Chapter 105 There is a fairy mountain on the sea

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  Chapter 105 There is an Immortal Mountain on the Sea

  Ever since Xuan Yi could remember, he had knelt down to many people.

  His status is too low. Many times, if he doesn't kneel down, he will die.

  But there is only one person Xuan Yi has been willing to kneel to over the years, and that is Xing Lihua.

  Now facing this old man, he was speechless and unable to express his gratitude. He could only kowtow in front of him to express his attitude.

  What he knelt down was not Uncle Da, but the group of old people who had watched him and his sister grow up, and their kindness, which was not many but was as valuable as gold.



  So when noon came, Xuan Yi and Ye Ya were walking back carrying vegetables.

  Xuan Yi did not take away all the ingredients from Uncle Da's place, but only picked out what he would use in the past two days. After all, it would be inconvenient to take too much back.

  Of course, he didn't pretend to refuse the considerable amount of money. It was the property that the other party had quietly helped him save in the five years since he was ten years old, and Xuan Yi really needed the money.

  However, the original schedule to send Anya back had to be postponed due to the blockade of Star City, so they returned to the cabin early.

  After arriving home, while Xing Lihua was still sleeping, Xuan Yi put the ingredients and fried three veal steaks with baked dinner bags. This was of course the standard for entertaining guests, but he also wanted to let his sister eat something good. inside.

  As it was inconvenient to wake up the sleeping girl, Xuan Yi and Ye Ya ate the steak in their own room, which served as the living room. They added Xing Lihua's portion to a frying pan with a little oil and placed it on low heat. In a heated water bath, in this case, as long as Xing Lihua does not wake up in the evening, the veal steak can maintain at least 70% of its deliciousness.

  After lunch, how to arrange for this little aunt became a new problem. According to Xuan Yi's own plan, he would take time to go to the beach in the afternoon, but now that he has the job of taking care of Anya, this matter is somewhat troublesome.

  "Where do you want to play in the afternoon?" Xuan Yi looked at the sauce on the corner of the other party's mouth. Considering that the other party was a girl, he added lemon and tomato to the sauce for her steak, so the residue on the corner of her mouth was particularly obvious.

  Since they were not very familiar with each other, Xuan Yi was too embarrassed to help her wipe it until she realized this.

  "Let me explain in advance, we are in a remote and remote area, and there probably isn't anything interesting."

  Ye Ya subconsciously wanted to wipe it with her cuffs, but stopped mid-move - wiping with her cuffs was of course very impolite and disrespectful. Hygienic, but what she wore was Qingzhiyi. Well, it was a hundred thousand times more useful than the best tablecloth. What's more, Xuan Yi, a poor guy, didn't give her a tablecloth at all. Instead, he gave her a cheap tablecloth with rough texture. tissue.

  But in the end, the girl stopped her movements, picked up a paper towel from the pile and wiped her mouth. After all, although Qingzhi Wing was hidden, it was better to be less exposed.

  "I want to see the sea."

  The girl said quietly.



  Ye Ya has rarely seen the sea since she was a child. Although the vastness of the Holy Lake is no different from the sea if the standard is lower, it is not the real sea after all.

  The Lanye Empire has a relatively high dimension. You can only see the vast ocean with undulating icebergs all the way to the north. You may not see a single human being in that bitter cold land for hundreds of miles, and there are only steep rocks and rough sea breezes on the seashore. The cold ocean of foam.

  Such a sea is certainly not pleasing to the eye.

  But Ye Ya had actually only seen the ocean with gentle waves and sandy beaches like the one in the storybook.

  Although Ye Ya looked at the sea in the south for a long time on the way over from the Ice Knight, looking at it from a distance through the glass was always a completely different experience than looking at it up close.

  The wooden house is not far from the seaside. It can only be walked for five or six miles. Even if Ye Ya didn't say anything, Xuan Yi would have to go there - because, if he guessed correctly, the venue for this Qianxing test is in Zhonghai. On the road, he must step on the points in advance before he can make the next step.

  But unfortunately, when the two people came to the beach, Xuan Yi did not see the huge island rising from the sea like a miracle. Either his guess was wrong, and Qianxing tried to choose another one this time. The venue is either not ready yet.

  All they could see was a flat white sand beach as white as silver.

  Ye Ya took off her shoes, buried them in the sand, and then ran barefoot towards the beach. Layers of white waves came in, and in the distance was the endless line of sea and sky.

  Xuan Yi didn't move.

  He still doesn't like the sea.

  Probably because of the experience of being left on the beach to die, Xuan Yihai has always had a vague fear of the sea for a long time. Even though his water skills are not bad now, if he is given a choice, as long as the other side is not lava, He would not choose to jump into the sea.

  The beach where Xing Lihua picked him up was not far from here. The straight-line distance was only about ten miles. Occasionally he would go there to take a look, but it had been many years since he had seen a pile of corpses there. It seemed that Dark Star had been upgraded recently. Equipment, the carcass can be directly transported to the sea in a boat and dropped to feed the fish.

  Ye Ya picked up beautiful shells one after another at the beach, and even found a complete conch. But when she raised her head, she saw that the boy was still standing there far away, with no intention of getting closer, so she couldn't help but waved her hand. : "Hey, come here."

  Xuan Yi looked at the girl and was about to say something. Suddenly his expression changed and he quickly jumped off the beach and walked quickly towards Anya. When he was beside her, he didn't say anything. He directly took the other person's hand and ran to higher ground.

  Ye Ya didn't know what was going on, but she still ran forward with the other person, and then she heard an explosion behind her that was like an earth-shattering explosion.

  Subconsciously, the girl turned back.

  She saw a huge island slowly rising at the end of her sight.

  At the same time, circles of mountain-like waves were also rushing toward him.



  Xing Lihua slept for a long time.

  She hadn't had such a good sleep in a long time. She didn't even have a dream and had a sweet sleep.

  She had been worrying about Xuan Yi's affairs for a long time. It was normal for her to be sleepless at night, but during the day she always had the illusion that a boy would push open the door and come in as soon as she fell asleep. Now that the stone in her heart finally fell, she also had a good sleep for the first time in a long time. .

  She didn't wake up until around two o'clock in the afternoon. After washing her face, she went to the kitchen and found the steak that was still slightly piping hot. She couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

  However, just as she was savoring the deliciousness of the veal steak, there was a sudden knock on the door.

  Xing Lihua immediately became alert - no one would normally visit her simple wooden house, and if it was Xuan Yi, he wouldn't be polite enough to knock on the door.

  While Xing Lihua was hesitating, the person outside the door said calmly: "I know you are inside, and I knocked on the door just to be polite." "I

  suggest you open the door within two minutes, otherwise, I’m afraid your door won’t be able to be opened in two minutes.”

   (Thanks to Bei Minan and Fuyu Duandong for the tip.

    By the way, in order to combat the arrogance of those of you who tip repeatedly, I would like to make a special statement that if nothing else happens, students who tip repeatedly will no longer thank you repeatedly.

    It's enough for me to know that you like my stories, and you don't need to reward me repeatedly to show your love.

    Just like confessing love once is romantic, but if you confess hundreds of times, the girl will get confused in your face. )
  (End of this chapter)

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