723. Chapter 717 Victory or Loss

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  Chapter 717: Fang Bi
  did not show the slightest contempt for Tsukahara Buden, who was holding a sword in front of him.

  Although in terms of pure swordsmanship, Tsukahara Buchuan is probably not as good as Shang Jiuge, but as the sword master of this era in Japan, and his attitude of being willing to draw the sword, Fang Buchuan is still willing to respect him. of.

  He also bent down and picked up his sword.

  Fang Bie makes all his swords by himself, and it has always been Fang Bie's habit to use the most suitable sword in different battles.

  "You move first." Fang Bie looked at Tsukahara Buden and said, "If I want to show respect to you, then the sword I use is the sword just now." The young man's attitude was a little reserved


  But Tsukahara Buden still understood it in an instant.

  Where did the sword just now come from?
  The sword just now is a stupid sword.

  It was difficult for Fang Bie to control the switching between Ben Jian and Yijian before, but with this amnesia, Fang Bie has now better integrated them together, rather than an either/or incompatible relationship.

  "Okay." Tsukahara Buden nodded.

  He thought he could catch Fang Bi's sword, but after the first sword there was a second and third sword.

  The strongest point of Fang Bie's Stupid Sword is its suppressive power. Just like Shang Jiuge, even if it is suppressed by the Stupid Sword, he cannot launch any counterattack.

  If Fang hadn't used the stupid sword first, I'm afraid this duel would have ended as soon as it started.

  Moreover, Tsukahara Buden's energy and blood have long since declined. Perhaps his swordsmanship is still as exquisite as when it was at its peak, but his physical strength and endurance must have been greatly reduced.

  "When I first learned swordsmanship, I didn't have any teachers, just because I liked swords very much and the feeling of wielding them." Tsukahara Buden said to himself, then stepped forward and handed Fang Bie a sword.

  This sword was ordinary, neither fast nor slow. Fang Don looked at this sword, so he returned the sword in the same way.

  The moment the two swords clashed in the air, Tsukahara Buden's sword suddenly bounced up.

  Bulleting is a change, so at this moment, Tsukahara Buden's sword flicked Fang Fang's sword twelve times in the air.

  The so-called twelve attacks are twelve attacks.

  But Fang Bie blocked all twelve attacks lightly.

  The current state of the two people is more like playing chess than sword duel.

  Tsukaharabu sent out a move, and Fang Buji responded with a move.

  Therefore, Tsukahara Buden can use the swordsmanship he has learned and conceived in the past to perform on each other at this time, and then see how the other side responds.

  This is the most likely way for Tsukahara Buden to defeat Fang Bian. Secondly, it is also because Tsukahara Buden wants to summarize his growth in kendo over the past few years.

  "Good sword." Fang Bie looked at the old man opposite and commented seriously.

  Tsukahara Buden's sword is indeed very strong. He first makes a test move, and then hides thousands of backhands in this move. The instant bounce after the two swords touch is something he has practiced countless times. The moves can only be used later.

  "It's not good enough." Tsukahara Buden sighed.

  His sword was finally blocked by Fang Biedu.

  And he was still guarded by Fang Bu, who had seen these tricks for the first time.

  "Or you can try that secret sword move." Fang Bie looked at Tsukahara Bu Chuan and said.

  The secret sword Ichi no Taito's lethal killing technique through the aura of the sword is quite innovative for Fang Bie, but what Beigu Jiaoqing used after all lacks some fire, but I don't know that Tsukasa Whether the Ichitachi sword wielded by Yuan Bu Chuan can bring more surprises to Fang Bie.

  "It's useless." Tsukahara Buden shook his head and said: "Such a trick can only be used by opponents of equal strength to yourself, as an opportunity to defeat the enemy. Right now, your momentum is stronger than mine, so that move Using the sword is just humiliating yourself."

  Saying this, Tsukahara Buden quickly held the sword forward and slashed towards Fang Bie again. The moment the young man blocked it, the light of the sword changed suddenly, drawing a strange He slashed at Fang Bie's throat at an angle, but was blocked by Fang Bie in an instant. Tsukahara Buchuan was not surprised at all. He stared at Fang Bie, his eyes as sharp as an eagle, almost in the blink of an eye. , the sword in his hand flipped around, and in an instant it was as if seven or eight swords were slashing at Fang Bie at the same time. Only Fang Bie still looked well-prepared, and also had only one sword in his hand, blocking left and right. He actually blocked all of Tsukahara Buden's extremely fast and exquisite sword skills.

  "You don't look like an old man at all." Fang Bie watched Tsukahara Bu pass a round of fast attacks and then retreated, and then said with a smile.

  Tsukahara Bu Chuancai's sword moves were exquisite and exquisite, not even inferior to some of the masters in China. He just said that because his energy was exhausted and there was no nourishment of true energy, there was some lack of strength, so Fang Bu's defense was relatively easy.

  But with a sharp blade in hand, the lack of strength can always be made up for. Only at this time will this weakness become particularly fatal.

  "Don't offend me." Tsukahara Buden sighed: "Your swordsmanship is indeed better than mine. It seems that after all these years, I am still a frog in the well." "Don't say that." Fang looked at Tsukahara

  . Bu Chuan shook his head and said: "Relying on your own efforts to deduce the way of swordsmanship to this level, you are indeed worthy of the name of Sword Master, and I rely on the assistance of internal strength to achieve suppression. At this point, I have long been defeated by force." Now."

  "There is no such thing as an invincible victory in a duel." Tsukahara Buden shook his head: "Let's draw the sword."

  He looked at Fang Bie, with some kind of realization in his eyes.

  In the previous battle, Fang Bie never drew his sword. He just let the old sword master attack blindly, and deliberately indulged him in choosing various methods to see if he could break Fang Bie's almost iron-clad defense.

  But in the end, Tsukahara Buden was unsuccessful.

  Even according to the turn-based approach, now is Fang's turn to take action.

  The young man nodded: "Okay."

  If he didn't draw his sword at this time, it would be disrespectful to the old sword master in front of him.

  The young man took a step, and in the next moment, his entire body emerged from the afterimage again.

  Stupid sword.

  Still a stupid sword.

  Fang Bie struck the head with a sword, and in an instant he was in front of Tsukahara Buden. Just like everyone else, Tsukahara Buden finally had time to raise the sword in his hand.

  Then Fang Bi's sword arrived.


  There was only a clear sound. Tsukahara Buden was cut almost ten feet away by the sword. But the moment Fang Bie landed, he bounced up again and flew towards Tsukahara Buden again. .

  "Stop!" Beigu Jiaoqing, who was watching the battle from the side, couldn't help shouting.

  "I had no intention of cutting it down in the first place." Fang Bie turned around and said with a smile.

  There was still no sword in his hand.

  He just pointed one finger quietly at the center of Tsukahara Buden's eyebrows.

  "The outcome has been decided, Mr. Sword Master."

  (End of this chapter)

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