215.Chapter 214 Attitude

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  Chapter 214 Attitude
  "By the way, you told me just now that this Li He came to Dark Heart Academy by boat with you, right?" The wizard Sivir looked at Aya Emily and continued asked.

  "Yes." Aya Emily nodded honestly.

  "It's strange." Sivir raised his eyebrows, wondering, "During the talent test, weren't you the best among a group of people? You haven't heard of his name at all, which shows that your talent is average. And he, not to mention wearing a dark The matter of the Heart Medal and the Black Ring, but the decoration on the chest also shows that you are already a second-level wizard apprentice. And you, it seems that you haven't made a breakthrough yet, right?" "

  This..." Aya Emily's face became a little bit I felt hot and hesitated for a long time, not knowing what to say.

  "No matter what, you have to work hard, Aya." Sivir said with some seriousness.

  "Yes, teacher, I will work harder soon..." Aya Emily quickly expressed her stance.

  "Alas." Sivir sighed lightly, but did not change his opinion because of Aya Emily's statement. He thought for a while and said, "You have to strive to be promoted to a second-level wizard apprentice as soon as possible, so that after more than two months You can pass the annual test easily. I don’t ask you to get good grades, but at least you can’t be bullied too much. Well, when I go back today, I’ll let Milly give you more guidance and help you make more progress.”

  "Senior Emily..." Aya Emily's eyes widened slightly, not much happy, but more nervous and...fearful.

  Although she is not an official student of the wizard Sivir, she has had many contacts with official students.

  This Millie is the best among Sivir's formal students. She is a very powerful third-level wizard apprentice and is preparing to break through to become a formal wizard.

  Because of this, when Sivir was away, Millie always regarded herself as a "parent", instructing other students to do things for her at will. If she didn't do something well, she would be beaten or scolded. As an informal student, Aya Emily's status was already one level lower, and she was given more instructions. Fortunately, she was more serious about her work, so she was not punished by Emily.

  She really didn't want to have any more contact with this senior sister Milly. In fact, she didn't want to have more contact with the other formal students of Sivir. Although those people didn't show anything to her, she was able to detect it with her delicate mind. She realized that the other party had a strong rejection of her.

  It’s understandable if you think about it. She’s just an informal student at the moment, so it’s nothing. Once she becomes a formal student, she will definitely compete with several others for the training resources issued by the wizard Sivir.

  Resources are never enough. If she gets more, others will naturally have less. And she was not good enough to suppress the other party and make the other party willingly give up some resources, which put her in a bad situation.

  But she also knew that the teacher Sivir asked Milly to teach her out of good intentions, and she did not dare to refuse for fear of making Sivir unhappy.

  I had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree: "Thank you very much, teacher. Please excuse me, Senior Mi Li. I will work harder." At the end of the sentence, he tried his best to smile.

  "Yes." Sivir responded, not bothering with such a trivial matter. When he saw that he had already walked to a teaching building, he asked aloud, "Today, the place where I teach is still the same classroom as last time. ?"

  "Yes, teacher, you will teach the fourth period of the 'Wind Evocation Spell Class'." Aya Emily said quickly. As Sivir's classroom assistant, she has learned all the information that Sivir disdains to memorize. Keep it firmly in mind.

  "Fourth quarter, okay, let's go." Sivir nodded and stepped into the teaching building, and Aya Emily quickly followed.

  Not long after, the fourth period of the "Wind Energy Shaping Spell Class" officially began.


  At about the same time, Li He arrived at the stone tower of Dean Gauss.

  A slender stone tower that looked like a toothpick stood on the campus of the college. Li He pushed the door open and walked into the stone tower. He encountered no obstacles along the way and walked up to the third floor with ease.

  It can be seen that the space here has been completely opened up, and there are connected metal bookshelves filled with various books. They are part of Gauss's private library.

  According to the knowledge level of the books, the colors of the bookshelf are distributed from red to black.

  The brighter the color, the shallower the knowledge, and the darker the color, the more difficult the knowledge.

  Generally speaking, purple and black bookshelves are recommended for reading only if you have reached the wizard level. If you are a wizard apprentice, forced reading may cause some mental damage.

  Of course, Li Hyuk is not among them.

  Go up to the third floor and go straight towards the purple and black bookshelf at the deepest part.

  At this time, a figure flashed out from behind a green bookshelf.

  He is a young wizard apprentice, who looks to be about twenty years old. He is wearing a gray robe with three silver lines on his chest, indicating that he is a third-level wizard apprentice.

  Her figure was slightly thin, her skin was too pale from not being exposed to the sun for a long time, and her hair was greasy from not being washed for a long time.

  The opponent was another student of Gauss, Sean.

  "Senior Sean, you're here so early." Li He looked at the other person, nodded lightly and said hello.

  "Don't call me senior, just call me Sean." The other party said quickly and somewhat cautiously, "I'm just a little early today, unlike you, who comes to study early in the morning eight days out of ten. By the way. , You still want to study the knowledge of meditation supplement today. When I was looking for information, I helped you find some books and put them on the table over there. You can see if they are useful." As he spoke

  , , Sean pointed towards a large oak table in the distance, and saw dozens of books neatly placed on the tabletop that was two meters long and one meter wide.

  And they are also divided into types, and each type is specially placed together.

  This was not something that could be done "by the way." Li He estimated that senior Xiao Xiao helped him for half an hour at least.

  This was an obvious gesture of goodwill. Li He blinked and guessed the other party's purpose. He didn't point it out directly. He thanked him and said, "Then I'll bother Senior Sean." "No trouble, no

  trouble. Just go and read." , I won’t bother you, I’ll look for my own information..." Sean said, walking towards the green bookshelf in the distance, he stopped after taking a few steps, and said a little embarrassedly, "By the way, Li He, if... I mean if, after you finish reading today and you have time, I would like you to help me check if there is any problem with one of my researches. The theory is obviously correct, but the results have not been obtained. It's very strange."

  Sure enough... Li He thought in his heart, confirming his guess, and nodded without hesitation: "Okay, are there any written instructions? I'll read the book and take a look at it for you." "Yes, yes

  . "Yes." Sean quickly pulled out a roll of parchment from his clothes, walked over quickly, and stuffed it into Li He's hand, "Then... I'll bother you. Okay, you go and do your work. I'll do my work first." At the end of the sentence, Sean waved his hand and walked to the bookshelf in the distance, hiding his figure.

  Li He walked towards the oak desk not far away, shook the thick parchment in his hand, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

  Senior Sean, my attitude towards him has changed a lot during this period.

  To be precise, there has been a complete 180-degree change from the "ignorant" attitude at the beginning.

   There were a lot of things going on over the weekend, so the update is a bit late, sorry.

    I’ll update one chapter first, and I’m currently working on the second chapter...

    See you soon.

  (End of chapter)

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