141. Chapter 141 The Great Master of Light Energy (Second Update)

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  Chapter 141 Grand Master of Light Energy (Second Update)
  Yang Bo has no idea that the people in the Ashes Organization are out of control, and it doesn’t matter if they know about it. These organizations have done countless bad things, and this is how they connect pirates and mutants. What else can't be done by attacking the planet fleet?

  Because Yang Bo was in a hurry in the underground world. In less than a day, he could control the light and reach the Grand Master. Would you say it is irritating or not? Less than twenty large puddles were blown up.

  Light Energy Control: Grand Master (The speed of light energy storage is increased by 300%, and the attack power of light energy is increased by 300%.)
  When he came to the underground world, Yang Bo first snapped his fingers to detect the small animals around him, and then waved his hand, and a beam of light came out. Hit one rat, then a second, a third, a fourth.

  "Three in one second." Yang Bo calculated and launched three light energy attacks in one second, just like a laser gun, but with lower power than a laser gun.

  If it attacks once a second, it can reach the level of an ordinary laser gun. It can be charged for three seconds, which is basically comparable to the most powerful laser gun. The maximum charging time is ten seconds. After ten seconds, people will not be able to bear it anymore.

  The attack power of a ten-second charge is comparable to the lowest power of a laser cannon, the kind used by mechas.

  "The energy consumption is too great." Yang Bo felt that his physique was not good enough and his ability to withstand energy was limited.

  "Compared to the mecha laser cannon, it feels a bit useless." The mecha laser cannon not only has strong attack power, but the key is its high frequency. The maximum energy power can attack dozens or hundreds of times in one second.

  It takes you ten seconds to charge up, which is equivalent to one laser cannon attack with the lowest power.

  "Moreover, light energy and electric energy are too conspicuous when released. It is better to train more on sonic attacks." The reason why Yang Bo did not continue to train light energy attacks is because this type of light energy attack is of little use in a civilized society. Once released, the planetary warning system will immediately Lock you in.

  So today's underground world is a little weird. From time to time, the sound of snapping fingers is heard. The first snap is detection, and the next snap is attack.

  At the end of the day, Yang Bo can attack ten exposed targets and three hidden targets within a thousand meters at the same time, without using two hands at the same time.

  Of course, it is only for ordinary creatures. If it is an E-level creature, then the number of targets will be reduced at the same time, and the attack frequency will be reduced.

  "Gravity control is great for traveling, but the energy consumption is a bit high." Yang Bo released the mecha in the underground world and took out a battery from the mecha's cockpit to charge himself.

  The mecha's battery is a nuclear battery, which will continuously generate electricity, unlike the rechargeable batteries you usually buy.

  None of the civilian batteries on the planet have nuclear energy, only military batteries have nuclear energy.

  Gravity control, Yang Bo feels, has the greatest development potential. In the end, he might be able to exert a hundred times a thousand times gravity on others, so that the other person will be crushed into a meat pie.

  Or apply a hundred times or a thousand times the anti-gravity to others, and directly launch them away.

  Of course, energy has a certain degree of reciprocity. If other people's energy is stronger than your own, you can completely resist your own attacks.

  Yang Bo now also has some experience in fighting between superpowers.

  Energy intensity and reaction speed are the most important. As long as your own energy intensity is strong enough, you can let the other party hit you, and the other party can't do anything to you.

  The other thing is the reaction speed. If the opponent's energy intensity is stronger and they can't lock on themselves, then there's not much danger.

  The rest of Yang Bo now feels a little less important, not as important as the first two.

  Moreover, some of the hidden methods of superpowers are stronger than those that are upright, such as Yang Bo's own ability to control sound waves.

  Invisibility is not very strong, because you cannot use other abilities after becoming invisible. This is a major shortcoming. It can only be said that invisibility is very useful for escape or detection.

  There is also a way to crack the invisibility ability, which is high-frequency energy fluctuations. Invisibility Yang Bo is a kind of energy released by himself, putting himself in a state of virtualization, or a state between two latitudes, that is, a gap between three-dimensional space and four-dimensional space.

  Yang Bo has not yet figured out which aspect it is specifically. Maybe he will have to wait until his invisibility reaches the Grand Master level before he can see the clues.

  With the ability to disguise, it's better to disguise yourself as a human, but it's a bit miserable to disguise yourself as another animal, because your body size won't shrink much after disguise.

  The original mouse was only a dozen centimeters long, but the mouse transformed by Yang Bo was more than one meter or two meters long.

  The same goes for transforming into a bird. A bird the size of a sparrow, Yang Bo transformed into a big bird, a super big bird.

  Then when he transformed into Tieniu and others of the same kind, he was smaller than them. Fortunately, the armor he wore was considered a homologous armor. If there was no armor, after the transformation, the little brother would just wander outside, which would be embarrassing. Show your eyes.

  "It seems that the name of the skill is correct. It's just disguise, not transformation or anything like that." After Yang Bo was fully charged, he continued to set off energetically. This time he went to find the invisible mouse to see if he could find it.

  After Yang Bo found them, he planned to bring them back to the planet to train them, and then train them himself to improve his skills, because there couldn't be so many invisible rats here.

  When I arrived at the place where I had planted the invisible mouse, I could still see the traces I had left when I dropped the bomb.

  "The terrain seems to have changed?" Yang Bo looked at the passage and remembered that a lot of ruins had obviously been blown up.

  Yang Bo first became invisible here and looked around. The original invisible mice were from a family, so they should not be dead. Of course, if they were dead, Yang Bo would have no choice but to slap his thigh.

  "Let's start!" After spending most of the day and carefully checking the surrounding environment, Yang Bo started.

  Yang Bo has two plans here. The first plan is to find some mouse remnants on this battlefield, such as mouse hair, and then test the transformations one by one using creature summons.

  If this doesn't work, then the only way to make a nest is to use the second method.

  "I hope there are still invisible mice here, but the invisible mice have mutated and become a family. Is there any reason behind this?" "After the

  mutants are dealt with independently, we will look into it carefully. "

  We have to pretend to be a hiding place. After the matter is dealt with, we can hide there. After a while, the alliance fleet arrives and we can return to the civilized world." Yang Bo began to search carefully on the battlefield. , mainly looking for traces on the surrounding stone walls to see if these explosion traces could contain some invisible rat hair or the like.

  After careful collection, Yang Bo collected a lot of mouse samples.

  Holding a mouse sample, Yang Bo's heart moved. He suddenly turned into a two-meter-long big mouse. He turned around and looked at his fur. He felt weird because he was not wearing a battle armor.

  "Creature summoning." Yang Bo, who turned into a mouse, squeaked twice.

  Soon, the squeaking sounds of many mice came from the surrounding area, and then many mice appeared and ran towards Yang Bo.

  Yang Bo, who transformed into a big mouse, stretched out his mouse paw and slapped a mouse hard, ready to see what kind of abilities the mouse would give him.

  (End of chapter)

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