Chapter 692 Ground

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  Chapter 692: The ground
  explosion hits us head-on.

  The young spellcaster named Yaen stood motionless.

  His feet were so frightened that he couldn't make any movement to escape - or it was useless to escape.

  Comparison of the explosion and the speed of Yaen's full escape.

  There is a huge gap that is absolutely unbridgeable.

  In the few seconds before the orange-red flames came with gray smoke and loud noises, Yann also saw the situation in the Benniga camp.

  --Total destruction.

  No matter how good or bad the relationship was with the magician in the past.

  Still a powerful spell caster that Ya En can't reach at all.

  Facing such a disaster, there is no essential difference between them and the houses they live in. They are all destined to be destroyed in an instant.

  Are you...

  going to die...?
  At this moment, Yaentu suddenly remembered a lot of things.

  His childhood playmates, the teacher who led him into the mysterious side, his parents who said goodbye when he left his hometown, the difficulties of practicing in the Yuez forest...

  all the things he could think of in the past and things he couldn't remember came to mind.


  At this time, the explosion came nearby.

  The vegetation that formed Bennega's original camp was immediately decimated.

  Yann didn't know if it was an illusion. He felt that everything in front of him was very slow. He could even see the precursor of everything being destroyed by the severely squeezed air before the explosion.

  But then...

  just a few meters in front of Ya En, the explosion that destroyed everything suddenly made a perfect arc. The impact and high temperature seemed to have been suddenly wiped out by some mysterious thing, and it was impossible to touch this place at all.


  "Sir, this is really a powerful spell."

  "Costat, I told you not to do this anymore." There

  was a conversation between a man and a woman behind him, and Yann tried his best to turn his head and look behind him.

  over there.

  A man and a woman who had just arrived in Baniga today were having a conversation.

  There was absolutely no fear in the eyes of these two people about this terrible explosion.

  This...who is this person?
  Bang -

  With this thought in his mind, Yann fell to his knees with a plop.

  He was finally able to move again.

  Feeling the fear and shock draining his strength from his body, Yaen bent his legs and leaned sideways against the door to the side.


  On the other side, Ronald, who directly eliminated the explosion, had not finished his action.

  He blocked the initial explosion perfectly with [The End of Human Reason], but the power of completeness, which consumes a huge amount of energy, is not something that stays with him forever.

  So after blocking the most terrifying first wave of impact.

  Ronald used other spells in this last safe place, directly digging out the surface of the earth to let a few people hide underground, and then sealed the top of the head again.

  After completing these, all the work can be considered to be completely handled.

  At this time, Hull's doubtful voice sounded from the darkness:
  "Brother Ronald, why do we hide underground? Shouldn't we go to the sky?"

  Ronald answered patiently:

  "The high temperature generated by the explosion spreads into the air. Even more powerful - and for an explosion of this magnitude, the violent reaction will completely drain the surrounding oxygen, and suffocation is one of the biggest threats to death." "Only

  when the most violent explosion has passed can we easily leave. ."

  He gave a brief explanation to the curious Hull.

  Ronald's eyes turned to the man kneeling on the ground in front of him.

  The Benniga caster was close enough to them, so Ronald saved him as well.

  It's just what happened before.

  The young man was now frightened and paranoid.

  Even after being saved by Ronald, he still huddled in the corner with fear on his face.

  This is really an innocent hapless guy...

  Ronald could feel this guy's state, so he walked over and comforted him a few words:

  "Young man, don't be afraid."

  "If I am the culprit of all this, then... There is no need to save you, there is another person responsible for this attack."

  Ronald's explanation was concise and to the point.

  The sudden fluctuation of magic power before the explosion showed that the maker of the explosion was also a member of the mysterious side. The young man from Beniga in front of him was so frightened that he most likely associated Ronald with being the mastermind behind the attack.

  Sure enough, Yaen's condition improved a lot after Ronald explained.

  Although he was still kneeling in the corner, at least his condition was no longer as severe as curling up and shivering.

  Then Kostat's voice sounded in the darkness.

  Rather than caring about Ronald around him, the maid lady was still focused on what Ronald had just said to comfort Ya En:
  "Sir, you are also very young now."

  Ronald immediately replied:

  "I am not watching him being raped. I'm scared, is that why you say that? I also know that I am very young!" "


  "Sir, you are right."


  As a strong man who has the confidence to face all problems.

  Ronald and Costat began to chat casually, and the young Hel could occasionally interject some questions, but Yann shrank aside and was at a loss.

  The underground discussion continued like this for some time.

  Ronald felt that the movement above gradually calmed down, so he ended the discussion.

  "Okay, let's go up."

  "The situation on the ground seems to be okay."

  While explaining, the [Arch Angel] was activated again, and the magic power of the original spell turned into power to push away the soil, and then pushed them smoothly to the ground. Return to the ground.


  "It's really miserable..."

  Ronald, who returned to the ground and saw the surrounding situation, couldn't help but shook his head.

  All protruding objects on the ground, including houses, buildings, earth, rocks and trees, were all wiped away by the explosion. Looking from any direction, there was now an open flat land.

  Moreover, after the explosion, an orange-red substance that looked like veins appeared on the scorched ground. There was a vague aura of magic fluctuations on these shining things, which looked very much like the products left behind by the explosion.

  And if you identify it carefully.

  It can be seen that these orange-red substances contain extremely high temperatures and are also expanding and contracting rhythmically.

  Although the amplitude is very small, it seems to reveal a special vitality.

  ——This attack has a mysterious background after all.

  ——Maybe this will be a very important clue?

  Ideas surged in Ronald's mind, and he immediately wanted to study the situation of these things.

  However, at this moment, new changes interrupted his movements.

  Not far away from a few people, a piece of the ground was suddenly lifted up from below, and several men and women with bad looks walked through it.

  This seemed to be a signal.

  Beniga's casters, who had hid in time to save their lives during the previous explosion, are now emerging one after another.

  Among them, the person who Ronald has had the deepest contact with is the leader of Baniga - Orlanke.

  At this moment, the front looks angry.

  Then come to them.

  (End of chapter)

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