Chapter 7 7Subway’s customs clearance trick

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  Chapter 7 7. Subway's customs clearance trick
  "I will obey your will, Your Majesty!" Subway, half-kneeling in front of the king, lowered his head and said.

  Subway turned his head to the warrior Russell next to him and whispered:
  "Hehehe, the king didn't say how big the bag is. I will just take a small bag like a nail bag, steal a gold coin and run away." "Oh, that's right

  . Two warriors, the bag has been prepared for you, just fill this bag with gold coins."

  After that, the king took out a giant sack that could hold one person from nowhere.

  Subway's expression suddenly turned into an abstract oil painting.

  The two warriors, Russell and Subway, rode their horses and traveled day and night to the east of the kingdom and arrived in front of the dragon's lair.

  The dragon's lair is a spacious cave.

  No, it cannot be said to be a cave, it is completely a hollow hill.

  The nest has a huge cave door that is more than 50 meters high. Looking from the outside, it is extremely wide inside, hundreds of meters wide and hundreds of meters deep. The ground was covered with gold, piled up like mountains, and several hills of gold coins were piled up over 20 meters high.

  The bright red dragon was sleeping on one of the hills made of gold coins, snoring.

  "Wow, so much gold!"

  Subway sighed as he approached the entrance of the cave.

  Before Subway could reach the entrance of the cave, the giant dragon woke up from his dream and rushed to the door of the cave with a roar. The terrifying power of the dragon struck, and a huge sense of oppression pressed on his heart like a mountain.

  The dragon roared and rushed towards the two people:

  "No one can take away my treasure! Private dragon wealth is sacred and inviolable!"

  The two people drew their weapons and tried to fight against the dragon.

  However, their strength is still far behind compared to the dragon.

  Russell doesn't know any combat spells yet, and Subway only knows a few small daily life spells used by charlatans. After a few exchanges between the two sides, they retreated.

  At the same time, the progress of all candidates was relatively similar. They basically lost in head-on collisions. They found that head-on confrontation was no match for the dragon, so they turned to other methods.

  "The progress of the exam is still in line with expectations. After that, candidates need to use their brains."

  In the office, a man wearing a brown leather jacket commented as he looked at the dream scenes on the crystal screen.


  Bai, who had a conflict with Subway before, also found in the dream that the dragon was too powerful to confront head-on.

  Although in the dream, he had forgotten his identity as a candidate, he still retained important intellectual memories. His brother relied on his position in the academy to find out the possible content of the exam in advance, explained the questions to him, and told him some feasible skills to pass the exam.

  This knowledge is very vague in dreams, but once it encounters obstacles, there is a chance to be awakened!
  "Yes, I remembered. I seem to know the way to clear the level. We don't need to defeat the dragon to win." Bai turned to his teammate and gave an order: "
  Nanami, go and attract the dragon's attention. Lead him out of the lair, and I'll steal a bag of gold coins and leave."

  Bai's current partner is a short-haired girl named Nanami who he found temporarily.

  Nanami knew that Shiro's brother Arctic Wolf was the leader of the "White Wolf Club", a large gang in the academy, and she instinctively followed Shiro's advice even in her dreams.

  Nanami obeyed the order and tried to lure the dragon out of the lair, while Shiro took the opportunity to walk into the lair and quickly put the gold coins in his bag.


  "Not bad, some smart candidates have found a way to pass the test." The man in the brown leather jacket smiled.

  What Bai used just now is the standard pass plan for exam preparation.

  Of course, whether the implementation can be successful will also need to test the candidates' adaptability.

  Black Amber nervously cast his gaze on the crystal screen, representing the dream space of Subway and Russell, wanting to see if the two of them had also found the trick to clear the level.

  "Russell, I seem to know how to clear the level. We don't need to defeat the dragon to win." Subway slapped his forehead and inspiration burst out.

  Black Amber let out a long sigh of relief, confirming that the two of them had found the skills to clear the level, and felt relieved.

  Subway expressed his thoughts:
  "We are just here to get the gold. There is no need to steal or rob. Since the dragon can talk, we can trade with it." After saying that, Subway went to the entrance of the lair again and

  shouted Said:

  "Great, powerful, and beautiful dragon. We are not bandits. The conflict just now was a misunderstanding." "

  I will give you my armor, weapons, and horses. Can I exchange it with you for some gold." "

  The dragon's huge body moved out of the cave, hesitated for a moment, and nodded:

  "As a noble dragon, I will give you a fair valuation of the items on your body.

  "However, humans, you must remember that you are the one asking me to trade now. It is a seller's market. I won't put too high a price on the items you have. "

   Starting from today, there will be two shorter chapters,
    usually at 9:01 am and 5:01 pm.

    Today I want to explain the situation, so post it earlier

  (end of this chapter)

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