Chapter 571 Gods and Reason

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  Chapter 571 Gods and Reason

  After Imrik arrived, the command of the army was undoubtedly taken away. Before that, Masno could come to Kislev in an informal capacity to hand over power to the Patriot Army.

  But if it continues after the dragon lord arrives in person, it will damage Caledor's face.

  But Imrik did not carefully explore how much power he had. He just listened to some reports, nodded his understanding, and let the Patriot Army continue to settle the residents in the city. He came to Erengrad with Berannar. In front of the Orthodox Church Temple.

  Transferring the reins of the war horse to the Flameborn knight, Imric stared at the temple that had been persecuted by vampires for a long time, and asked silently, "Tell me,
  can you feel the power of the gods from it."

  The old mage narrowed his eyes, special The magic matrix emerges in the eyes. The White Tower of Hoth is the institution with the most profound research on the gods. On the one hand, Asur magic is inseparable from the gods, and on the other hand, it has the responsibility to find Chaos believers.

  He could feel the prosperity of this temple in the past, and the roar that could drive away the cold winter and darkness gradually lost its former majesty after two bad news.

  This divine power is so weak that if there is another serious blow, perhaps the giant bear guarding Kislev will lie dormant, waiting for a person with strong faith to wake it up.

  "It's very weak, like an iron needle stuck in a well. The iron tip can guarantee that it will not dissipate, but one day it will be pushed away by the deep current, or it will disappear forever." Imrik crossed his chest and thought deeply

  . After a long time, "It's a very good metaphor. Do I think that the gods here can still have an influence on the mortal world?" "

  Yes, this iron needle is hope. We are just waiting for one person, otherwise we will only rely on the current situation." Under such circumstances, it will not be able to have a substantial influence on the mortal world for at least a hundred years."

  The old mage was not too curious about the temple. The disappearing gods were actually something that happened. According to someone in Nehekhara The mage who investigated and researched reported that Nagash cut off the connection between the desert gods and the mortal world. The lack of faith means that the thing that the gods are most worried about appears - being forgotten.

  The dilemma of the desert gods was not changed until the Tomb Kings were awakened. Settra was the unquestionable choice of the gods and an opportunity for the gods to return.

  But whether the Four Righteous Gods in front of them can hold on until an opportunity comes is a question worth thinking about.

  Seeing the thoughtful Imric, the old mage reminded, "I don't recommend that you have any thoughts about the belief in the four gods. Sotek's introduction of the Caledorian belief system has attracted the attention of many people in Ulthuan. Even you can't go too far in deviating from the truth."

  "No, I have no idea about the Four Righteous Gods. I'm just curious about one thing. If they still have a weak influence on the mortal world, Then what will be done next."

  Bellannar noticed that the demonstrative pronoun in Imrik's words was the flat "he" in the Elvish language, rather than specifically referring to the gods. He added this subtle Burying the observation in his heart, he responded,

  "If it were Alfonso, he might be able to answer the behavioral patterns of the gods for you, but I am just an elf who has not been blessed." "

  Your modest words always make me feel ridiculous, if you want to If so, even if you can't become the Chosen God of Hoth, it is still feasible to become the Chosen God of Lilith." "What

  I admire is knowledge that is feasible with logic and reasoning, rather than inspiration that appears in dreams and cannot be captured. Many people think that the gods' Gifts are the prerequisite for strong spellcasting ability, but it turns out that this is not accurate, just like your ancestors." "

  That is a special case. Even for the entire world, the ancestors' magical abilities are unique, but we all You know, he doesn't believe in gods. Surrendering to Aenarion only believed that the guardian could save Ulthuan, but it turned out that between gods and reason, perhaps the latter is more meaningful." Metaphorical guardian

  because If he becomes dizzy due to the choice of two gods, it is extremely unlikely for Belannar to choose silence and establish a maelstrom. The Phoenix King chooses to continue to hold on, but the dragon tamer is willing to put all his efforts into it. It is difficult to explain who among them is. More rational.

  But the latter succeeds, which actually makes its reputation much better than that of Aenarion, a pure warrior.

  "Let's wait and see whether it is the gods or reason." .........

  Mazouf wandered in his dream. He saw a scene. The expanded Sizhengshen Church was more prosperous than before, with countless people praying deep into the depths and offering their faith. and piety.

  The dawn that had not been seen for a long time shone on the steps, illuminating the people in priest's robes brightly and in a daze, as if gods had descended on this world.

  And he could clearly see that the person on the stage was himself.

  Skitarii standing side by side with giant bears stood on both sides, silently guarding the temple and the crowd. White doves holding olive branches in their mouths passed overhead, piercing the turbid air, bringing gifts belonging to the gods to the world.

  The succession of the Tsar would be decided by the Patriarch, just like the Empire, and if the Church did not recognize it, it would be just a claiming but unreasonable usurper.

  All officials are supposed to work for the welfare of the people under the supervision of the church. Indestructible fortresses stand in the north, forming a great wall to isolate the threat of Chaos so that people in the south can live safely.

  Raskol became the number one figure in the military and political affairs of Kislev, and the Patriot Army obtained the land it deserved. The overall situation looked just like everyone imagined, and purity and order came again.

  He squeezed through the crowd, and even with extremely rough movements, it was difficult to make the prostrate man feel any strange at all, just like a fool shouting the name of Mazov.

  His dirt-covered boots stepped on the white tiles, and he walked in front of him under the fanatical gazes of the giant bear and the skitarii.

  Staring at the reopened eye, he burst out laughing,
  "Hahaha~, sure enough, you finally couldn't help it. If your bet fails, the church will lose the vast majority of its devout believers. Maybe by then there will be more people who believe in Ulric or Ardaeus."

  'Mazov', who was wearing a priest's robe, gradually changed his figure, his bright silver plate armor was engraved with thunder icons, and his thick beard was wrapped around his tightly closed eyes. Her lips and glowing eyes are hard to look at.

  "You should know the mission. Raskol's idea is too dangerous. If you isolate faith and rely only on order and force, you will not be able to shoulder the responsibility of protecting Kislev. The power of the dark gods is far more terrifying than you think. This It's also the reason why Katrin became like this."

  Mazov stopped laughing, and Ruju's eyes dimmed a little, seeming to agree with Tire's words.

  "What do you want me to do?"

  A goddess with flowers and green leaves as a backdrop stepped on the air and came to his side. Her gentle and watery tone reminded you of a mother's embrace.
  "We will point out a way for you to let Ka Ledo elves go to fight with the undead army. You deserve the greatest glory. As long as you kill Katrin, everything will turn around." "You want me

  to implement a beheading tactic, bypass the encirclement of the undead army, and directly attack the enemy. Protected by layers of Katrin."

  Tire, who exuded thunder, nodded, and a blue hammer that seemed to be composed of the purest energy appeared in his hand as the air surged. He lifted it up and handed it to Mazov, "
  This weapon is our last strength. , use it to kill Katrin, and everything will develop for the best."

  The goddess of life gave Mazov a wreath of defensive magic, the sun god was the armor from harm, and Esun, who finally appeared, was the authority to draw the power of the earth.

  After ending this illusory dream, Mazov woke up and stared at the three items that suddenly appeared beside the bed, smiling ferociously.

  This land should not be ruled by gods, but by us mortals who make up Kislev!

  (End of chapter)

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