Chapter 8 Blood Wasteland

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  Chapter 8 Blood Wasteland Soon
  , Imric woke up, and then found that he seemed to be in a dilapidated house. The moldy wood, straw on the bed, and the black charcoal in the fireplace all showed that this was... The houses have been unoccupied for a long time.

  He was leaning on the edge of the bed, while the other six people were in various locations in the house. He didn't rush to check the surrounding environment. He needed to check one thing first, and that was the condition of the cowhide book.

  I concentrated my mind and found that the cowhide book was in the sea of ​​​​consciousness. I tried to use all my concentration to open it, but this time I did not spend too much energy. It was as easy as opening a book and reading. The first page I opened was still the Dark Wanderer. pattern, Imric tried to continue flipping through it, and found that it was indeed possible.

  There is a seven-column table on the second page, just like a register, and there are several data in the table.

  The name, occupation, skills, the text was in English, and the writing medium was a quill. Imrik could tell that the first column was his own information, and it was clearly written on it.

  Name: Imrik, occupation: Paladin, skills: blank.

  Others are different. Masnow and Bruni are paladins like themselves, while Davian and Coster are barbarians. Hadaris and Daret are mages and druids respectively. Good guy, this is really a stupid lineup, there is no long-range shooter or assassin.

  Resisting the urge to complain, he continued to scroll down, wanting to see if there was something similar to a career panel, but there was none. Just when Imrik was thinking hard about the relationship between this career and skills. , suddenly thought of something in Diablo 2, that is, extra skill points.

  "Could it be that the way to point skills is to get extra skill points by completing those tasks?"

  Good guy, if that's the case, Imric is a little excited when he thinks of the attack and protective aura effects of the Paladin skills, but that's not the case now. When considering this, first find out the place, preferably near Rogge's camp, so that you can go directly to Akala to pick up the quest, and then kill the corpse and get angry to test this idea.

  There was no equipment on him, and he was still wearing linen clothes. He casually pulled off the legs of the wooden table and waved it. He felt that his strength was not weakened. Apart from the equipment on his body, in the first scene, it might be The maxed-out queen enters the Novice Village and is crushed without any pressure.

  Waiting for a few people to wake up, Imric walked to the window and looked outside. He found that many monsters like zombies and giant rats were wandering in the open land. With Asur's keen vision and the dragon's gift, he From Fu Guo's body, he could vaguely see some red little devils with long horns surrounding the stone pillars in the distance.

  "This place should be the bloody wasteland outside Rogge's camp. There are only zombies, hard-haired rats and fallen demons."

  While Imrik was still thinking, several people woke up one after another and saw wooden sticks in their hands. Stick looked at Imrik outside and quickly asked him what the situation was now.

  Explained to several people, "The ancestors used magic to transport us to this world. This world is similar to ours and has been invaded by those ugly demons. The ancestors gave me some tips to help the people in this world resist the demons." to save them from the invasion, because the people here are very different from us. For the rest of the journey, when you face people in this world, don’t speak at will." I was very worried that

  these Long Aotian would look at people directly with their nostrils. Then they flew away the skill points they were about to obtain. They had to restrain their behavior before continuing.

  "Hadarius, Daret, can you two cast spells?"

  This is one of the most important purposes of this trip. If you can use the blue bar mage, you may be able to get rid of a lot of magic winds. Influence. Hardaris and Daret tried to condense a ball of fire from their hands. The brightness of the fire was not low, lighting up the whole room, but their tightened brows showed that they must have encountered some problem, and they quickly asked.

  The leader of the two was Hadaris, who had been in the Flame Tower longer than Darrett. He did not extinguish the flames in his hands, but still frowned, "Prince, we usually use the energy in our bodies to mobilize the battlefield. The magic wind on the screen releases spells. The current situation is that we can feel the energy similar to the magic wind around us, but it is difficult to mobilize. We can only use the energy in the body to cast spells, but the energy consumption is much less than expected.

  " Okay, it’s pretty much what he expected. Imrik didn’t want to ask too much about the reason for this situation. Professional things are for professionals to think about. This is something he has understood before, so he ordered them, “I need your attention. It's best to summarize the rules for how to use this kind of magic."

  The mage who was using the flame nodded, extinguished the flame in his hand, and waited for Imric's next order.

  Let them find a few wooden sticks to defend themselves. Although they should be able to kill Rogge's camp with bare hands, it still feels like they are missing something if they don't have anything in their hands.

  Seeing that several people were ready, Imrik led the people out of the abandoned room, stretched out his arms towards the bloody wasteland outside and shouted, "Big Pineapple, wait to die." Masnow and

  Bruni Just looking at Imrik's inexplicable movements, his eyes looked at each other, as if to say, "Did the prince have a brain cramp? Why did he roar inexplicably? There are only some undead creatures and big rats outside, where are they?" A big pineapple."

  But Imrik didn't care what they thought, and directly took the table legs removed from the wooden table and hit the zombies that approached after hearing his roar. With his speed and strength, the bricks flew away. According to the law, the zombie's hard head did not explode, but the fragile spine obviously could not withstand the force. The zombie's neck was directly disconnected, and then the head flew to the side.

  After killing a zombie, Imrik hurriedly opened the cowhide book to see if a new interface would appear, because according to the rules of the game, even low-level enemies would have some experience points, but unfortunately his expectations turned out to be False, the cowhide book is still the same as before, without any movement.

  Seeing this scene, Imrik was a little angry. This was completely making the game more difficult for him. He stretched his arms towards a zombie and loudly ordered the six people, "Proud Caledor Knights, kill these ugly gangs." Monster, follow me and charge."

  Masnot and Bruni looked at each other again. The two had fought side by side many times and were very familiar with each other. Their eyes seemed to say, "Is the prince because of the appearance of his ancestors? The spirit is not normal, and this weak, slow-moving zombie is still charging."

  While the two were still making eye contact, Davian had already rushed out. Since he first heard about Imrik being tamed, When the Dragon Master's mission came to save the world invaded by demons, this young man who longed for honor could no longer hold back his excitement and couldn't wait to obtain honor.

  Saving the world is an honor that only a few people in Ulthuan have. Aenarion, the guardian of the first generation Phoenix King, and Caledor Dragon Tamer, the guardian of Ulthuan. Thinking of the honors of these people makes Davian He couldn't wait to express himself. Although it was just a few undead creatures, Davian believed that this was the first step of honor. The hero in countless stories did not start by killing the weakest ones first.

  Seeing that Davian had already stepped forward with a chicken leg stick, the remaining few people could not continue to fish, so they began to show some real skills. The hundreds of years of combat training were completely irresistible to these zombies, and soon they surrounded them. Clean it up.

  (End of chapter)

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