Chapter 10 Where is your daughter?

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  Chapter 10 Where is your daughter?

  In Baron Murphy's view, the wizard who came out of Blackstone Castle was definitely not a kind person, even if he was very young.

  Maybe the younger you are, the more vicious you are.

  Furthermore, wizards are good at change. The Li He in front of him looked only fourteen or fifteen years old, but he might be a guy in his forties or fifties.

  "What answer do you want?" Baron Murphy asked Li He with a frown without letting down his guard.

  Li He took a step forward, took Wei'er and Feier, walked to the chair next to him, sat down directly, looked at Baron Murphy and said: "The answer I want is very simple, that is, I want to confirm whether it is the Blood Countess. What you did makes you attack Blackstone Castle?"

  "Huh?" Baron Murphy was stunned for a moment, and the next moment he couldn't help but sneer, "Ha, how is that possible?

  The Countess of Blood is not a powerful witch of your Blackstone Castle. Well, I sent people to Blackstone Castle just to eliminate her and everything related to her. How could it be possible that she asked me to do it? She is not stupid, and I am not stupid either." After hearing this, Fei'er

  and Wei'er showed an expression of "Sure enough".

  Li He said that all this was led by the Blood Countess. The two of them were full of surprise and confusion. Now after hearing Baron Murphy's words, they suddenly felt that they should have nothing to do with the Countess.

  As for why the countess disappeared and why she didn't show up after being attacked at Blackstone Castle, maybe it was because she was angry with Li He and took Fiona and others on a long trip... Wei'er and Fei'er made guesses in their minds.

  Li He disagreed with this. After hearing Baron Murphy's words, he did not refute. He nodded lightly and said, "Okay, let me ask another question." "Mr. Murphy."

  Li He asked seriously, "Why did you attack Black Stone?" Castle?"

  "Why not attack?" Baron Murphy asked, and replied confidently, "Blackstone Castle has enslaved the people around me for so many years. I have had enough, and I have long wanted to flatten Blackstone Castle." "Really? But

  , Every time Blackstone Castle collects taxes and materials, why are you the most active in handing them over?" "

  That's just to cover up my true inner thoughts." "

  Okay. Then let me ask you, you have always wanted to flatten Blackstone Castle, why do you tolerate it? Why didn't you do it until now?"

  "That's not because I haven't gotten the God's Stone of Punishment. Without the God's Stone of Punishment, mortals can't fight against wizards at all. They are just a bunch of lambs waiting to be slaughtered!" "So, as soon as you get the God's Punishment Stone

  , I couldn't wait to launch the attack, right?"

  "Yes, I can't wait any longer." As he spoke, Baron Murphy's eyes began to turn slightly red, looking a little excited.

  "Then..." Li He squinted at Baron Murphy and asked, "How did you get the God's Punishment Stone? Logically speaking, such a precious thing would never appear in a remote place, right? Even if it is Wang There aren't many talents in Durunsa."

  "That's all thanks to my beautiful daughter!" Baron Murphy couldn't help showing a look of satisfaction on his face, "She married a noble from the royal capital, and in exchange for such a An extremely precious God's Punishment Stone."

  "Speaking of which, even if you kill me, it doesn't matter." Baron Murphy's words were a little more forceful, and he glared at Li He and said, "The nobleman my daughter married is extremely powerful. , if you kill me, she will definitely find a way to avenge me!"

  Li He didn't feel angry at all about this, he just nodded lightly and said with some clarity: "So that's it, I understand." "

  But, I still There is only one last question left."


  "When did you, Baron Murphy, Murphy Pensco Audi, have a daughter?" "

  Ah?! Of course I am..." Baron Murphy said first For a moment, he was about to answer something funny, but as soon as he said the words, his expression suddenly stiffened.

  His tongue seemed to be curled up and his words became hesitant.

  Eyes rolling, thinking hard, trying to find memories in the brain.

  There is nothing in the memory.

  He found that his daughter's memory was completely blank.

  Baron Murphy's breathing began to become rapid, the muscles on his face twitched, his eyes widened, and his hands gradually became helpless.

  "I was once in charge of the collection of the castle and got to know you as an 'activist'. As far as I know, you don't have a daughter at all." Li He stared at Baron Murphy's panicked eyes and asked continuously, "If you really Yes, then I want to ask..."

  "What is your daughter's name?"

  "How old is she this year?"

  "Which woman did you have your child with?"

  "What colors does she like, what clothes does she like to wear, and what does she like to do? ?"

  "When did she get married? When did she give you the God's Stone of Punishment? What was the last thing she said to you? Answer me!"

  Baron Murphy felt as if there were muffled thunders exploding above his head, deafening, and his brain It was such a mess that I could barely stand.

  Faced with Li He's question, he couldn't answer it at all.

  He suddenly realized that he really didn't seem to have a daughter, never had one.

  But... not long ago, he thought that some things were so real and so certain.

  what happened?

  He felt his heart being pinched by a hand, his whole body couldn't help but tremble, and his whole body couldn't help but feel fear.

  Tears flowed out uncontrollably, and his face became moist. When he stretched out his hand to wipe it, he found that the color was blood red - he was crying blood tears.

  Dark red blood flowed continuously from Baron Murphy's eyes, and soon half of his body was stained red.

  Li He watched the changes in Baron Murphy and stood up slowly. Weier grabbed Li He's arm with some fear.

  Fei'er looked curious, a little eager to step forward and find out what happened to Baron Murphy.

  But before she could step forward, Baron Murphy let out a "wow" sound, knelt down with his upper body on the ground, put his hands on the ground, and started vomiting crazily.

  Thick yellow-green liquid was vomited out in large balls, and the sticky threads fell to the ground.

  It looked like the light green liquid contained many squirming black particles the size of rice grains. I don't know if they were bugs or something else.

  "Wow - wow -"

  Baron Murphy vomited continuously.

  After a few minutes, it looked like he was about to spit out his internal organs, and then he slowly stopped.

  Li He still watched calmly, and Weier looked slightly strange. She didn't know why Baron Murphy suddenly acted like this.

  Faile looked at the vomit on the ground in front of Baron Murphy and couldn't help frowning in disgust: "Did this fat man have a bad stomach? It's so disgusting." "Ha-ha-

  " Baron Murphy knelt down On the ground, his head was lowered, saliva was still dripping from the corner of his mouth, and a hoarse voice came from deep in his throat. He ignored Fei'er and said to Li He, "My daughter... Okay... I remembered..."

  "It is true that I have no daughter."

  "I have never had a daughter."

  "In fact, I have no children."

  "Because twenty years ago, I was seriously injured on the battlefield." "

  Therefore, every time Blackstone Castle collects taxes and items, I actively hand over them, just to please you. I hope one day I can Use wizard's methods to get me an heir."

  "In a sense, I seem to have succeeded. At least just now, I really felt that I had a beautiful daughter, exposed this illusion. "

  You are very powerful. Even I didn't know that I didn't have a daughter just now, but you did." "

  But don't you think you know too much? This is not good, very bad..."

  "You must think you know everything." It's okay, but... you know, will you die today?"

  Baron Murphy suddenly raised his head, revealing a terrifying face.

   One more chapter added, thank you for your support!

    The other two chapters, one at 11 o'clock and the other at 6 p.m., will be updated normally.

    So, three updates today.

    I hope everyone will continue to support me, and the author Junsun Twenty-san will have greater motivation to code.

  (End of chapter)

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