyes of these workshop owners and craftsmen, Su Ze is almost like a patriarch.

  The other one is "Warning Newspaper" and "Tongyan Shuo". This newspaper and magazine have covered the entire South Zhili, and even the provinces near South Zhili, including Lianghu, Jiangxi, Shandong and other provinces, have printing shops.

  Finally, there was the Shanghai Anti-Japanese and Anti-Smuggling Corps. Su Ze had a smile on his face. In order to keep this stronghold, Su Ze could be said to have worked very hard.

  (End of chapter)

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