Chapter 161 Complaining about the trio

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  Chapter 161: The trio of complaints about

  arriving at Avalon from Saffrey almost have to cross the entire Fantasy Sea. Even with the flying ability of the dragon, it is a bit difficult. Fortunately, there are some islands where they can stay along the way.

  A group of twenty-two high-level dragon princes and two dragon mages flew towards Avalon under the leadership of the dragon lord. Even though he was always worried about the situation on the Fennuvar Plain, Imric knew it was the same. Important, there's not even a comparison between the two.

  Even if the Witch King wins, the worst he can do is return to the Dragon Sleep Temple to wake up the Imperial Dragon and let it forcefully wake up those sleeping dragons. Even if this will cause the subsequent slumber to become more serious, it is still a way to turn the tables.

  But once the door to the Chaos Demon Realm was opened, and thinking of the eighty-eight Khorne demon armies led by the eighty-eight bloodthirsty demons, Imric felt that it was better to surrender directly.


  "So what should we do?" Iron Wolf said casually, holding a piece of grass in his mouth.

  The three of them were assigned as free men on the battlefield by Imric. What stood out was the unexpectedness. They were now staying in a corner of the Fenouir Plain to find some short-sighted Druzi.

  "I don't know either, and the leader didn't explain the missions of us clearly." The barbarian Damian was driving a chariot. Even the most excellent mount, the pure-blooded elf war horse, was too strong for this strong and heavy body. It is too small for a man.

  "The Lord must have his deepest intentions. We just need to find the enemy and kill him." Mishan, who is loyal to Imrik, is riding on a war horse, wearing a red gold crown with gryphon feathers on his head, and a velvet wool leather warrior's body. Bane, wearing a fire dragon heraldry cloak, a magic leather belt with long strings of ears around his waist, and holding a dragon-tailed giant ax called Storm Spire, he is such a majestic man.

  "Ha, maybe he doesn't even know what to do?" Iron Wolf, who was traveling with him, smiled sarcastically. At that time, he was abducted by Imrik, who said that he could just follow the Dragon Prince. He realized the true meaning of magic, but after running to Ulthuan, he found that this was all, and that Ronin, the drunkard, was more to his liking.

  "I think so." Damian agreed from the side.

  "How could the Lord be like this? You are simply doubting his intelligence. The Dragon Prince is a famous conspirator in Ulthuan." Mishan said something aside, but he spoke too fast and was not paying attention. After reacting, He immediately covered his mouth to show that he didn't say anything.

  "I think so." Damian agreed again.

  "Only you two have been deceived by him. Lu Gaoyin and Yaret Mountains should not stay here anymore and go to this damn place. I want to use my hands when I see those pointed ears with nostrils. The flames roared inside and gave it a good beating." Iron Wolf, who was the thorn in the side, said that after he came to Caledor, he did not keep a low profile like Mishan. First, he had a fight with Assanil and defeated his opponent. The serious injury was caused by his habit of looking at people through his nostrils.

  This incident caused quite a stir in the Dragon Prince's circle. Afterwards, in order to prevent conflicts between the two parties, Imric sent Iron Wolf to the Flame Tower to hang out with the Supreme Mage Ronin, and Assanil was also Sent to Caledor Rest to recuperate.

  "But aren't you very familiar with Luo Ning? I heard that you often discuss some academic issues with his daughter." Damian scratched his head in confusion and said that things were simple when he first came to Caledor. He beat most of the high-level dragon princes with two weapons passed down by Bulkeso, and even invited them to drink after winning. This led to everyone knowing that the prince had a big, silly, ogre-sized man who was strong and had a simple and honest personality. He integrated here faster than Iron Wolf.

  Damian's words made Tie Lang speechless for a moment. At that time, he went to Luo Ning's house in Fengxiao City for a drink, and ended up getting to know his daughter. Tie Lang happened to be a mage specializing in the fire system, so he made it a habit to exchange experiences. .

  "Ahem, although those pointed ears wearing dragon armor are indeed not very good, I have to say that some female elves are quite good." Iron Wolf defended.

  "You should just be an honest person. Isn't it better to return to the palace than to the corner of the Flame Tower?" Mi Shan complained. The relationship between the three people is quite good. After all, they are all fellow villagers. In this strange world, there is only that The same language but with a different accent can bring some familiarity.

  "Don't try to tempt me with those fine wines and food. The descendants of Kurast will not succumb to those base desires." While speaking, Iron Wolf secretly swallowed a sip of saliva. The last batch of famous wine from Lothern The Dongzhihong shipped from the village made him almost swallow the entire bottle. He was a seasoned old drinker.

  The two people traveling with him looked at him with disdain. This guy was like those with pointed ears. He said one thing and acted another.

  "Hurry up and give me a fight. I haven't encountered a satisfying battle in such a long time." The barbarian sat helplessly in the chariot with his hands on the guardrail. When he first heard that there was a big battle, he was excited. He even took the treasure "Grandfather" from the Arreat Mountains from Imric, and couldn't wait to find someone to fight with.

  But after being out for so long, he was just marching, and then bragging to Mishan and Tielang. He had no motivation at all, and continued to complain, "Are those black bean sprouts all cowards? The three of us have been walking here for so long and still can't do it." No one is following."

  Mishan originally wanted to complain along with Damian, but his years of experience tracking various wild beasts made him notice something, and he grinned, "I just said it, and here it comes." Hearing this

  . Damian immediately perked up at these words, "Where is he?"

  Following the direction Mishan pointed, Damian saw black spots as dense as ant colonies in the distance. It was obvious that they were the opponents he was eager to find.

  After seeing the enemy, he didn't even say hello to his two comrades. He stood up and picked up the reins to turn the chariot around. This chariot was specially customized for Damian by the designer of Tyron Locke. It had a total of four horses as a Traction, these war horses are the most violent horses in the Caledor Rest Horse Farm, and the horse armor on them is no less precious than Mortellius's.

  Generally speaking, a chariot needs one person as the driver to adjust the direction of travel, and the people on both sides are responsible for attacking. But for Damian, he only needs this chariot to take him into the center of the battlefield. As for the driving The direction is left to these spiritual animals.

  When Mishan and Tie Lang saw Damian charging, they shook their heads helplessly. Barbarians are also extremely mysterious existences to people in the shelter world. They originally thought they were bloodthirsty and crazy guys, but they didn't expect to come into contact with them. At most, barbarians are idiots.

  (End of chapter)

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