224.Chapter 223 Penglai Pavilion

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  Chapter 223 Penglai Pavilion

  If Xue Chong hadn't mentioned it like this, Sheng Jun would never have imagined that the tall and downcast man in front of him was actually a disciple of Penglai Pavilion in Shandong.

  How can anyone guess?

  It's a completely out-of-the-box topic.

  When it comes to Shandong Penglai Pavilion, Sheng Junqian is not unfamiliar at all. After all, the seven famous sects in the world are juxtaposed with the Shaolin Temple, Mount Huashan, Wudang Mountain and Bailu Academy. However, although Shandong Penglai Pavilion is well-known, it is rarely able to do so in the world. See the disciples of Penglai Pavilion.

  This is mainly due to two reasons. The first is that there are really very few people walking around in Penglai Pavilion, Shandong, because they practice martial arts and can really be said to be cultivating immortality.

  After all, it is different from other sects. Other sects have more or less a founder of the sect, such as Shaolin Bodhidharma, Wudang Zhang Sanfeng, etc. When did they become famous in the world, what martial arts secrets were passed down, and what is the martial arts that made them famous? These are all It is the existence of martial arts legend.

  But Penglai Pavilion is different. Penglai Pavilion does not take the usual path.

  What Penglai Pavilion says is that its founder discovered the Immortal Cave in an overseas fairy mountain, and he was able to teach the Tao from then on. However, after he was taught the Tao, he did not practice immortality honestly, and it was not reported that any of the Penglai Pavilion masters actually achieved the Tao and ascended. Shattered into the void and left.


  If so, then the situation in the world will definitely change drastically.

  But even though they didn't fly up on a crane, Penglai Pavilion's martial arts are really hard. After all, they just talk and don't practice fake moves. Penglai Pavilion's disciples can not only talk but also practice, which is quite amazing. Penglai Pavilion's martial arts It is a sect of its own, just like what Xue Chong revealed just now, a group of golden armored warriors.

  It sounds very mysterious.

  But so what if Xuanhu, people say that a golden armored warrior is a golden armored warrior, and his beauty is uncompromising, so what can you do?

  Besides, Penglai Pavilion is not only special in martial arts, its martial arts are really strong, its disciples are really good in the world, they have a long inheritance, and their family style is also upright. The selection of the seven famous families in the world is not based on mere boasts, it still depends on their strength. Speaking of which, Penglai Pavilion has high strength and low profile, so of course it must be selected.

  After all - walking in the world, in addition to strength, style is also very important.

  Penglai Pavilion is really impressive.

  This is about the number of martial arts methods.

  On the other hand, the reason is that Shandong Penglai Pavilion travels around the world and rarely shows off that he is a disciple of Penglai Pavilion.

  This is different from Shang Jiuge.

  No one who met Shang Jiuge could guess that she was Shang Jiuge, because Shang Jiuge's behavior style did not match all the people in the world, and he did not seem to be a well-known and upright person.

  But if you ask Shang Jiuge who she is and where she studied, Shang Jiuge will not hesitate to tell you that she is Huashan Shang Jiuge.

  But Shandong Penglai Pavilion is famous for not answering questions.

  This is just like what happened when Monkey Sun left Ancestor Bodhi. The Ancestor warned Monkey that if you go, you will definitely suffer bad consequences. No matter how you cause trouble and do evil, you are not allowed to say that you are my disciple. If you say even half a word, I will know it. I will peel off the skin and file the bones of you, a hozen, and banish your soul to the secluded place. I will teach you that you will never be able to stand up again!

  The head of Penglai Pavilion is not as capable as Patriarch Bodhi, but he has learned this method of avoiding disasters. In short, Penglai Pavilion usually does not reveal the origin of the master when he comes to the mountain. Only occasionally does a hero have great martial arts skills and reputation. If Da Nao has no specific origin, then everyone will first list him as a disciple of Penglai Pavilion. As for whether he is a disciple, Daxia himself will not deny it, and Penglai Pavilion will not come forward to clarify it, then it is probably true.

  However, if there is a villain who commits many evil deeds and someone catches him, even if he claims to be a disciple of Penglai Pavilion, Penglai Pavilion will deny it.

  This is the legendary Schrödinger's Penglai Pavilion disciple. If you don't observe it, it won't collapse.

  And now Xue Chong suddenly claimed that he was a disciple of Penglai Pavilion. Normally, Sheng Junqian would not believe it. But now that Xue Chong said this, combined with his previous conversation and his eight-foot tall figure, Sheng Junqian couldn't help but I believe it a bit.

  However, when the two people were talking, Xue Ling's arrival temporarily interrupted everything. Sheng Junqian and Xue Chong were not mentioned for the time being, but Jiang Liu'er saw the one-eyed dragon holding Xue Ling's hand walking in. , jumped out of his seat in an instant, punched and kicked Cyclops with his hands tied, and while beating him, he shouted, "I want you to cheat me of my medicine, I want you to beat me, I want you to cheat me of my medicine, and I want you to beat me like this" if.

  In fact, this one-eyed dragon can be considered tall, and he is not helpless when facing a child like Jiang Liu'er. However, it seems that Xue Ling made him suffer a lot when she caught him, so now he is dejected and facing Even though Jiang Liuer was punching and kicking, he just squatted with his head in his hands and didn't dare to fight back.

  Xue Ling and others looked on with cold eyes. Of course they were all sharp-eyed people. They could all see that Jiang Liuer really didn't know any martial arts. His punches and kicks were just skin injuries at best. Otherwise, the one-eyed ghost Yao I won't hold my head and squat on the ground to let him beat me, because no matter how hard I beat him, I can't find any fault, so it's better to let him vent his anger.

  And judging from Jiang Liu'er's reaction, the eighty percent found this time are the real owners.

  When Jiang Liu'er's hands and feet were weak from the beating, Xue Ling also took action to pull Jiang Liu'er away. On one side was the panting young man, and on the other side was Yao Zheng, who finally dared to raise his head.

  "Do you know this person?" Xue Ling pointed at Jiang Liu'er and said.

  "Yes, we know each other." No matter how bachelor Yao Zheng is, he doesn't dare to deny it at this time.

  "Then do you know why he hit you?" Xue Ling continued to ask.

  "I know, I know." Yao Zheng said weakly.

  "Why?" Xue Ling continued to ask.

  "Because I defrauded him of a sum of medicinal materials a few months ago," Yao Zheng said.

  Upon hearing the other party's admission, Jiang Liu'er became even more angry and was about to rush towards Yao Zheng, but was stopped by Xue Ling: "I think the medicinal materials are gone now, right?" Yao Zheng nodded: "The little one is not sick

  . Of course, those medicinal materials have been sold a long time ago."

  "How much did they cost?" Xue Ling looked at Yao Zheng: "In other words, how much money did you promise to give Jiang Liu for the medicinal materials."

  Yao Zheng bit his lip, Nuo Nuo said: "Five, five taels of silver."

  Five taels of silver is sometimes the life money of a family.

  Xue Ling sighed with emotion, then looked at Yao Zheng: "Then take out these five taels of silver, and you can leave." "

  Little one." Yao Zheng almost cried.

  "Young man really can't get these five taels of silver."

  At this time, Xue Chong looked at Yao Zheng and said with a low smile: "You can't get it." "

  How about I help you get it?"

  (End of chapter) )

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