129. Chapter 129 Remind Rihanna

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  Chapter 129 reminds Rihanna that

  the unexpected ascension of the true form of the god will not have a big impact on real life. Apart from having one more trump card for survival and a few more priests, it doesn't have any big effect.

  After Li Ge woke up, the first thing he did when he returned to his territory was to scare the increasing number of five-color dragons nearby.

  So on this day, a powerful golden dragon with a body length of fifty meters patrolled the territory for a whole day.

  The rich dragon roar caused several underage five-color dragons to flee in a hurry, and those adults had no intention of touching Li Ge's territory.

  Peat, the seven-headed real dragon that demonstrated a while ago is already something they can't afford to offend. Today, such a perverted golden dragon came again, leaving them with no idea at all.

  Li Ge also sent a magic message to Rihanna and Catherine, telling them that he had woken up.

  As a result, the Red Dragon Queen and Catherine arrived almost immediately after receiving the communication.

  "Teacher", I haven't seen her in two years. Catherine is already eighteen years old and has grown into a standard beauty. Her former youthfulness has faded a lot.

  Li Ge smiled and greeted the student, "Catherine, you have grown up so fast, you are already close to a master-level warrior." With his eyes, he could immediately see Catherine's strength.

  Rihanna circled around Li Ge, looking at Li Ge suspiciously, and then at the faint priest aura on Leia and other female dragons.

  "Li Ge, tell me how far you have come, and what happened to Leia and the others." The Red Dragon Queen couldn't restrain her curiosity.

  "It was in my deep sleep that I understood some of the mysteries of the dragon inheritance and condensed the second divinity." Li Ge did not hide anything.

  "As for Leia and the others, they believe in an unborn god and become its priests."

  Hearing Li Ge's answer, Rihanna gritted her teeth, "You, this lucky fool, actually condensed your divinity according to the nonsense method I talked about. For so many years, I haven't condensed any divinity at all. It was all taken away."

  As for the unknown god, the Red Dragon Queen didn't ask any questions. If she could give him the rank of priest, he would be the true god. Leia and the others are not fools, so there is no need to go into detail.

  The angry Red Dragon Queen ate heartily during the next banquet, wanting to vent her frustration.

  Li Ge didn't care, it was just a few divine power gold coins. Now that the god's true form has become a true god, it would not be a problem to create 10,000 divine power gold coins with the extra divine power every month.

  It's just that he won't do this, so as not to delay the advancement of the god's true form, it is more comfortable to go to the game space to gather system wool. Now it is relatively easy to get a hundred pieces every day.

  Catherine was a little curious after listening to Rihanna's words. Her mother was also a divine golden dragon and had merged with divinity.

  "Sister Rihanna, is there any difference between the divinity condensed by oneself and the divinity fused from outside?" Catherine asked.

  The Red Dragon Queen ate and drank for a while, and her depressed mood improved a lot. She was more willing to answer Catherine's questions.

  "If you can fully integrate and understand the mystery of foreign divinity, there will be no difference. The problem is that no one can do it. But the divinity condensed by yourself does not have this problem at all."

  Rihanna is really envious of Li Ge. Whether he has a chance encounter or the help of other gods, being able to do this shows that Li Ge has great potential.

  When Li Ge heard this, he smiled and shook his head, "Rihanna, when you ignite the divine fire, you will understand how powerful your backstage is." The

  Red Dragon Queen immediately became curious and grabbed Li Ge's arm. "Tell me, do you know the identity of my bloodline ancestor? I can't even remember it myself."

  Regarding this issue, Li Ge could only stop there. Who knew what the consequences would be if he violated the laws set by the Nine-Faced Dragon God. It's not like Rihanna has a golden finger to help her.

  "Rihanna, I really can't say any more. You should understand that some things are taboo. It's good for you anyway." Li Ge looked at the Red Dragon Queen who grabbed his arm and smiled.

  Rihanna breathed a long sigh of relief, relaxed her body, and smiled sweetly, "The more something is wrong, the more I have to think about it. This matter has confused me for a long time. Thank you, I can feel relieved now."

  It seems that this powerful female dragon is also deeply puzzled and curious about the missing part of her memory. Li Ge also didn't want Rihanna to be mentally weak when lighting the divine fire, so he woke her up.

  The other female dragons were confused when they heard this, and they just understood that Rihanna also had a very powerful ancestor.

  Catherine's big eyes were smiling, and she brought all the delicious food to Rihanna, and said flatteringly, "Sister Queen, you must take care of me in the future."

  Rihanna puffed up her plump breasts and said Trembling, Li Ge said with a proud smile, "Little Catherine, don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one will bully you."

  Seeing that Rihanna really let go of her worries, Li Ge couldn't help but feel a little happy, and reminded her It still has some effect.

  The guests and hosts enjoyed themselves, and after the banquet, the Red Dragon Queen simply stayed in the Golden Rose Territory. According to her, some of her five-color dragons have left a lot now.

  Those five-colored dragons were filled with envy when they saw that their own clansmen were prospering and making a lot of money on the mainland.

  They all just took refuge in Rihanna and were not enslaved. Once one of them left, the others naturally couldn't bear it either.

  The proud Red Dragon Queen doesn't care about these guys with evil intentions. Together, they can't deal with the Red Dragon Queen.

  Coupled with the existence of the demigod-level mage tower, the Red Dragon Queen's territory is as stable as a rock, and the rest of the small things will naturally be taken care of by her family, leaving Rihanna with nothing to do.

  Next, Catherine's hard days began. Today, Li Ge has not practiced martial arts for two years. But as the second trace of divinity condensed, the soul and power became stronger, and the martial arts improved greatly.

  Catherine has returned to the days of being beaten. Now that she is an adult, Li Ge is even more merciless. She often comes down from the morning with tears in her eyes from being beaten.

  Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Ingrid no longer doted on her as they did when she was a child, and they kept asking Li Ge to be stricter. Last time, Catherine overestimated her abilities and challenged the legendary red dragon, but she shocked them all.

  The poor countess could not find comfort in her parents.

  Yilin taught her the professional skills of dragon dancer, but she was not as polite as she was when she was a child. She hit her with one claw and beat the golden dragon girl so hard that she couldn't get up for a long time.

  What's even more pitiful is that the Red Dragon Queen sometimes gets involved and is ruthless, and sometimes Catherine is fooled.

  Elsa and Leia, the magic courses there are also indispensable. She must also understand the dragon language magic on Xilia's side.

  (End of chapter)

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