Chapter 99 Unexpected Information

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  Chapter 99 Unexpected Information
  At midnight, Russell carefully carried the incubation box covered with black cloth and returned to the Royal Insect House with the dead leaf cloakworm "No. 7".

  It's not that he spent hours chatting awkwardly with No. 7 in the temporary animal pen in the auction house. The main reason is that No. 7's mental state is really not very good. Except for Russell, who has an incredible affinity with insect-type beasts, he is not interested in anyone. There is intense fear in everything.

  Especially for cars and other pets, as long as they see the slightest shadow, they will immediately enter a state of extreme panic.

  In order not to scare No. 7, Russell didn't even dare to take a car. Instead, he walked for several hours holding the ten-kilogram incubator, crossing most of the city back to Fenglin Road.

  If Ayou and Daodao Mantis hadn't both reached the middle stage of the third level and brought him a lot of energy back, Russell would have been tired and fell to the ground with the physical strength of the frail scholar in his previous life.

  After returning to the Royal Insect House, he temporarily arranged No. 7 in the area where the big silkworms were fed.

  After all, No. 7 is a platinum-level third-level beast. Seeing some large silkworms living nearby, it quickly calmed down after experiencing its initial nervousness.

  Of course, this is not a long-term solution. It will take a lot of time to change No. 7's current state of psychological problems due to abuse. The living environment is also a very critical factor.

  After thinking about it, Russell quickly ordered a small ecological warehouse with a volume of about ten cubic meters online.

  This eco-storage, which has the same configuration as the Senluo City Alliance Building animal pen, but is much smaller in size, is not cheap. After buying the dead leaf cloakworm and the eco-storage, Russell spent all the credits he had saved during this period.

  But sometimes you get what you pay for. Although the ecological warehouse is expensive, its functions are indeed not comparable to that of ordinary cultivation equipment.

  It not only has a complete set of automatic temperature control, lighting and feeding systems, but also comes with a mezzanine that can be injected with plant culture fluid. Users can plant some small plants directly inside the ecological warehouse to simulate the state of the wild as much as possible.

  This is very helpful in calming down the emotional ups and downs of Number Seven.

  After No. 7 is finished living there, the ecological warehouse can be used to house other fragile or precious pet beast cubs in the future, so it is not a waste.

  After paying three times the freight in advance, the merchant promised to deliver the eco-storage tonight. Russell simply stayed in the breeding farm, chatting with No. 7 every now and then to prevent it from being frightened by the change of location.

  During the chat, Russell noticed that every time No. 7's name was called, it couldn't help but shrink back. Apparently, something bad happened when its name was called in the past.

  "Your name...was given by those people, do you want to change it?"

  Moreover, Russell didn't want to always call the pet beast by its number like the Fire Pirates. Thinking of changing the name to No. 7, Russell asked about it the meaning of.

  The pet beast you contracted with has a special name to make it look kind.

  In fact, at the beginning of the contract, Russell also thought about giving Da Dao Mantis a name, but maybe because adult pet beasts have more personality, Russell was not satisfied even after thinking of several names such as Ah Dao and Ah Mantis.

  Finally, he and Dao Dao Mantis agreed that when it evolved, if he still couldn't think of a name he was satisfied with, it would be called Ah Dao from now on.


  "Can you not change it? I am the seventh one born, and I have friends in the big pit... I changed my name because I am afraid they can't find me."

  After hearing Russell's suggestion, No. 7 paused, but Didn't promise him.

  Perhaps it was Russell's friendly attitude during this period that played a role. No. 7's completely submissive attitude changed slightly, and he began to dare to put forward some of his own ideas.

  "Why don't you call me Xiao Qi? It can reflect that you are the seventh born, but it doesn't look like a number. It is a name at least."

  After thinking about it, Russell changed his name and asked.


  "Xiaoqi, it sounds good, let's call it Xiaoqi..."

  This time, the little dead leaf cloakworm agreed.

  It originally didn't like the name it had at the Fire Pirates' camp, so it was naturally willing to keep the number seven and change its name.

  At this moment, a loud whistle sounded suddenly outside the door.

  Looking through the window, Russell saw a truck parked at the entrance of the breeding farm, and two loaders were moving pieces of ecological warehouse materials out of the truck. However, when she heard the car's horn, Xiao Qi, who had finally calmed down, screamed again.

  "The running iron box is here! I'm going to die!"

  Upon hearing this, Russell couldn't help but start to wonder.

  "Why are you so afraid of cars? ...Those moving iron boxes."

  It is not difficult to understand that No. 7 is afraid of other pet beasts. In the living environment of the Fire Pirates camp that can be called a gu refining, I am afraid that all pet beasts They will all be forced to attack each other, and only the strong will survive.

  Under such circumstances, the dead leaf cloakworm clan, which has almost no offensive capabilities, is naturally an easy target for killing. I am afraid that Xiao Qi's clan has suffered heavy casualties, and few of them will survive until the day when the Beast Control Alliance tracks down the camp.

  However, Russell could never think of a reasonable explanation for his particular fear of cars.

  Even if the Fire Thieves no longer regard the lives of their pet beasts as their fate and no longer care about their feelings, the purpose of their hell-style training is to make use of those trained pet beasts, rather than simply torturing them.

  Faced with cubs whose average life energy level is only level three, they wouldn't drive a car and bump into the pet beasts, right?
  Jiji -

  "Companies who don't train hard will be put into a running iron box. When the iron box comes back, they are all gone... The smell of blood in the iron box that comes back is so strong...!" Recalling a

  moment Batch after batch of dead leaf cloakworm companions were taken away by cars and disappeared from sight. Xiao Qi couldn't help but start to tremble.

  Hearing this answer, Russell's eyes flashed and he quickly asked:
  "Are those iron boxes the same as the ones outside the door?"


  "Xiao Qi didn't dare to look..."

  But Xiao Qi kept shaking. He kept his head down, unwilling to face the things he once feared.

  "Xiao Qi, if, we may be able to find your companions, even if they have... at least we can take revenge on those people!" Russell activated the "

  Cocoon of Evolution" talent and slowly brushed the energy thread across Xiao Qi's trembling body. , calm its emotions.

  The answer to this question is very important. Even if Xiao Qi will fall into frightening memories, he must ask clearly.

  The fire-stealing group camp that the Senluo City Beast Control Alliance tracked down not long ago actually only intercepted one or two peripheral members who stayed behind to deal with the aftermath. The main force of the fire-stealing group had long since withdrawn.

  As a wanted organization that operates secretly, it is naturally impossible for the Fire Thieves Group to do anything but send a unified notice to the internal work group.

  The few arrested peripheral members received the mop-up order after the camp was basically evacuated. They had no idea what the camp was doing or the next movements of the Fire Stealing Group.

  Even if the Moon Demon Rabbit went berserk later and the Longquan City Alliance Headquarters intervened and sent out spiritual beast masters with mind-reading abilities, no more information could be obtained from them.

  And the information Xiao Qi inadvertently disclosed just now may be the key to opening a breakthrough.

  In the second-level city of Senluo City, there are not many vehicles that transport pet beasts in large quantities, and there are not many vehicles that transport gold-level beasts or above. If the characteristics of these vehicles can be further determined and the scope of investigation can be narrowed down, maybe we can completely eliminate the fire thieves. Discover some clues before destroying the evidence.

  You must know that this outrageous organization will easily cause disasters such as high-level ferocious beasts to attack the city. As a good young man in the new era and a former victim, Russell will not let go of the opportunity to go against the Fire Thieves.


  Revenge... Revenge your companions!

  With Russell's encouragement, Xiao Qi slowly plucked up the courage. With nostalgia for his former companions and hatred for "those bad guys", he slowly climbed out of the incubator, hid behind Russell's shoulder and faced out the window. Looked around.


  "Those people's iron boxes are bigger than the ones outside, much bigger, red, and have a big, fierce eye on them."

  (End of this chapter)

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