Chapter 87 People’s support is destiny

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  Chapter 87 People's Heart is Destiny
  After a night, today was the day for Hai Rui to answer questions from the four people.

  The four of them asked Hai Rui questions they had accumulated during their daily self-study, and Hai Rui answered them carefully one by one.

  Chen Chaoyuan and the others usually study by themselves at home. They memorize many questions by rote without understanding the true meaning.

  Under Hai Rui's explanation, these contents suddenly became clear, and everything I didn't understand was straightened out.

  Su Ze also asked a few questions from when he was studying, and Hai Rui got "+2" experience every time he answered.

  Seeing such a good opportunity to "earn" experience, Su Ze quickly asked all the questions he had accumulated, asking fifteen questions in a row.

  Hai Rui didn't bother him at all and gave Su Ze answers seriously.

  [Q&A in the school, "Imperial Examination" skill experience +30, Lv3, 245/300] It

  was still fun to go to school. Su Ze looked at the increasing experience, and his heart was full of joy.

  After the Q&A was completed, Hai Rui called Su Ze out of the classroom.

  "Can you explain to me in detail what you said last time, 'the way of daily necessities for the common people, the way of returning to the original'?"

  Hai Rui was a little embarrassed. Nowadays, scholars tend to cherish knowledge very much.

  For example, the most popular thing for scholars nowadays is to collect ancient books from the Tang and Song Dynasties, then rebind them into volumes, wrap them in new covers, and hide them in high cabinets at home.

  Bibliophiles in the Jiangnan area have a large number of rare and rare ancient books in their hands, but they regard these collections as their family's esoteric scholarship and refuse to print these rare and rare books.

  The last time he obtained two copies of ancient literature from Su Ze, it made Hai Rui very embarrassed. Now that he had to reach out again, Hai Rui had a hard time opening his mouth.

  Hai Rui didn't do it for the sake of face, but because he felt that he couldn't offer what he exchanged with Su Ze, and felt that doing so was a disgrace to Su Ze.

  Su Ze smiled and said, "Teacher, why are you so polite? As long as you want to know, the students will tell you everything."

  Hai Rui was still not used to this, he coughed and said, "How is this possible? This is you The knowledge passed down from family."

  Su Ze said, "Teacher, the more you debate, the clearer your theory becomes. Which Confucian's knowledge is innate? Aren't they all lecturing and debating scriptures at the same time, and then gradually perfecting their own theories?"

  Hai Rui was stunned for a moment, then nodded and agreed with Su Ze's idea.

  Before Wang Yangming founded the mind science, he often debated scriptures with others and often explained his own principles.

  This is especially true of Wang Gen who was more recent. He not only lectured to scholars, but also to common people, and he did so in an easy-to-understand way, striving to make those who lectured understand his scholarship.

  "The more you argue, the more the truth becomes clearer. Is this also what your father said? This is a great statement! Your father is really a great Confucian! I just wish I couldn't see you!" Hai Rui said to Su Ze, "Please enlighten me


  " After getting in touch with Rui, Su Ze felt more and more that Hai Rui was a special Ming Dynasty scholar.

  His thoughts are not radical compared to people like Wang Gen, and are even a bit conservative, but the simplest moral values ​​he insists on are something that those who like to talk and talk cannot adhere to.

  For example, if you ask Su Ze, a disciple, for academic advice, even if a normal scholar is interested, he will be embarrassed and embarrassed to ask the disciple for advice.

  But Hai Rui didn't think there was any shame in asking for academic advice from his disciples. As the saying goes, "When three people are together, one must have a teacher." Su Ze knew something he didn't know, so Hai Rui felt no psychological burden at all asking for advice from him.

  Su Ze said: "The common people's daily needs are the Tao, so what is the Tao, teacher?"

  This question stunned Hai Rui. In Neo-Confucianism, the Tao is the law of nature, and the so-called preservation of heaven's principles and the elimination of human desires is the Tao.

  In the eyes of disciples of Xinxue, reaching conscience is the Tao, and seeking the Tao means studying things to gain knowledge.

  No matter which faction, they have their own way.

  Hai Rui's thinking is still relatively conservative now. He thought for a while and said, "The law of nature is the Tao."

  Su Ze shook his head and said, "Teacher, is the law of nature constant?"

  "Isn't it obvious that the law of heaven is constant? "

  Su Ze shook his head and said, "My father doesn't agree. The Book of Songs says that 'the destiny of heaven is constant'. It is said that 'the principles of nature are not constant, and morality is not constant'. Everything in the world is constantly changing and developing. We can only adapt to this development. The law of heaven is the way!"

  Hai Rui couldn't accept Su Ze's explosive remarks at once. He shook his body and said: "The destiny of heaven is not the law of heaven. You are arguing in name and reality! Besides, how can morality be impermanent? ?"

  Su Ze said, "I dare to ask the teacher, if morality is constant, then if Confucius traveled around the country and Mencius met King Hui of Liang, wouldn't it be treason and treason?" Hai Rui was completely speechless at this moment


  Confucius was a native of the state of Lu. He traveled around the country to explain his methods of strengthening a country, and also visited Qi, the enemy of the state of Lu.

  Mencius was a native of Zou, but he promoted his statecraft to King Liang Hui of Wei.

  If we look at it according to today's morality, those two saints committed a serious crime of liaising with foreign countries.

  Hai Rui thought for a long time before saying: "There is still Emperor Zhou at this time."

  Su Ze said: "It is true that Emperor Zhou is still here, but the two saints have met many kings, but they have never met Emperor Zhou."

  Hai Rui said . Rui was speechless.

  Su Ze said: "My father believed that morality also changes with the times. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, travelers regarded the world as their home country and were not limited to the so-called mother country. The sages were loyal not to the king of a country, but to the right way of the world and to the people. The hearts of all the people in the world."

  "Qin destroyed the six kingdoms, but Xiang Yu could still serve as the six heroes. The tyranny of King Qin was naturally a reason, and the people of the six kingdoms did not recognize Qin was also a reason." "Waiting until the Han Dynasty established the world, Dong

  Zi The king is designated as the Son of Heaven, and the power of the king is granted by heaven. Only then can the Han be unified and the country be at home."

  Hai Rui nodded, which was regarded as acknowledging Su Ze's "sophistry".

  Su Ze said: "Morality is not permanent in the first place. It is common practice in the Han and Tang Dynasties to remarry after losing a husband. Empress Liu married by Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty was a widow, which did not prevent Empress Dowager Liu from being praised as a virtuous queen throughout the ages." "But now

  . The custom of scholars is against remarriage, and the government also sends banners and erects memorial arches to widows who observe the festival. According to this, the queen of Song Zhenzong should observe the festival or be buried as a sacrifice." Hai Rui was even more speechless now. Hai Rui's concern for the

  family The concept itself is conservative, and it is indeed unacceptable for widows to remarry.

  However, what Su Ze said was not wrong. Many queens of the Han and Tang dynasties were widows who remarried, and no one at that time criticized them for this.

  After talking about morality, Su Ze talked about heaven again.

  Su Ze said: "From the world of high officials and nobles, to the examination of filial piety and integrity, to the ninth grade of Zhongzheng, and then to the opening of examinations to obtain scholars, it is precisely because of the irregular laws of nature that we poor scholars have the opportunity to become officials through the imperial examination."

  " Everything is in constant development, and the principles we seek must also continue to develop and change." At

  this moment, Hai Rui was completely confused, and he asked: "Since the principles of nature are impermanent, then what we seek What is it again?"

  Su Ze said: "Then let's continue asking, what is Tao? Why is the law of nature not constant?"

  Hai Rui couldn't answer this question at all.

  Su Ze said: "Because the laws of heaven are the people's hearts, and people's hearts change from time to time, so the laws of heaven are not constant!" "The hearts of the people?"

  Su Ze nodded and said, "My father believes that the hearts of the people in the world are the way of heaven!" "The

  destiny and morality all come from. People's hearts, people in the Warring States period were war-weary and settled, so Qin destroyed Liuhe and unified the six kingdoms." "The Qin was violent

  and unruly, and only then did heroes compete with each other to replace Qin with the Han Dynasty." "Those who

  can respond to the hearts of the people of the world are the ones who are Taoist and defy the world. Those who care about the people's hearts are evil."

  "So my father believes that the first requirement for learning is to seek the true goodness of one's own humanity first, and then rely on oneself to recommend others and seek the hearts of the people in the world. This is the true law of heaven."

  Hai Rui was a little unable to recover after Su Ze said so much in one breath.

  But it seems that what Su Ze said makes sense.

  Hai Rui thought for a long time and then said: "Don't talk too much about what you said to others."

  Of course Su Ze understood the most critical part of this theory, because in this theory there are people and countries. There is a family, but there is no place for "king".

  Hai Rui obviously understood the key points of Su Ze's theory, so he told him not to tell others casually.

  You must know that the Ming Dynasty dealt with ideological issues as strictly as the Qing Dynasty later.

  Zhu Yuanzhang abolished private schools and established schools in order to unify the chaotic thoughts of the late Yuan Dynasty under the banner of Neo-Confucianism.

  Xinxue has also been banned by the imperial court several times, but now it is really unbearable.

  The Taishan School was suppressed by the imperial court, and Li Zhi was arrested and imprisoned by Ming Shenzong for "daring to advocate chaos, deceiving the world and falsely accusing the people", and finally committed suicide.

  Hai Rui didn't let Su Ze spread this knowledge, naturally it was for Su Ze's own good.

  Su Ze quickly said: "Teacher, the above is what my father said. I only know a little bit about my father's knowledge. If the teacher hadn't asked about it, I wouldn't have told anyone else." "It's fine that I haven't told you

  . My father is really a great Confucian of his generation. It's a pity that he has no chance to meet him. However, some of his opinions are contrary to the ethics. You don't even have any fame, so don't talk to others." "It's okay if you don't understand. The imperial examination relies on Zhu Xi's Neo-Confucianism. You are talented

  . If you are willing to study, it will not be difficult to be a candidate in the future. If you study a few more years, you may even be a Jinshi. Don't waste your future because of these things."

  Su Ze also felt Hai Rui's genuine concern, and he immediately said, "Thank you, teacher, for your teaching."

  Hai Rui Rui said again: "Now that the sea is not peaceful, you can move to the county school for a while and concentrate on studying."

  Su Ze knew Hai Rui's kindness, but he still said: "Changning Wei is where my clan brothers live. Thank you teacher for your kindness. "

  Hai Rui admired Su Ze's attitude towards the family and said with approval: "You have not forgotten your original intention, so I won't persuade you any more. In this way, I have a rogue horse, although it can't run very well. It's fast, but it can also carry people. I rode it to Nanping when I took office. You can ride this horse back this time. If something happens to Changning Guard, you can also ride to the county seat to report the news, how about it?"

  A horse is a relatively inferior horse.

  However, horses were equivalent to carts in the Ming Dynasty, and a horse cost upwards of ten taels of silver.

  You must know that a blunderbuss costs only one tael of silver, but the entire Changning Guard does not have a single horse.

  Hai Rui actually lent him his horse. Su Ze really felt Hai Rui's care and said gratefully: "Teacher" "Don't say

  more. If the sea area is pacified, just return the horse to me. It's just right." It also saved me money for fodder these days, this beast is almost eating me up!"

  Su Ze couldn't refuse Hai Rui's kindness anymore, so he had to accept his horse.

  When Hai Rui left, he only saw a student from the county school approaching. He said to Su Ze respectfully:
  "Master Su, the second master is waiting for you in front of the county school."

  This disciple Su Ze had just come to the county school. I have seen Su Ze scolded arrogantly before, even after Su Ze entered school, his attitude was not polite.

  He would take the initiative to inform Su Ze. He must have taken advantage of Yu Zongyuan, or he might have taken advantage of Yu Zongyuan's lustful power.

  No matter what kind of person it was, Su Ze would not get angry with such a villain.

  When he walked to the gate of the county school, he saw the dusty Yu Zongyuan guarding the door.

  "Brother Su!" Yu

  Zongyuan came up quickly, pulled Su Ze and said, "Brother Su has a wonderful plan. It's all thanks to Brother Su this time!"

  Su Ze's last fortune-telling directed Yu Zongyuan to Fuzhou Prefecture to find out about Yan Maoqing's Qing army. Given the situation, I didn't expect to come back so soon. Judging from his cheerful look, it seemed that he had gained a lot.

  Su Ze took him to a secluded place and asked, "Is there any gain?"

  "It's a big gain! This time, in front of my brother, my father praised me for my ability in doing things, and also said that he would find me a job in the army. A position! Let me be the head of the Medicine and Fire Bureau!"

  "Congratulations to Brother Yu."

  Su Ze also didn't expect that he made a casual calculation and asked Yu Zongyuan to go to Fuzhou Prefecture, and he actually did it. Got the news.

  Yu Zongyuan said proudly: "When I rushed to Fuzhou Prefecture, Yushi Yan had just stayed in Fuzhou. I found the uncle who worked in Dusi Yamen, but I spent a lot of effort in Fuzhou City. I just found out the important news."

  "What important news?"

  "If you ask me, this Yan Yushi is also straightforward! He does things openly!"

  Yu Zongyuan said proudly:

  "I found out that Yan Yushi When you get to Fuzhou, let the word out and mark the price clearly!"

  "This small flag is twenty taels, the total flag is one hundred taels, one hundred households are two hundred taels, one thousand households are two thousand taels, my father even commands five thousand taels!"

  Su Ze was a little shocked now. Yan Maoqing asked for a bribe so directly?
  I cry to death, Yan Maoqing, you can obviously snatch it directly, but you still have to have it delivered to your door.

  Yu Zongyuan said: "Yan Yushi also said that this is the guarantee money for self-examination. If there are no problems in the verification, the money will still be returned to everyone. If you refuse to pay the guarantee money and there are problems found, then you will be fined." Double the money!"

  Su Zecai didn't believe that Yan Maoqing would return the money. This was completely his way of making money.

  Thinking about it this way, Changning Wei in the world before he traveled was blackmailed by Yan Maoqing for 400 taels because he couldn't afford the two hundred taels of filial piety.

  Otherwise, I paid two hundred taels of silver?

  No, it doesn't mean that paying money can avoid disaster. Yan Maoqing may also take advantage of it.

  Moreover, the enemy of Chang Ning Wei is Xu Shisheng, the clerk in the household. If he is in the way, he may not be able to pass the test even if he pays the money.

  It seems that Lin Qingcai's clan brother was invited to the dinner today to inquire about the situation of the county government.

  Su Ze said to Yu Zongyuan: "Brother Yu, you said you are now the director of the Yanpingwei Medicine and Fire Bureau?"

  Yu Zongyuan said proudly: "Yes! Brother Su, I have to rely on you this time. This is a big gap in the Yanping Guard. In the past few years, my mother begged my father for a long time, but she was not willing to give it to me. This is Had I not gone to Fuzhou, my father would not have given me such an important position."

  "Can you take me to visit Yanpingwei's Fire Bureau?"

  (End of Chapter)

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