Chapter 313: Lying Gun (Additional update for alliance leader Bingshan Muxue) (Fourth update)

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  Chapter 313 Lying down with a gun (Additional update for alliance leader Bingshan Mu Xue) (Fourth update)

  Miao Tong suddenly yelled at Jiang Zhe angrily.

  "Why are you laughing! Because of your actions, countless people in District 8 died!"

  She wanted to tear the guy in front of her to pieces.

  "Haha, why am I laughing? I'm laughing at how unlucky I am to meet such a stupid idiot like you!"

  After Jiang Zhe finished laughing, he said to Miao Tong.

  "What did you say?"

  Miao Tong was instantly ignited with anger. This guy was about to die, yet he dared to speak nonsense in front of the city lord.

  "I'm talking about you, you idiot! You're such a stupid idiot. I don't know what's going on in your mind. You're actually thinking about mobilizing troops on the defense line. As long as you don't have water in your head, you can't do such a stupid thing. ."

  Jiang Zhe said feeling very ridiculous.

  "Jiang Zhe, you don't need to be sophistical here. You killed Jiang Wen, pretended to be an officer, and deliberately allowed the infection to spread all over the place. The corpses and monsters were rampant, leading to the death of countless people. It is simply a crime." Miao Tong angrily rebuked


  "Haha, so you want to mobilize the troops on the defense line?"

  "What's the problem? It's better than doing nothing!"

  "I tell you, if it is the first outbreak, mobilize the troops in a large scale, and use the Thunder's It may be okay to strangle the zombie monsters that break out. But do you think you can extinguish them later? You don’t even know the source of the infection, how can you extinguish it? When it blooms everywhere, how can you save it?" "You

  ! "

  What are you doing? Do you know what the source of the infection is? I know! I know exactly what I am doing. Let me tell you this! There is nothing wrong with my command. I just deliberately slowed down the cleaning process. Others are fighting for time to pick up the samples. I originally planned to wait until the matter is over, and then start cleaning up a little bit! Then use the credit of managing the Eighth District as a springboard to climb to the higher levels of the Red League, but I didn't know that I met you, you idiot, and you were so stupid. I need to mobilize the troops on the defense line, and because of this incident, I checked my background. I really have been unlucky for eight lifetimes! How could I meet such a brainless fool like you?" Jiang Zhe said to Miao Tong

  . It was also a burst of crazy output. He was really upset and just took the shot for no reason.

  Miao Tong's face suddenly turned red, and many of the jurors present looked at each other in confusion.

  "Don't you want to say that you killed Miao Tong to prevent the defense line from being mobilized? All for the eighth district? Do you think I will believe it?" City Lord

  Su Yuan asked in a deep voice.

  "That's not true. I just wanted to catch this idiot. As for why I suddenly broke out and wanted to kill her, it's very simple. This bitch actually investigated Jiang Wen and found that Jiang Wen had disappeared! This matter needs to be spread, wait and see When I return to the City of Sinking Star, I might be targeted by those old immortals, so I have to kill her! It’s really funny, she would be dissatisfied because her stupid command was rejected, Go investigate Jiang Wen! It's so funny that I lost at the hands of such a fool, haha!"

  Jiang Zhe couldn't help laughing loudly.

  Everyone was speechless for a while.
  after, District 8 launched the largest operation in history, Project Dawn.

  While maintaining the current defense, gradually draw out the excess troops from each defensive zone, and at the same time increase troops from other zones to clean up the various cutting square areas in the eighth zone.

  They continued Jiang Zhe's existing strategy and adopted some of Miao Tong's suggestions.

  At the same time, special biochemical troops were dispatched to carry out large-scale extermination of the source of infection in the underground caves.

  Ten days after the plan was implemented, the situation in District 8, which had been frequently in emergency, received good news and gradually improved.

  At this time, Shen Qiu, Yun Xiaoxi and others also returned to the northern defense line to join Gu Yuan.

  Inside the command tent.

  Gu Yuan listened to the reports from Yun Xiaoxi and others.

  He looked very serious, sitting upright and unsmiling.

  "The whole thing is probably like this. I was able to complete the mission by mistake this time without making a big mistake, thanks to Captain Wei Wuyan's intervention."

  Yun Xiaoxi finished reporting the whole thing.

  "Well done, thank you for your hard work."

  After hearing this, Gu Yuan nodded heavily. "This is what we should do, but Gu Bu, what should we do next? Will we continue to help with the cleanup?"

  Hua Yue asked softly at this time.

  "No, I will issue a special pass for you to leave the eighth area. As for the remaining matters here, I will handle it. This cannot be solved in a short time." Gu Yuan pondered for a while and decided to let

  Yun Xiao Xi and the others left here first.

  "Bu Gu, why don't you go together?"

  "I can't leave now. Although the situation here has become clear, there is no way to take it lightly without a complete solution. But don't worry, as long as the time is right, I will I will return to the City of Sinking Star immediately."

  Gu Yuan said simply.

  "I understand, when will we leave?"

  Huayue nodded and asked.

  "The sooner we leave, the better. A large number of elite forces from our third branch have been mobilized. There is probably a lot of mess at home now. You should go back and deal with it as soon as possible." "Okay." "


  is one more thing you should pay special attention to. , that's about Jiang Zhi. It's okay, don't talk to others, after all, the impact of this matter will not be good."

  Gu Yuan reminded calmly.

  When talking about this matter, Li Yan scratched his head and said.

  "I'm just confused. Didn't the people above, Lord Su Yuan, the adjutants around Jiang Wen, the Guards, and others notice anything unusual? After all, they look the same, and the details of life and other behaviors can't be imitated exactly the same, right?"

  "There is a reason why I didn't find out. Jiang Zhe and Jiang Wen are cousins. They grew up together and are very familiar with each other. However, due to their identity, status, and some special reasons, the treatment they received from their families is very different. No! The path of life is also heading in a completely different direction."

  Gu Yuan probably told Li Yan and others.

  Shen Qiu, who was standing aside, was also very surprised when he heard this, and there was such a secret.

  "I see."

  Li Yan and the others nodded.

  "Okay, you go pack your luggage."

  Gu Yuan said to several people.


  Shen Qiu and others immediately exited the tent.

  Yun Xiaoxi said very happily.

  "It's finally over. I can go home."

  "Yes, I can finally go home. Don't try to make me a brat next time. Half of my life is almost gone."

  Shen Qiu was also filled with emotion. He felt like he was here for the first time. These days in District 8 were like a dream, and I almost died in this place.


  Accompanied by a piercing sound of horns, an RV was seen driving over, followed by several off-road vehicles. Then Chen Wei stuck his head out of the car window and shouted.

  "Get in the car and go home!"

  Shen Qiu and others looked at each other and got in the car with a smile.

  (End of chapter)

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