Chapter 16 The Disappearing Boy

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  Chapter 16 The disappeared boy

  walked into the interior of the mansion, which was completely different from the outside environment.

  A terrifying thick fog filled the mountains in the dark night, and there was still a dullness brought by the clouds in the air.

  Inside the house, it was warm and dry, and it was a completely quiet and peaceful scene.

  The boy led the way in a few steps.

  The three of them came to the living room on the first floor.

  On the left side of the room, a fire burned brightly in the fireplace.

  On the right side of the room are the steps leading upstairs, and next to it is a table attached to the wall.

  On the carpet in the center of the living room, there is a dining table covered with white napkins in advance, as well as steaming soup and bread on it. There are even some sliced ​​meats near the edge of the table.

  At first glance, the room, which is not too dark, seems to have no problems at all.

  But Ronald and Nessus looked at each other, and the meanings in their eyes were exactly the same.

  Quite a dangerous place -

  at this moment, the boy leading the way had already walked to the wall table next to the stairs on the right, and then neatly arranged the items on it: "If you

  three, you can sit down and rest first."

  "I'm here The food we have is quite sufficient. Considering that we have to face the dangers outside together next, we need to replenish our strength as soon as possible."

  After finishing his words, before Ronald and Nassus could react, Thomson, who was as frightened as a bird, shouted Get up:

  "You don't think we are fools, do you!"

  "We are still pretending at this time. How can normal people eat these things?" "


  "It's better to ask what kind of person would be in advance at this time? Prepare the food!"


  Seeing Thomson shouting out his opinion as if venting his anger.

  The air in the living room suddenly solidified, as if the warm fire could not stop the temperature from falling.

  This guy was too reckless -

  although what Thomson said was fine, the timing of his words was far from perfect.

  Directly pointing out the suspicious aspects of the other party is tantamount to directly antagonizing the relationship between the two parties.

  This is definitely the stupidest choice when surrounded by external crises.

  After a few more breaths, the boy slowly put down the teapot in his hand, and then turned around to face the three of them.

  The young face was full of confusion, and there was no trace of embarrassment in it.

  "Sir, what are you talking about?"

  "In this critical moment, only sincere cooperation can solve the problem together."

  "You have to do it!"

  Suddenly, Thomson interrupted the boy's explanation.

  The middle-aged businessman, who was temporarily out of danger, seemed to be in control of the matter at the moment. He even took a step forward and stood in front of Ronald and Nessos, protecting them behind him.

  "Hurry up and tell me your conspiracy!"

  "Otherwise I won't let you go!" "


  The desire for expression is too strong.
  The successive shocking encounters have obviously brought this middle-aged man's emotions to the edge of collapse.

  This strength, in a sense, is his subconscious protecting himself.

  Faced with this situation, Ronald and the two looked at each other quite tacitly from behind.

  Nessos shook his head slightly, the meaning in his solemn eyes clear.

  ——He doesn’t want Thomson to continue to disrupt the situation.

  Before getting the most basic information about this 'boy', he had to stop this Thomson from causing trouble.

  Ronald immediately shook his head at Nessus.

  At the same time, he also drew two arcs with his fingers, dividing the boy and the three of them into two sides.

  After all, Thomson was one of their own who escaped with them.

  Compared with this boy who can see the problem at a glance, and it is not even known whether he is a boy or not,
  after all, the words have been made clear, so let Thomson continue.

  To take a step back, this kind of provocation with a clear stance and bordering on hysteria will definitely yield some useful information.

  Nessus frowned.

  He could indeed understand what Ronald was thinking.

  However, for safety reasons, he still did not want to take risks. Thomson's state was too dangerous and things could easily become completely uncontrollable.

  Unfortunately, before he could make a decision,

  new changes had already begun in silence.

  After hearing Thomson's words, the boy looked at Thomson with a low look in his eyes, and the confusion on his face gradually solidified.

  Finally, as the corners of his mouth rose, a helpless and sarcastic smile emerged.

  "I said."

  "You guy, why are you so ignorant?"

  "Wouldn't it be nice to sit down in peace, have a delicious meal before death, and finally die without pain?" "It's really true

  . It gives me a headache, huh?"

  Just as he was about to do something, the expression on the boy's face suddenly changed, and he cast his gaze towards the roof.

  "Forget it, there's nothing you ordinary people can do anyway."

  "Just wait here to die." He

  simply sentenced the three of them to death, and the boy's figure gradually faded in the air. Finally, like a translucent ghost in a movie, he leaned back and lay down against the wall behind him, and then disappeared into the wall.

  ——In the empty living room.

  At this moment, there were only three people again.

  "Gudong -"

  Seeing the scene happening in front of him with his own eyes, Thomson's eyes widened and he swallowed a mouthful of nervous saliva.

  Pointing to the place where the boy disappeared, he asked in a trembling tone:
  "He, me..."


  "How is this possible?"

  Unlike Thomson who was in shock.

  Ronald and Nessos' reactions were straightforward.

  With clear eyesight, Nessus took two steps to the wall where the boy had just disappeared, and almost put his face on it to study it.

  What he cares about is the way the other person disappears.

  Ronald began to wander back and forth in the living room, exploring the surrounding environment while ensuring that he did not lose sight of his companions.


  few minutes later, when Thomson still couldn't explain what he saw.

  Ronald finished his exploration and sat generously on the chair in the living room.

  "Naissus, how is your research going?"

  "The situation here is not very good."

  Hearing Ronald's inquiry, Nessos stood up and came over, shaking his head regretfully:

  "The walls and floors are fine, and there is no residue left by similar hallucinogens, then The guy can disappear in front of us purely because of his own ability."

  "What about you? Did you gain anything?"


  Waving to Nessus, Ronald showed that he had just returned from the fireplace. Found matchbox.

  "One good news, one bad news."

  "The good news is that this house still has signs of habitation recently. The matches I just found in the fireplace still look new." "There are still

  traces of habitation recently." I pondered for a while. After three seconds, Nessos continued to ask, "What about the bad news?" "


  "Bad news"

  "According to what I just observed, the number of 'people' in this room is definitely not less than five. "

  Hearing this result, Nessos's frowning eyebrows became even stiffer.

  "Can you guarantee the accuracy?"

  Ronald nodded confidently:

  "The indentations left by the chair legs on the carpet, the size and use of the hangers on the porch, and the number of dishes washed can all prove it for me." "

  Basically not . Something will go wrong."

  "So what we have to face should be at least five people, including two to three little guys."

  Boom -

  suddenly, a loud noise exploded above the head.

  Ronald didn't even finish describing his findings before he paused.

  (End of chapter)

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