Chapter 4 Countess’ Denial

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  Chapter 4 Countess’ Denial
  Blackstone Castle, main castle, hall.

  Because of the unique architectural style of the Middle World, the windows were opened very small and only a faint amount of sunlight came in, making the hall look very gloomy and depressing.

  Coupled with the scarlet interior, dark red carpet, and numerous oxidized and darkened silverware, people can't help but feel stuffy.

  Li He felt a little depressed at this time, but it was not because of the environment at all.

  He squinted at the eldest sister Fiona in front of him, paying attention to every detail of the other person's body, paying attention to the other person's micro-expressions, trying to judge whether the other person was lying.

  From a normal person's perspective, Fiona is an amazing girl.

  At the age of nineteen, he is over 1.7 meters tall, which is taller than most adult men in the world. She has an excellent figure, long and straight legs, snow-white skin, and a cold temperament, making her a frost beauty.

  At this time, the other party stood quietly in front of Li He, with a pair of calm gray eyes, and it was completely impossible to tell that he was faking.

  "I know that what you are applying for should be very useful, and you also attach great importance to your stone house." Fiona opened her mouth and continued to Li He, "But this is what the count wants, so you must carry it out unconditionally. . I'm sorry about this, Li He."

  "I want to know why this is." Li He asked, his tone was very calm, but he was thinking quickly in his heart.

  After he woke up from a "coma" half a year ago, his behavior was completely different from before. The countess didn't express anything about this, which was obviously abnormal. Maybe, it's not that he didn't express it, but he just wanted to observe what he was going to do.

  After observing for half a year, I felt I understood enough before making a decision. Could this be the case?

  Li He was thinking, and Fiona spoke up: "Do you want to know why... I really can't answer you. The count only asked me to tell you that what you are doing is just for fun and has no meaning. It is better to return to normal. She also said that if you really have an opinion, you can raise it with her during dinner, but I personally don't recommend doing this." "

  Okay, I have something to do, so I'll leave first." Fiona said softly. He nodded as a farewell and turned to leave.

  "..." Li He looked at Ofina's back, blinked his eyes, and said to himself: "Dinner, okay..." It

  was obviously impossible for him to give up research, even if Fiona I don't recommend it, he has to find a way to solve it.

  Moreover, he wanted to know why the count made such a decision for him, and why he thought that what he did was just a joke and had no meaning.

  Is it arbitrary, or is there a special reason?

  Thinking about it, Li He stepped to the side and left the hall.


  In a blink of an eye, night falls.

  In the dining room of Blackstone Castle, dinner is almost ready.

  This is a rather large room, twelve meters long and eight meters wide, so large that it feels a little empty. There is a scarlet carpet on the floor, old oil paintings hanging on the walls, and a faint smell of moss floating in the air that cannot be dissipated - this is almost the signature smell of the castle.

  Thirty-six darkened silver candlesticks were placed in an orderly manner on the corners, windowsills and tables. The candles were lit, and the flickering dim yellow candlelight dispersed the darkness and illuminated the table covered with black tablecloth.

  The dining table is more than five meters long and is placed in the center of the room. More than ten green high-back chairs are placed around the dining table.

  On the left side, sitting are Li He, fifth sister Hill, sixth sister Fei'er and seventh sister Wei'er.

  On the right side, the eldest sister Fiona, the second sister Lunasi, and the third sister Monasha sit.

  At one end of the dining table, at the main seat, the owner of Blackstone Castle—Countess Blood—Elizabeth Gray was sitting.

  She looked to be in her thirties, with extremely fair skin, even a little pale, with almost no blood visible. In sharp contrast, her extremely bright red lips made one couldn't help but suspect that blood would seep out at the next moment.

  At this time, the countess was wearing a dark blue dress, sitting quietly in her seat, closing her eyes and concentrating.

  After a long time, he opened his eyes.

  Amber eyes glanced at everyone in the restaurant without any emotion, and said coldly: "Let's have dinner." "Yes."


  maid standing by the wall responded, and quickly got to work, putting the prepared dishes in the water. Serve it on the table.

  The food is rich and even a bit luxurious.

  Mushrooms from the limestone mountains, silver shrimp from the Emerald Lake, tender reeds from the blackwater swamp, lamb meat from the dry grasslands, applesauce from Rensa... The table was quickly filled with steaming dishes.

  Many foods are not produced locally but are transported from distant places. The transportation cost is several times more than the food itself.

  This may be acceptable, but what is even more special is the bowl of soup placed in front of everyone at the end.

  "Remember to drink soup." The Countess specifically reminded her.

  After hearing this, Li He looked down at the soup in front of him and found that it was a bowl of fish soup.

  It looks ordinary, but the fish inside is very strange. It is only the size of a thumb, its body is light green, its head is drooping, and it floats quietly in the milky white soup. Turn the fish over with a spoon, and a horrifying scene appears. A human face appears on the fish's head.

  The face of a woman, probably in her twenties, was full of resentment, and her eyes were full of extreme hatred.

  Li Hyuk raised his eyebrows slightly.

  This is obviously not an ordinary fish, it should be a kind of demonized creature. The countess has had other demonized creatures cooked before, such as a snake with two heads and a frog with one eye, but they are not as scary as this time.

  Next to them, Wei'er, Fei'er and others discovered the ferocious human face on the fish's head one after another. They were all a little frightened. A timid person like Wei'er even screamed out in surprise.

  "It's a human being!"

  The count raised his eyelids slightly, without seeing any emotional fluctuations, and explained calmly: "The fish in your bowl is the ecstasy fish, which comes from a very far away place. According to legend, it is a woman who was deceived in her feelings and died after jumping into the lake. , formed by ghosts possessing ordinary fish.

  Of course, the legend is just a legend and has no authenticity. This fish looks a bit scary, but it is still very good for your body. It can slightly increase your strength and endurance. Eat Drop it."

  After hearing the earl's words, everyone was frightened and had the courage to eat it.

  Li He scooped up the ecstasy fish with a spoon, put it into his mouth and bit it gently, biting off half of it. Noticed that there was a faint light blue liquid flowing out from the fracture.

  Is fish blood blue? The thought flashed through his mind.

  Generally speaking, biological blood is mostly red because the blood contains hemoglobin that transports oxygen. Hemoglobin contains iron ions, which when combined with oxygen, form bright red oxyhemoglobin, giving blood its bright red color.

  But it is different if the blood contains hemocyanin instead of hemoglobin. Hemocyanin does not contain iron ions, but contains copper atoms. When two copper atoms (Cu) are combined with an oxygen molecule (O2), an oxidized copper ion (Cu2+) is formed, resulting in a blue color.

  The oxygen-carrying effect of hemocyanin will be significantly reduced under high-temperature conditions. It is generally only suitable for low-temperature oxygen-carrying organisms. Therefore, it is mostly found in cold and low-oxygen molluscs, and is really rare in fish.

  So, this ecstasy fish contains hemocyanin? Or is it another blue substance? Is it this substance that causes the fish's head to mutate and take on the face of a spiteful woman?

  Li He thought about it, and without much hesitation, he put the other half of the fish into his mouth and swallowed it together.

  The taste of the ecstasy fish is slightly cool, and as it enters the stomach, one can clearly feel like a piece of ice sliding in, and the whole person can't help but tremble.

  After that, a salty and wet taste similar to seaweed came up, filling the entire mouth, getting stronger and stronger.

  The process lasted for about two or three seconds. Just when it was almost unbearable, a woman's scream sounded in his head. The sound was so loud that it almost pierced the eardrum and shook the whole body.

  Then the sound faded and the salty smell dissipated.

  A stream of heat surged from the lower abdomen and quickly spread throughout the body, making the whole person feel warm and comfortable. At the same time, the body felt a little bit stronger.

  The wonderful ecstasy fish... Li Hyuk thought to himself.

  At this moment, the earl suddenly spoke and asked.

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  (End of chapter)

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