238. Chapter 238 The Hand that Controls the Witch Club

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  Chapter 238
  Nero, the one who controls the witch club, made no sound, but the surprise in his eyes could not be concealed.

  What surprised him even more was that Ricardo, who had seemed inconspicuous before, instantly erupted into a force field that completely suppressed Melody, and brought up Melody, who was facing him tit for tat.

  He always thought that he should have few rivals among the students in Honeysel.

  In the new generation of wizards, they should be invincible.

  So that day in the grand banquet hall, I completely ignored the students in the audience as if they were nothing.

  But the Ricardo in front of him was obviously involved in the big banquet that day.

  Ricardo should have been on the field at that time...

  He was also a freshman, but Ricardo was able to instantly find the weakness and subdue his senior sister who could not suppress him...

  Nero felt a burning feeling of being slapped in the face at the moment...

  He was at the banquet at the time The speech above seems a bit ridiculous.

  It is true that he found no opponent in the entire spring festival in the big library, but that doesn't mean there weren't any students participating in the big banquet that day...

  After all, real geniuses may take unusual paths.

  Professor Macquarie on the side was also surprised.

  As a professor at Honeysel Wizard University, his strength is not the eighth level of other top wizard university professors, but the ninth level.

  According to the standards of the wizarding world that Ricardo was familiar with, he was a second-level wizard.

  When he had just exploded with the second-level personality superimposed on the vampire baron status, the opponent was actually able to prevent his force field from advancing even an inch?
  Professor McGree's eyes were full of disbelief at this time, and he looked at Professor Dempsey.

  Professor Dempsey's originally calm face was slightly stiff at this time.

  It seems that Ricardo's performance exceeded his expectations.

  Of the six participants in the Blood Tomb Ceremony this time, I didn’t expect that the most powerful one was not the owner of the Purple Flower Card, nor Nero, who was considered to be Caesar’s old enemy, nor the vampire Lord Meletti, who was the senior senior student. , but a man brought over by three members of the Witch Club.

  "Evil Realm...Redeemer?"

  Meredy, who collapsed on the ground, also looked at Ricardo in surprise.

  After she became a member of the Bad Realm chain, in order to escape the fate of being caught in the Bad Realm all the time, she and her relatives and friends around her also thought of countless ways to solve and reduce the threat of the Bad Realm.

  In this process, she naturally understood the meaning of the redeemer of evil situations.

  The Evil Situation Redeemer can take other participants of the Evil Situation away with him when he escapes from the Evil Situation in any way.

  To become a redeemer from an evil environment, you must meet three conditions: purify the evil environment, obtain the relevant redemption power, and add a little probability and luck.

  If the first two are more difficult, but there is still hope for talented people to obtain them, then the last one is elusive.

  Meredy's grandfather, Macquarie, helped her get in touch with many Badlands Chain Organizations.

  But in the end, it was discovered that there are very few redeemers in a bad situation.

  Those few people are all unfathomable figures in the mysterious world, and the dragons never see their beginnings or tails.

  It is said that one of them judged that he could become the savior of the evil situation because they had special fragments of law in their bodies.

  As for how special it was, these people never left a word.

  Professor McGree really wanted to get long-term support from a savior from the bad world for his granddaughter Melody, but there was no way.

  At this time Professor Dempsey coughed.

  "Macquarie, I'm watching the six people attending the Blood Tomb Ceremony have arrived. Since everyone is normal, I won't say much more." "

  On the day of the ceremony, everyone took their seats outside the Star Observation Tower in advance." "

  The Secret Room of the Star Observation Tower Although it can be opened every year, the Blood Tomb Ceremony is extremely rare. In recent years, there has only been Caesar's one. Please seize the opportunity. Any breakthrough or promotion in the secret room of the Star Observation Tower will be relatively smooth." "

  If With the help of the Blood Grave Ceremony, promotion will also give you the opportunity to obtain law fragments related to the inheritance of the founding principal of Honeysell, which is extremely precious..."

  After Principal Dempsey finished speaking, he asked Professor McGregor to continue to arrange follow-up arrangements for everyone. Then he disappeared from the office.

  The room fell into a brief silence.

  When Meredy fell to the ground, her scarlet eyes and black mist had faded.

  And Ricardo also put away the black mist all over his body.

  The scarlet aura in his eyes also faded, but when he glanced at Meredy on the ground, he was still indifferent.


  Professor Macquarie already knew Ricardo's name. He looked at Ricardo in front of him with a bit of embarrassment on his face.

  However, the Redeemer of Evil is the power he has been fighting for in the past for Melody.

  At this moment, there happens to be a redeemer from evil in front of him.

  "Professor Macquarie, is there anything else that needs to be arranged and notified in advance on the day of the Star Observation Tower ceremony?"

  Ricardo asked.

  His words also made Macquarie understand that Ricardo has a core position among the four people in the Witch Club.

  "You...wait a moment."

  Professor McGree first helped Melody to the sofa nearby.

  Then he considered it.

  At the moment, because of the conflict just now, his relationship with the small group in front of him is very delicate. Now the Redeemer of Evil must fight for his granddaughter, and he must also maintain his face as the dean and professor.

  He looked at the faces of Ricardo and Nono, the core leaders of the Witch Club.

  The faces of East Asians...

  Granger, Nono and James Bone have been called the three stars of hope for salvation in the mysterious world.

  He naturally knew about Nono's information.

  He knew that the other party was the apprentice of Dong Boying, the leader of the North American Chinese gang, and he knew that Nono was from Yi country.

  And Ricardo, who was next to Nono, seemed to be related to Yi Guo.


  Professor Macquarie thought of his research group on 'The Evil Realm of the Blood Tribe', which happened to have a Chinese researcher from the Yi Kingdom.

  The other party's name seems to be 'Qiu Tang'?
  A boy wearing black-rimmed glasses.

  He summoned the owl again, asking the owl to call people, and asking the owl to deliver some information in advance.

  "Wait a moment, my assistant 'Qiu' will be here soon. He will serve everyone well in the next time and provide support to everyone after school starts." Professor Macquarie asked everyone to wait for a while


  More than a quarter of an hour later.

  Ricardo looked outside the door and hurried in. A Chinese wizard wearing a white coat and black-rimmed glasses.

  The other person's face and temperament are very similar to the engineering man with black-rimmed glasses and a crew cut from Yiguo University.

  Professor Macquarie took the other party to the door and explained some things first, and then walked in and introduced the other party as Dr. Qiu Tang. "Hello, I am Tang Qiu. I am a wizard researcher in Professor McGregor's research group. You can call me Qiu, or Dr. Tang, or Tang Bo."

  Dr. Tang first greeted Ricardo and Nono in Chinese, and then Then introduce yourself in English.

  "Do you have any mobile phones from the mortal world? If not, I recently got a batch of special crystal balls from the crystal ball project team next door, which can do the same thing as mobile phones in the mortal world..." "Recent chats on mobile phones in the mortal

  world The software has developed a function to create chat groups, which I think is very good. If you use magic to achieve this effect, it will consume a lot of resources. If you don't mind, we can use a mobile phone or a special crystal ball to add communication friends. "

  Then... let's... set up a chat group?"

  Dr. Tang said to Ricardo and Nono in a familiar manner.

  He has also seen that these two people are the two core members of the Witch Club.

  "Create a chat group?"

  Ricardo was a little surprised, how could his painting style change so quickly.

  "Well...Professor Macquarie asked me to serve as an exclusive teaching assistant for a group of ordinary freshmen after the semester starts in September this year. The main purpose is to provide support for you. I think the ordinary freshmen should all have mobile phones now. I was also from Yiguo. , so I want to try something new. Nowadays, ordinary technology is changing very fast..." "

  Students from ordinary people, especially those from ethnic minorities, will definitely feel lonely here. If we can form a group, we can have mutual understanding in the future. Take care of me."

  Tang Qiu scratched his head.


  Ricardo looked at Nono as if he didn't quite understand the meaning of group building in the chat software, but he had experience in his previous life, so he naturally accepted it quickly.

  "What kind of chat software? It should be very troublesome to set up a group now."

  Ricardo agreed on behalf of the witch club members.

  In fact, he didn't know much about the specific situation of the Witch Club or what it was doing.

  Now that he has wealth and loyalty, he can control more power. Under this condition, he is not actually the nominal leader of the Witch Club.

  Maybe something can be done this way.

  "No trouble. If you don't have a mobile phone, I brought a few special crystal balls that can be used temporarily."

  Tang Qiu took something out of his pocket as he spoke.

  The three-color screen mobile phone used by Ricardo before.

  At this time, the modern world was still in an era where mobile phones with three-color screens had just appeared for a year or two.

  However, chat software has developed somewhat maturely in computer clients.

  Basic chat group functions can already be done on mobile phones, but they are not so smart.

  Ricardo took out his three-color screen button cell phone.

  Then, he and Tang Qiu formed a group together.

  Members of the Witch Club soon joined in.

  At the same time, Ricardo also created an additional chat group, acted as the group leader, and invited additional members of the Witch Club into the group.

  "Hello, Dr. Tang."

  Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene had changed a lot due to the arrival of Dr. Tang, Meredy, who fell to the ground, struggled with herself for a few minutes about the Redeemer of the Evil Realm. Professor Macquarie, grandfather, looked at each other and stood up.

  She leaned forward and bowed to Ricardo.

  "And Mr. Li, I'm sorry for my recklessness just now. If I knew your identity, I would give you the greatest respect as soon as possible." She then

  said to Dr. Tang, "Can you let me join this group? , I have experienced many evil situations and dealt with many ordinary people who have been involved in evil situations, so I have some understanding of things in ordinary society. I also have my own mobile phone and some ordinary friends." Dr. Tang looked at his boss

  Mai Professor Gerry glanced at him.

  Professor Macquarie turned his head and looked in the direction of Ricardo meaningfully.

  Dr. Tang was a little surprised, and then looked towards Ricardo.

  Ricardo, on his part, was expressionless.

  He just spoke slowly:
  "Tang Bo, your proposal to establish a group is very good. I think that as a blood baron and Miss Melody, who is also a blood lord, we will use this social model to bring many Honeysells from Mortal students, as well as descendants of wizards who are willing to understand secular technology, will know more about the vampires."

  At this time, Ricardo also took advantage of this moment to judge Dr. Tang's strength.

  Dr. Tang's strength is probably between a top wizard apprentice and a quasi-wizard, relatively close to a quasi-wizard.

  The wizards in the modern world that Ricardo has seen recently are relatively elite. In fact, a wizard like Dr. Tang who graduated from a top university and joined Professor Macquarie's research group is already quite outstanding if he can reach this level of strength.

  "I hope you can continue the chat group model well. As a blood baron, I can be the nominal leader of your activity... If any wizard descendants in Honeysel dare to have objections to this organization of mortal students, they can be allowed to Come to me."

  Ricardo's words emphasized his status as a blood baron.

  Although he only breathed to the blood baron level, and he could disguise himself with the help of the hell lord status.

  But being able to maintain the force field under the suppression of the ninth-level Professor McGregor, his strength has been proven to a certain extent.

  Dr. Tang just walked into the office and did not see the scene just now.

  Ricardo emphasized to prevent the other party from mistakenly thinking that he was just a new student.

  Meredy's wizard level is only a quasi-wizard, and she has not yet taken the water of Yasu. It is just because her vampire level reaches the Lord level, so she can be equivalent to a seventh-level wizard scholar.

  The blood baron corresponds to the eighth-level wizard in the modern world.

  Blood Baron?
  Dr. Tang's eyes widened when he heard that Ricardo claimed that he was an eighth-level vampire baron.

  Are the freshmen so fierce now... Do they all have eighth-level students... You know, eighth-level students can serve as professors at Hogwart University next door... I heard that Hogwart is recruiting Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers for the next semester. Professor, maybe this new student is qualified...

  Dr. Tang complained inwardly.

  He turned his head and looked into the eyes of McGree and Melody, neither of whom made any rebuttal.

  Obviously it is acquiescence to the fact.

  Dr. Tang was shocked again.

  "Okay, I hope to get your support in Honeysel!"

  Tang Bo originally just mentioned the matter in the chat group casually, but he didn't expect that the eighth-level boss in front of him would take it so seriously. At this time, he could only continue to push forward. .

  He didn't know what this eighth-level boss was up to.

  Maybe Guangguang is trying to win over the interests of students with mortal backgrounds in the Hornisel Castle Group? Against the descendants of pure-blood wizards?

  Anyway, since this big boss is willing to serve as the figurehead, let him be.

  Just blame this guy for everything.

  that's all.

  In the group that Dr. Tang first created, Melody also joined.

  Dr. Tang thought that this event might involve the risk of disputes between mortal students and descendants of pure-blood wizards in the future. After some thought, he transferred the group leader's identity to Ricardo, and then asked Ricardo to set himself as the administrator.

  (End of chapter)

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