Chapter 170 [170] Insight into the Secret Anatomy of the Evil God

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  Chapter 170 [170] Insight into the Secret Anatomy The evil god's
  mental shock erupted from his scarlet heart, it came too fast and too suddenly.

  The terrible mental pollution has reached a point where it can affect reality. If there are any flesh-and-blood creatures here, they will be transformed into dogs of Gendas in an instant.

  Whether intentionally or not, the scarlet heart is surrounded by metal wizard instruments or the workbench floor. There is no flesh-and-blood material at all.

  Only Wang Ya himself bears the greatest risk, and his pupils reflect the vague fluctuations that seem to spread like ripples.

  Various wizarding instruments malfunctioned instantly, the energy transmission of the lines was also restricted, and the lights in the dead laboratory became flickering.

  "Warning, the impact of unknown powerful mental power has been detected. The impact of unknown powerful mental power has been detected. This mental power has great hidden dangers and will bring infinite estimated mental pollution effects. Please move the wizards in the laboratory as soon as possible." From the

  tower The voice of the spirit kept repeating, and the lights also changed to a dazzling bright red color according to the occasion.

  A strange smile appeared on the corner of Wang Ya's mouth, as if he had anticipated this situation in advance. The slender white palms under the cuffs slowly stretched out and gently held them in the direction of the evil god's heart.

  The hidden dream seeds were activated at this moment, and the dream gap came. The laboratory was filled and replaced with distorted lines of color, and the place under the feet turned into the soil where various vegetation branches and leaves were squeezed upside down.

  If a dream wizard watches from outside the castle, he will find that a corner of the dream has descended, covering Wang Ya's laboratory and surrounding buildings.

  Gulu gulu!

  A large amount of rainbow foam formed around Wang Ya, gradually filling every corner of the laboratory.

  The impact from the evil god's heart shattered each bubble, spreading out colorful ripples, of which white accounted for the most.

  This is actually not accurate. Inside the colorful ripples, there is more complexity and countless colors. Just looking at the complexity can make people feel depressed.

  There are pictures in the ripples, either beautiful pictures or cruel and cold pictures. These are all dreams compiled by Wang Ya. This is also the difference between the dream wizard path he chose and the fantasy dream wizard.

  All the mental pollution was absorbed by the dream bubble, and even the corners of Wang Ya's clothes were not touched.

  Wang Ya knew the danger and consumed 60% of the dream bubble to offset the mental impact.

  However, Wang Ya also achieved his goal and captured some fragments of the will of Gendas Evil God.

  The heart is the physical body, representing the reality, while the consciousness and will are illusions. The special features of Gendas Evil God may need to be studied from this aspect.

  The environment inside the laboratory has completely become a place filled with dream bubbles. The colorful rays of light exist in it and are also reflected on Wang Ya's fair cheeks.

  The gap between dreams slowly disappeared, and the extension of the dream territory also retracted into the dream world.

  On the palm of your hand, there is a colorful floating bubble condensed, and something seems to be jumping up and down in it, trying to break the bubble.

  But this seemingly fragile foam is actually full of toughness. No matter how it is impacted and deformed on its surface, there are no cracks or chips.

  "Beautiful dreams and nightmares are all in the blink of an eye, but no matter how powerful a person is, they will never stop yearning for beauty." Wang Ya stared at the

  dream foam in his hand and sighed faintly: "Whether it is an evil god or a wizard, , as long as there are thoughts and desires, you can't get rid of the entanglement of dream bubbles."

  This is the advanced witchcraft created by Wang Ya - [Dream Bubbles]

  can offset attacks from the spiritual level, and every dream bubble is The dreams compiled by Wang Ya have strong or weak endurance, depending on the time Wang Ya spends on them and the amount of dream power he consumes.

  The most powerful dream bubble is one that can withstand high-level spiritual witchcraft attacks.

  At the same time, it can also cooperate with other dream witchcraft created by Wang Ya to realize various methods and abilities.

  After eight years of creation and improvement by Wang Ya, the original wizarding schools, whether dream witchcraft or elemental witchcraft, have undergone great changes.

  From low-level witchcraft to high-level witchcraft, they have been sorted out and improved again and again, and finally became extremely perfect and perfect.

  [Dream Witchcraft: Nightmare Witchcraft School]

  [Higher Witchcraft: Dream Bubble, Dream Territory, Real and Virtual Thoughts]

  [Medium Witchcraft: Dream Bubble, Dream Shadow Replacement, Broken Dream Killing]

  [Low Witchcraft: Weary of Victory] , dream body, dream observation.]

  [Elemental witchcraft: Balrog witchcraft school]

  [Advanced witchcraft: Burning Sun Steaming Kill, Burning Fire Attachment, Yanyang Fire Clothes]

  [Medium witchcraft: Balrog Doppelgänger, Ultra-high temperature cluster particle waves. ]

  [Low-level witchcraft: Fire of Fear]

  As for the combination of witchcraft, Wang Ya also further sorted it out, and the connection and cooperation between the witchcraft became more harmonious and faster.

  For example, [Fire of Dreams] and [Skyfire Phantom Body] all have subsequent changes.

  There is a part of the evil god's consciousness and will inside the evil god's heart. Wang Ya discovered this through his dream sense just after he was promoted to the third level wizard apprentice.

  The other party has been keeping silent, obviously trying to paralyze him and explode at a certain moment.

  Wang Ya simply took advantage of the situation.

  The current result is also the best, successfully capturing fragments of the evil god's consciousness.

  As for whether there is a soul, Wang Ya is not sure. After all, evil gods are different from humans and ordinary living species.

  Wang Ya still needs to continue to study.

  The laboratory returned to its original state. After the evil consciousness of the scarlet heart in the glass box was removed, its activity was significantly reduced, and its tentacles no longer swung wildly, but were exceptionally quiet.

  Only when Wang Ya placed his palms on the glass would he trigger some instinctive reaction like devouring desire.

  [Target: The Heart of the Evil God]

  [Estimated analysis time: 10 years]

  Wang Ya focused the two analysis targets on the Heart of the Evil God, and the analysis time really changed. [Double analysis, estimated analysis time: 6 years]

  Compared with the analysis time of hundreds of years when the evil god's heart was first obtained, six years is not too long.

  The Eye of Truth is also growing with Wang Ya's knowledge and strength.

  His eyes fell on the dream bubble in his hand. Perhaps because his consciousness was stripped away, the evil god's heart completely lost control.

  Just like the body has lost its soul, it is like a walking corpse.

  However, the activity and personality of the Evil God's heart prevent it from losing its soul and causing its body to gradually die.

  The difficulty of analysis is greatly reduced.

  Wang Ya has another way to deal with the evil god's spiritual consciousness. He can even rely on this method to obtain the memory of the evil god Gendas and gain insight into its secrets.

  According to the records, evil gods like Gendas exist in outer space, corresponding to the inner world of the wizarding world.

  Outside the wizarding world is the boundless Void Sea, where there are many Void Sea monsters.

  Illusion and reality. A look of thought flashed in Wang Ya's eyes. If his guess is correct, the outer space has illusory properties, just like the inner world of the wizarding world.

  Wang Ya doesn't know what the specific situation is. These things are only considered and studied by formal wizards.

  "That's all, let me see what kind of secrets you hide, Gendas."

  Wang Ya's pupils glowed with white luster, gradually reflecting white light, and his figure was looming in the fluctuation between illusion and reality.

  The dream bubble in his hand suddenly expanded and enveloped Wang Ya.

  From the first time when he could only run away in embarrassment when facing the Evil God Gendas, to now facing the Evil God Gendas directly and studying the fragments of his consciousness, Wang Ya, the origin of the evil god, was in a complicated mood, and at the same time, he also felt a bit excited.

  This is a moment that many wizards cannot imagine.

  An evil god, the real evil god, came to Wang Ya's anatomy experiment table, and he personally analyzed and unearthed the evil god's secrets.

  If it were those old antiques who were obsessed with researching the unknown, they would have screamed and screamed, wishing to eat the evil god's heart right away.

  On the altar in the unknown underground, the remaining one-fifth of Gendas's origin was stored in a huge metal dog statue.

  The entire body is made of special metal, except for the head, which is made of living flesh and blood, with a large number of squirming granulation tentacles.

  The blood pool is created one to one.

  A large number of terrifying bones were rolling with fresh flesh and blood in the blood pool. The tendrils of the skull directly penetrated into the blood pool and began to absorb biological energy and the soul of existence.

  In order to survive from the wizards, Gendas had to draw fuel from the bottom of the cauldron and consumed most of his origin to confuse the wizards.

  The last source of origin in order to make a comeback.

  As long as you take it slowly and devour it slowly, one day you will be able to replenish the lost source.

  In order not to attract the attention of the wizards, it was hidden in the kingdom of the attached picture, and even actually performed some so-called miracles.

  He didn't dare to train another Gendas dog. A tragedy happened, and Gendas felt a little scared.

  "It has been twenty years, and I have continuously devoured so many lives, but I still haven't been able to restore much of my origin. I'm afraid it will take thousands of years to replenish the lost origin." Gendas thought about it

  . In this regard, nameless anger arose in the heart, resentment filled the entire underground palace, and the burning flames on the altar were extinguished one by one.

  Everything was caused by that damn thief, otherwise he wouldn't be visited by so many wizards later.

  All wizards deserve to die! !

  But thinking about the other party's fate at this moment, he became happy again.

  Thinking of the awesomeness, I couldn't help but laugh "woof, woof, woof".

  Every evil god's origin is the fusion of his flesh and blood and consciousness, and even his soul is integrated into it.

  It is equivalent to a completed him, with a part of it taken away.

  As the individual Gendas of this part, he can naturally have a certain induction and influence on other parts of Gendas.

  "Thief, your greed will make you pay the price."

  Gendas did not think that the thief had the ability to resist his mental pollution. He has now lost his sense of that part of the individual Gendas.

  The power of consciousness and soul consumed is all, and the thief carrying his anger and hatred may have been contaminated and transformed into a part of Gendas.

  Even if it has not been transformed, the contamination is absolute and will change the nature of the thief at the genetic and cellular level.

  This is irreversible double pollution of body and spirit.

  The path of the wizard has been cut off by him, or he must serve Gendas wholeheartedly and devote himself to the flesh and blood kingdom of the god Gendas.

  Suddenly, the statue on the altar trembled slightly, and even some cracks appeared on the metal surface.

  An unspeakable pain came from the depths of Gendas's soul, as if someone was digging out his brain with a knife.

  But this kind of pain was more serious, as if his soul was being stretched and torn apart inch by inch. He used a magnifying glass to observe fear, restlessness, anger, and many other emotions appearing in Gendas's heart.

  "Damn, what happened? Could it be that there was a problem with the main body and was attacked by other evil gods." "

  The soul of Gendas is being swallowed. Why is this happening? The feeling is unmistakable. What is wrong? solved the problem."

  (End of chapter)

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