Chapter 1172 Spellcaster Election

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  Chapter 1172 Spellcaster Election
  Follow the slave merchant to the second floor, and then wait.

  Although the city is quite different from what Ronald has seen before, in terms of specific operations, [Giorno] Slave Market is no different from ordinary commercial institutions.

  Sitting in a specially separated VIP room and sending away the self-promoting service staff, Ronald simply moved the plate with fruit in front of him, as if he didn't want to talk to anyone.

  But Patricia behaved quite naturally.

  Not only did she not care about the other party's initial coveting of her, she even took the initiative to talk to the slave merchant and inquire about the nearest residents in [Giorno] city.

  Just like what I knew from the previous conversation.

  Due to the strong guidance policy carried out by the cult warlocks in [Luni Kingdom], the atmosphere of chasing mysterious magic in the city is so intense that it is unimaginable. Even most of the cult warlock's spells look very wrong.

  But for ordinary people, they do not have full understanding and understanding of the mysterious side. Even if there are activities from other schools, it is impossible to compete with the cult magicians who rule the country.

  So now in [Giorno] City, most of the spellcasters you can meet are following the evil path of 'short learning and quick results'.

  It has become the dominant cult spell system, and the chasing atmosphere is so intense that it can be seen at a glance.

  Under the interference of many factors, [Giorno] seems to be able to maintain order, but if he is on the dark side, he will immediately realize the danger of this city.

  As the person who stated this point, Crouber, a slave trader, obviously had a very clear understanding of this phenomenon. Even when describing the situation to Ronald and Patricia, he could start from his own experience and directly give examples from what he saw with his own eyes.

  In this way, Patricia was inquiring about information from the slave traders, and Ronald was lying on the chair counting fruits as if he was almost paralyzed, while also paying attention to the situation below.

  This is a relatively typical auction site.

  There is a stage below for displaying goods, surrounded by seats for bidders arranged in a fan shape. On the walls around the entire auction house, there are VIP boxes like the one where Ronald is.

  Especially when observing some details, Ronald could still recognize the architectural style here, which has a strong [Greid] style.

  Even in such a remote and backward place.

  [Grader], as the world's leading country, is still exerting its influence in this way.


  Probably due to local customs and habits, the citizens of [Giorno] are very enthusiastic about slave trading, even though the curfew is in effect tonight, and this is a high-end slave trading area.

  But after almost half an hour passed, nearly one-third of the seats below were occupied.

  At this moment, Ronald suddenly looked at the slave merchant aside:

  "There should be some special events in the city in the past few days, right?"

  "Didn't you just come to [Giorno]?" The slave merchant looked a little surprised. , but he did not go into details, but responded quickly, "Recently, there is indeed a relatively special event. This is a big event that everyone knows, so I won't hide it." He cleared his throat slightly

  . , the slave merchant continued:
  "A week ago, Mr. Pablo decided to establish the House of Lords and the House of Commons in [Giorno] City at the beginning of next month. The members of the House of Lords will be decided within their school. We will maintain the management of the country as always in the future."

  Ronald immediately understood the meaning of the slave merchant's words:
  "Since the House of Lords is in charge of their people, the newly established House of Commons should be different. Are you right?"

  "You guessed it right." The slave trader still offered a compliment first, "The House of Commons is different from the House of Lords. This is an institution that selects powerful magicians from among the people and then participates in the management of the country." "

  Although It is definitely not as powerful as the House of Lords, but Mr. Paprol clearly pointed out some government functions that will be divided. So for ordinary people in the city, this is definitely a precious opportunity to rise to the top." Regarding this statement,

  Patrice Ya frowned, not even believing this:

  "Isn't this too much? How can someone who has never been exposed to government affairs do a good job in managing the country?" "

  Baptrol was just the leader of the school before. , rather than professional politicians." Ronald expressed his views on the matter directly, "And not to mention the real special functions such as diplomacy and military affairs - in terms of managing city work, they are actually not much different from businessmen. The difference between the two sides is only the allocation of funds to make money and the distribution of taxes. In addition, the government personnel working at the bottom have not changed, so as long as they work honestly, their working ability will definitely meet the minimum requirement." The slave merchant was very happy

  . Seeing Ronald speaking, he did not dare to say anything like this:

  "Sir, let's not talk about this anymore." "

  In short, this House of Commons is a government agency for ordinary people, and you have to join it to become an upper-class person. , everyone has a chance."

  Ronald didn't even need to guess, he sneered and expressed his opinion confidently:

  "But according to the situation in [Giorno] city, this so-called opportunity should also depend on the situation. Personal magic ability?"

  The slave merchant's expression was subtle and complicated.

  If he hadn't clearly known that Ronald had just entered the city this afternoon, he might have misunderstood that the other person was here to entertain him. Being able to quickly deduce this information just by relying on these conversations is definitely not a reaction that ordinary people would have.

  The slave merchant continued:
  "Sir, you are absolutely right. Joining the House of Commons does depend on your ability to cast spells." "

  In fact - if you are the most powerful holder of the original code in the legend, then as long as you By joining the [Looney Kingdom], you will be exempt from all conditions and immediately become the chief member of the House of Commons." "...


  At this moment, Ronald was thinking of those [Enterrod] agents.

  Hidden in the [Looney Kingdom], their source of information must be no worse than the slave merchant in front of them, so they must also know this information.

  So is it possible that

  these special people who have lost their support just want to use the value of the original scriptures to directly join the [Looney Kingdom] to gain a new foundation?
  While Ronald was thinking about this, there was a slight commotion below, which also attracted his attention.

  After a while, the noise disappeared.

  And a girl with a very good figure walked up to the front of the auction table and shouted to the people in the venue:

  "Dear spellcasters -" "

  Thank you very much for your willingness to patronize us as always at this special moment. Slave market!"

  "Now I announce that tonight's auction will officially begin soon!"

  (End of this chapter)

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