Chapter 799 [Abstract Value]

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  Chapter 799 [Abstract Value]


  For a moment, Ronald felt his eyes turning black.

  Is this...seriously?

  How lucky does one have to be to experience this in just a few weeks?

  First you took advantage of the great wizard in the college tower, and then you turned around and got the original copy of "Das Kapital"?

  Ronald was already thinking about it.

  If I bow my head now, will I be able to gain some credit?
  "Mr. Ronald?"

  "What's wrong?"

  Shitil was a little confused at this moment.

  She could see that Ronald's mood was fluctuating violently in front of her, but she didn't know the reason.

  "So... is it my luck that's too good, or do you know the origin of this original book?"

  Shitil did whatever came to his mind.

  While asking the question, she took out the original book from her body and displayed it directly in front of Ronald.


  "Das Kapital".

  The title of the book is clearly written on the cover, and the powerful magic is contained in it.

  Ronald looked at Shitil in front of him, and at this moment he no longer had any doubts in his mind.


  First, Ronald took a deep breath to calm down.

  Then he silently recited 'Don't deify knowledge' several times in his mind, and then he said sternly to Shitil,

  "Shitil, you are really lucky, and I do know something about this original book."

  "Ah, that's great!" After hearing Ronald's response, Shitil opened the original book and turned to the homepage. "Mr. Ronald, can you tell me about the content inside?"

  " I don't dare to explain it, I only know the surface."

  Ronald didn't dare to pretend in this regard, and he didn't immediately read the content in the original book. After first stating that his knowledge level was insufficient, he continued to confirm:
  "Stil, do you really want to share the contents of this original book with me?"

  "I think you should know its value."

  Seeing Luo In response to Nader, Shitil's expression became serious:
  "Mr. Ronald, I have been thinking about various issues myself during the past few weeks of separation. Knowledge should be shared with the right people." "..." "


  understand. Yes."

  The girl in front of him expressed her attitude, and Ronald naturally did not continue to decline.

  "Then let's start with the content of the first chapter."

  "First of all, in terms of the applicability of the content, the chapter of commodities and currency introduces the concepts of value and labor, which is the basic foundation for the content of the entire book. But to be honest, what it talks about is most applicable to Grid in today's world. The productivity levels of other backward areas are not enough to demonstrate the core process of change..." In the woods outside

  Waterfall City , Ronald looked at the content in the book and told Shi Tier his understanding from the most popular point of view.

  This is a very slow process.

  On the one hand, it is due to the knowledge level of Ronald and Stir, but also because of the dense amount of information in the original text.

  Until the distant sky lit up with dawn, they had only roughly finished the first chapter.

  In the process, Ronald also mastered the first spell of this original book.

  [Abstract Value] -

  This spell does not have any direct attack or defense effects.

  But just like the systematic spell system of "The Origin of Species" requires vitality as its foundation, this is also the basic core of the spell system of "Das Kapital".

  As long as the caster uses this spell, then with the caster as the center, all activities of both the enemy and ourselves, even behaviors such as breathing, walking, heartbeat, thinking, etc., will accumulate value and converge on the caster. At the same time, the value is not the embodiment of magic power, and it is difficult for others to discover the rules of action of this spell.


  "Ms. Shitil?"

  At this time, a call came from the woods.

  Due to time constraints, two men in simple clothes came from behind looking for a way.

  Found Ronald and Stir who were still discussing the content of the original text.

  Faced with this situation, Shitil immediately put away the original book. Ronald looked at the expressions of the two men and had a clear understanding in his heart.

  Shi Tier must be a very important figure in the resistance now, so these two men with serious faces and magic power fluctuations in their bodies came over immediately after dawn.

  They didn't allow Shitil to make any mistakes.

  "Mr. Ronald, it seems that today's discussion can only end here."

  Shitil naturally understood that it was late.

  Nodding slightly to say goodbye to Ronald, she finally whispered:
  "I already know your residence in Waterfall City, see you later."

  Ronald also responded:
  "Then let's see you later."

  Snap -

  just When they were about to leave, Ronald heard some noises.

  The activated power of 'Rage' instantly expanded its range, and then towards Waterfall City, he found a small group of people approaching the place quickly.

  Indifference, hostility, anger...

  Ronald had seen this mentality many times in Waterfall City. He didn't even need to do more analysis to guess that this was Entrod's agent.

  These people are here for Shitil!
  Ronald's expression suddenly changed when he realized this.

  Shitil, who was just about to leave, also realized the changes in things at this moment.

  "Mr. Ronald, please don't take action."

  However, unexpectedly, Shitil did not ask Ronald for help, and his attitude was very serious:
  "This is a struggle that the Entrodians themselves must go through."

  "It's not aimed at you, but accepting too much external help will only have a bad impact on people. In the future, Entrod needs to have the ability to stand up on his own!" Is

  this ideological awareness too in place?

  To be honest, Ronald was ready to help just now, and he didn't even mind having a conflict with Entrod.

  But Shitil...

  the words of the resistance leader fundamentally stopped him from taking action.

  "Liner, Constantine, you go southwest, we will support you there." "

  I will take care of these enemies!"


  At this time, Shitil also made arrangements.

  The two companions who came to find her immediately obeyed the order, turned around and fled into the woods.

  On the other hand, Sitil herself had a completely different kind of sinister magic after she took back Das Kapital, and she turned around and walked in the direction of Agent Entrod.


  Ronald saw all this.

  Shitil's behavior of covering the retreat of his companions, from a utilitarian point of view, was a leader putting himself in danger in order to protect the safety of his men.

  This is never a wise choice for a leader.

  But I have to admit it.

  A leader with such character in an organization.

  For the people gathered together, this must be the leader they are most willing to support.

  (End of chapter)

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